
37 ETHIOPIANS COMPLETE RE MARKABLE TREK Acabamos de recibir DED The Ruin of the.
Un surtido variado de juguetes.
of Po de de YAvelino de la Peña Co. Sucs.
An Appreciation from Nicaragua EDGAR YOUNG SCHOOL CLOSING EXERCISES Dr. MEDAL Jr: Limón Base Ball League impia Trejos, at the Rafael y Caribe SAIRUPI. Kenya. After an epic trek that took them over mountabe odds were overcome three months to complete in the The Ehiopian reruges arriv face of rough country and Fased here in several bands. Some cist detachments, 1000 Ethiopian of the bands had struggled Las conocidas medias de seda «Clarisa. men, womer and chiidren cross southward from Harar, evading (From Page ed the frontier of Kenya Colony Italian columns where possible, Telas elegantes para vestidos de señora.
rried the freight to eight dol late in July and were interncd fighting them where necessary Lienzo para sábanas. Sombrillas en esturs.
by the British authorities, it was and raioing Italian supply trains when short of We fully remember when our learned this week.
supp:ies. As a ches para regalos de Navidad.
he teemed friend, ex. Deputy The trek, one of the most re neans of transport they had que ad ex. Governor, don Manuel markable in modern history. Isly a few mules, donkeys and or No deje de visitarnos antes de hacer sus compras rsco. Quesada, became ship surpassed in distance traveled ses, as well as small herds of cat of ing Agent for some Line of and numbers involved only by tle, for food Po bats which coffee the march of the Chinese took our Red crossed Some of the parties across Central tom Puntarenas at sixty shil wrmjes and the frontier at remote points, years They were found by British na ngs while the ordinary figu pouthwestern China two ind ranged from 120 to 125 shil ego. In both cases almost surtive police and disarmed. sco re ol machine guns, one anti air ngs. This arrangement howCraft gun and modern rifles ver fell through in consequence with laige quantity of ammube our present President, then uition constitted their arma Mr. Nation, or spiritual. Provided it is rignt linister of Fomento and Admi men.
Editor of The Atlantic Voice, ang proper that we should have istrator of the Pacific Railway, re COMERCIANTE Limon, Costa Rica.
all we solicit in confidence, the od ringing about some stipulapor más de 20 años Half of the refugees are WOre is no failure there.
ad ons which caused the ships to Establecido en la Provincia 11 our Father takes care of the men and children. Several chu! Dear Siryithdraw. Why can not don Ma Vende al detal, Vinos y Lidren were bom en route and T! is impossible to keep from lit le sparrows how much noreuel be again called in to use cores extrunjeros y del país, abarrotes en general. o hers have been born since.
writing you these few lines to us. Genoid what manner of Love is good offices with the same MISCELANEA The British Government has show my appreciation or your the Father hath bestowed upon ine of Steamers and secure us stablecimiento esquina decided to place the refugees in thoughts Living in the conscious that we should be called substantive reduction in rates, Norte del Mercado. a central camp at Isio. o. 150 mi usness of Divine Supply pub lsa The Sons of God.
which would also in due course Entre 40 les south of the Ethiouian fron ed in your paper issue of the May the Light and Power of efect the Atlantic quotations, tier.
16th October past. It is a spi cur Creator laed an keep you Such an endeavour would we ritual truth and when recognizon His oceans of Love, achidunguunuur ர கப மல ல ல ICED fre sure stop this panic which ed and practised, will lead to Sincereny your now exists among our large Cof heights undreamed of; possibly Albert Neilson Fee Producers, the Congressiointo God own heart, the soural Representatives and the Exce of all supply, be it material Bluefields, Noy. 1937 fecutive Council, whose sole deMuch pomp and display we scholars of our public School sire is to find the resources re exhibited during the past from the Kinder Class right with which to meet the obligafortnight in preparation for up to the manual labours in tions of the government.
the expositions of the many and bandicrafts by those of the upvarious works effected by the per grades.
Both Departments, the one Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist the. ODe la Universidad de Loyola, From Layola University, New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, Yglesias School, and the other Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional TEAMS GAMES PLAYED Wox LOST PERCENTAGE under Director Terencio Peral fesionales en su moderna Services in his New Upta at the Escuela de Varones Cubs Clínica Dental instalada 0 000 to Date Dental Clinic.
seen to have entered into a se5 contiguo a la oficina 0. 800 Located next to the Motive Pewer. del Cable. 2 600 rious competition for suprenia All America Cables cy in their different spheres of Pathfinders 2 0. 400 labour, and while the students Linifruitco. 1 0. 200 are to be for complimented Surtidora. 7 0. 000 their real enterprise and amSCORE OF GAMES PLAYED bition too much praise cannot FROM PAGE 7, the Americans. They were last be showered on the teachers, be not. gravely hurt. He was la known to be in a Missoury ren Motive Power Surtidora professors and Directors for Caribe ter reported to be improving at dezvous at Mokanshan, near the 13 Surtidora.
painstaking and patient skill they all exhibited in the the Burger hospital where he Chekiang Anwhei Province Cubs 13 Pathfinders instructions given in the dif was taken for treatment.
Pathfinders 17 Unifruitco ferent classes of work.
Unifruitcon 24 Surtidora. To enumerate each itern NEW YORK. Seventeen ANTIOCH Turkish, ArCubs (7 innings)
11 Motive Power would engage this entire issue, bodies awaited burial on the menian and Arabian DignitaCaribe 13 Unifruitco therefore all we can say is that ist. instant, as mayor La Guar ries of Alexandretta asked the Cubs 19 Surtidora.
the Inspector of Schools must dia threatened to declare an League of Nations to remove Cubs 12 Caribe.
feel proud in being designated emergency in a four day strike the nch lou until the Motive Power. Unifruilco.
1to so intellectual a centre, and of 350 grave diggers and other new Autonomous State could Cubs 16 Unifruitico the country elated in the know employees of Greenwood Ceme choose a flag of her own AnPathfinders 14 Surtidora 11 ledge of having produced such tery, Brooklyn. The unburied tioch authorities who pulled Caribe 14 Pathfinders. talented sons and daughters.
dead were placed in temporary down the Syrian flag on the 1st Motive Power 12 Surtidora Last Sunday the Theatru Ar reserve vaults as relatives and inst. the first day of Alexan Cubs (6 innings)
12 Pathfinders.
2rasty was thronged to its utrl friends pressed for a settlement dretta independence, Caribe (11 innings. raised 11 Surtidora. most with visitors, parents and of the strike which had been the French flag and employed Cubs 12 Motive Power guardians to witness the last called to avert seasonal layoffs heavy details of police to keep exercises prior to the vacations of the cemetery staff.
Nore. There are 30 League Games scheduled of which the aspect of the stage surroun order. The Sanjak, State of Alex 17 have been played. The changes which occur in the posi dit:gs was indeed pleasing and andretta, was proclaimed autoPARIS.
lions of the Clubs will be shown weekly.
Two more Hotch nomous by the French High Com reflects the highest praise for kiss machine guns, apparently missioner for Syria under the the ability of Mr. Cruz and the stolen from French Army Arse decision of the League of NaGames Scheduled for Dec. Teachers. Our Gevernor, Mir nals, were found on the 2nd. tions of last May.
Ricardo Alvarado, along with inst in forest near St. Germai9 a. UNIFRUITICO vcrsus PATHFINDERS the Presidents of our Municine. en. Lays. similar wea come Syria and Lebanon are to be 12. 30 CARIBE versus CUBS independent of Educational French pal and Boards, soevovo.
pon was part of an arms and mandate in 1939.
took an active parti en presen munition cache uncovered last ting the prizes. As a Limonenthe se, born and bred, don Ricar week in the basement of do must have felt truly proud Paris home of Pierre Parent, an to view the officiency and cul Architect.
ture of the people he governs.
LAWYER NOTARY The Program closing Cho SHANGHAI Alarm was PUBLIC rus Adios Compañeros. ren being felt for the safety of 13 Office: dered in aspirit of true comra Americans, mostly women and bl.
deship. was expecially pathe children, marooned in an isolat tic. We could not but retieeted region in the center of the Adjoining to the City dil on the harmony which must ha Chinese Japanese fighting. MisPublic Library bla ENGLISH SPOKEN ve existed on at the Mount to have merited the spontaneous sion headquarters, and the FORMER JUDGE OF THE LIMON expression from the Apostle Consulate General expressed an LIMON DISTRICT COURT Lord it is good for us to be siety after more than a week here.
had passed without word from Ovo 01 WIRELESS NEWS. the Francisco Fonseca Ch: TOYS, XMAS CARDS PRESENTS New lot being opened up every day JACK ORANE STORE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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