
Pag: THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, December 4h. 1937 Engineering Engagements THE WAY OF HOLINESS GAMBLING DEN RAIDED (AONYI jo ənss! wody panuguoy)
MERCURY FOR MARINE POWER Petition for Lower Rate of Rental on Faja del Gobierno along Trinidadian Athletes for Australia which The Team GALAPAGOS TORTOISE THREATENED Our energetic Comandante of Po lice, Colonel Arturo Loris, is determined to put down this vice at Valuations: Denouncements; Estimates: Land If a man should change. ber, clean and upright, virtasas all costs; on Monday last he cleall ways for that of Holine just und sceful?
verly raided the Cieneguita Bridge Levels: Hydrograpliic Measurements; Surveys; there can be no reasonable ar What objection can be raluca Igambling stronghold and took sevpument made aga nst his doing to one giving up hatred wrath jeml of the players before the auth Projections for Tramways, Roads. so Can there be any fault found strife and envy drunkness orities. This is the third raid he has with one loving God with and such evil things, and becam successfully carried out within a Water Works. Buildings; Heliographic one toel, mind and stragth log a leving joyful, patient, short period, and was the most inwith one living one n. igh meek, faithful and Christe tricate for due to the situation of Tracings: Mining.
tcar as hm e. 1? Can there be being? These are those of whom the Bridge the approach of the Po anything sala a zainst one that the Church of God is composed lice Officials could be seen from all Properties Bought and Sold.
strictly honest, sincere and truth, therefore let us endeavour to quarters, but the capture was well ful? Is there anything to be arwalk in its ways.
planned: supposed gamblers were Any of the above undertaken on Contract gued aga nsone who keps 30: Williant Sewart sent to take part in the games and or Commission.
the den was then overpowered from within and without It was rather amusing to see the Rafael Roig fruitless attempts to escape when Member of the Faculty of Engineers of Costa Rica An invention which will per in boilers would make it post the time was called Some were mit the use of Mercury as the ble to extend the new hot cole caught in wire entanglements and Box 523. San Jo e power for the driving of shipscule principle with the installa half broken zinc fencings and had Telephones 2929, 3201 wa, announci last month fo ion of mercury in exia ing to be extricated.
re the Society of Naval Archi steam hips.
tects and Marine Engineers of Seguro New York. It is cialmed that otra by substituting Mercury Sor Maestro. ver, Tomasio, steam the cost of chipping Las Cortes de Justicia em si tienes diez patatas y tie ies would be reduced considerably piezan a reconocer el derecho que repartirlas por partes iguawithout ail. cling the ques ion de los peatones.
les entre tres personas. cual of speed Sólo falta que el derecho sería la solución?
Bagineer William Emmet sea rconocido también en las Tomasito. Puré, señor.
The following Petition is charges on the Assitencia Publi disclosed calles being numerously signed by the ca Social of the Republic. We of Schenectady, woo our the matter, sald improvements occupiers of the firty foot strips invest our savings from of land along the Railway Li small earnings on the surroun José chion Ng.
nes, on which they have conding farms in the building of trucftd residences aad brought moderate homes and accommo Comerciante Detailista intocistence villages, from dations for our families, who otherwise been have The Sporting Authoritie, in Messrs. the Supreme govern might Cumberbatch Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, the funds of the tre Bri h West Indian Iland Sprint Champion, who will take Articulos de Ferreteria y ment as well as the Municipalithrown on Trinidad have decid:d public ties Receive large revenues: assistence of country for to part in the 100 and 220 yard. Eléctricos todo se encuentra team of Ath. etes o Noel Slaniord, who will compete! en este establecimiento.
To the Secretary of State in in your hospitals and other Ins send a the despatch of Fomento an Atitutions of beneficence.
the British Empire Gan che in the mic track, and AshP. XEIO DE SITUACION held in Sydney, Austria, dur mead for the running broari griculture, LIM ON Your ExcellencyWe, as principally Coloured ing the month of February next jump Inmigrants and sons of those year.
wm consist of we four humble Petitioners who were induced here to asthe humbly pray that your recent sist in the development of a Tuling demanding payment of a resouces of the country at rental for the lots we occupy time when it was not condusive Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX in the Faja del Gobierno in the to the existence of the sons of the soil to reside in these reGUAYAQUIL, Ecuador. An descendants of cattle, dogs.
trajecto del be moABOGADO expert wolf hunter from thehogsburros and cats brought dified from the following facts. gions in consequence of clim This ruling bear very heavi tic insalubrity, and as a result y NOTARIO PUBLICO Western United States may be by ships that have visited the hired to lead a campaign. archipelago. The wild dogs run ly on us, who for many years of which thousands of our fors gainst the packs of wild dogs in packs of fifty and sixty. Mahave settled on these strips of bears have paid the supreme pe land unmolestedly, and would nalty, deem such a measure as Oficina: Altos Pas on the Galapagos Islands, ac ny of them are splendid beasts cording to El Telegrafo. and look like Great Danes, alseem if not illegal, unreasona being particularly directed cual Ingianna pray One of the reasons for kilthough somewhat smaller. The ble to us because had we been gainst us. We therefore ling off the wild dogs is to sa packs bay loudly when on the made aware of the existence of you will decree such modifica this law of 1921, we would have tions to this measure as will ve the giant Galapagos tortoise, run and especially when hunmade other arrangements render our life more in keep planted on each lot so as to the oldest living animal in the ting. Any living animal in their for our settlements; but we have ing with the Fatherhood of Goa beautify the strips. The aged world today, from extermina path is food for them.
to be lion. The dogs dig up the tor These ravenous beats kill been all to settle on these and the Brotherhood of man; and crippled occupiers the iguana and other animals lands thereby formulating thri. more in keeping with the Di free from rental on the recomtoise eggs from the sand, whe ving districts from which Universe mendation of the Local Authore they have been laid to halen. représentative of the islands vine plan that this the and also kill the young tortoi animals that exist no place else.
Supreme as well as the Munici was ordained for the free uses rity.
While we have the honour to se.
of Divine Creation.
If these are not saved they wil pal governments derive much Although, according to We would beg to point revenue by way of Dr. soon be lost to science and the out be your humble petitioners.
Licenses, Charles Townsend, citizens, world etc. as a consequence of the that as law a biding 10, 000, 000 of the giant tortoise commercial life of these comwe realize the State must be BOOTH have been taken for food by munities supported by the inhabitants whalers and other ships au We also view with great sur thereof, therefore we would sug Best killed by the island inhabitants, prise the fact that the governgest that for the privileges we Bired the wild hogs and dogs are thej GUACIMO GUAP. LES ment places as a rate of rental enjoy on this Faja, an annual greated threat to their existen.
Berlin for lands used for agricultural rental of One Dollar or rits e.
ce. Dr. Townsend led an ex0quivalent be charged us for pursuits the sum of fifty ceata Bread pedition to the islands in 1928 Contina, Licores per hectarea for Cacaco, Cocos, the occupancy of say up to fifty Puris and brought away 180 tortoise Extranjeros y del país.
etc. with a freedom from rutes meters longitudinal and bey.
Tienda bien surtida.
to be placed in colonies in Tecuits Cakes of those oceupied in minor crops mindred two dollarsannually, ond fifty but not exceeding one.
xas, California, Arizona and Abarroles en general.
such as vegetables of all kiads, with the understanding that The. People Bakery Florida, yet we are charged, after the fruit and other useful trees be Box 179. Limun Curiously, the only Precios sin competencia wild arate of 100 colones per hecta nimals on the islands are the rea on this Faja, although we assist to form districts to adorn the diferent settlements along Nos permitimos hamar su alención a la nola al dorso the Railway lines, thus enlage We bep to call your talenten 10 cur remerk at the back de su rec bo que dice: ing the sceneries of the courtry of receipt which reads.
and aiding Nacional Turis Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office mo as well as augmenting the cina dentro de los primeros 10 días economie prospects of the com before the 10th, of the month munal life of the nation.
de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not We are all very poor OLD Le tog os recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pera.
oblige ws to suspend our service step which ple, who, by dint of thrift and de tener que cortar su servicis.
we would much regret to take.
industry, set an example of set support to the citizens of this beloved country in matters eco nomic and so avoid becoming Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
aLUIS WA CHONG Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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