
THE ENTIRE ETHIOPIA REVOLTS were the BE UP DOING YE YOUNG MEN some 19 EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ By the New Times and Ethiopia General Graziani attempted to vi Italian government. As the News News it is reported that the enti sit the affected areas but on being Chronicle has it, there are 3, 000, 000 RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ re Province of Tigre is in tevol advised of the dangers ho visited Ethiopians still loyal to Haile Selas is said some non commissionel Massawa and Asrpara where he sie and struggling against Italian bogados Notarios Lawyers Public Notates SAN JOSE LIMON and ordered drinks whereupon the was running so he returned to Dji costing Italy 10, 500, 000 monthly, SAN JOSE LIMON Oltcina en Limon Italian Officers who there bouti and will try to go by airplan, so that all capital in Italy and the Office in Limon adjoins drove them out. Later, it was given to Dessie, which is almost in pos reserves of Joint Stock Companies Conntiguo cia Munici that of the Municipality out that an Italian Officer had dis sible in these rainy seasons. An have got to pay ten per cent taxes. palidad (frente al Parque) opposite the Park ad honoured the wife of a Tigre Chief Italian troops have been removed This is no El Dorado says who had been made Commander of from Harrar and Mogadisho and Manchester Guardian.
te a division and was away from home and are being rushed toward toson government duty. On returning mara and Addis Abeba. All who ve he immediately called a council of can be got are being recruitel as war among all the other Chiefs and soldiers.
Hamaslen soldiers, who had been It is expected that Harrar may armed by Italy to conquer the Em be attacked at any moment so the After listening to a remarkare indulging in their Quix filiate themselves with pire for her. As a result Makale. Governor has appealed to the towns anent the young men of today, ces they endeavour to have properly organized Club or Lod Adowa and Adegrat have been re people and the tribes to bring in should like to say, through other or rather the same meetge. They should also become captured and all the arms and am men to fight the danger. Fighting this medium why these ings repeated in the Canteens. netive asociates with our recog munition taken away by the diffe is also reported from Addis Sabin membres of our human fa The younger men on noticing nized Churches, irrespective of ren Chiefs.
and Sokotta where the Abyssinians mily are not as they should such conduct will not be ambr the sarcactic remarks which Ras Seyoum who was in one of are attacking in small columns day be.
Bad habitsare easi tious to become members. They may be said of them. Today is the Prison Camps at Rome was sent and night.
ly adopted, so if the older men will feel that the business of the time in which we should do by airplane to Ethiopia to quell the Dessie has been surrounded and would but display greater and these Societies should be kept what we can. Lets forget the uprising, but on being put in char Wallou warriors are making re more genuine examples or within the Rooms and not be dead past and do something.
ge he too révolted and is again peated sorties for its capture, good conduct, our younger ones subjected to such broadcastings Dont let us be too circumscriMo Righting on the side of his country From these reports it is evident would feel it incumbent on In so far as the older men bed by the old saying will Ethiopia is no bed of roses for the them to follow in the prope Cherch going is concerned, the walk in the footsteps of my fath pathway.
majority who do go, only doler Let create our own chaMost of our older men do not so for the opportunity of disraeters and adopt some educa go to Church and there are no cussing the Minister after tive activity so we may leave good Clubs where they may at wards.
examples for our still younger tend. The Lodge is their only Despite, however, these and folk to follow.
has obtained its rapid and great popularity by hav rendezvous, where they go once other disadvantages, our young ing cured an immense number of persons who sufin a while, and then only for men should get together and af ATAC fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These the purpose of criticising or sit now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from ting and seconding such such complaints as tions as may be submitted by COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, the head of the Society. They LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, ellow one man to do all the talBILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION king and planning to suit his Town purposes, then when they Next to LA PROVEEDORA New and Complete Assortment of Lumber men THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE moLUMBER DEPOSIT SAITA United Fruit Co. Makes.
Cristobal and colombian ports.
From page maintained with the fleet Measurements less than feet at 0. 25 per foot to the New Orlcans Cristobal run enhancing the enducement four vessels hitherto operating This measure will accommodathe York Cristobal celomban on he East Coast, They are the service in the matter of luxurycanship te the fast growing Gulf trade.
Zacapa. Turtoloa AN UNFORTUNATE and comfort offering facilities for large num Abangares and Atenas.
The West coast freight bers oi cruise passengers from sery Another important feature of wes.
the southerr. and middie ACCIDENT ice, so important in its facilities general snake up lies for transporting refrigerated ear the transfer of the popular iltem state in addition to filling go will continue to function as ners Toloa and Ulua, until recen the ever increasing demand ir before, weekly sailings to betly operating betw en New York Crisotal and New Orleans.
une way transporation between Riding on the top of a freight 103 liners TC va and Ums LIMON car on a train coming in on Saturboth vessels of 10, 000 tons wi.
day last, young Venegas (Viriato) be the largest ships in the New son of the Engineer had his hat Orleans Cristobal passenger tra fábrica de Hielo blown off by the wind and in atThey wil operate in conjunc tempting to catch it, he fell off the tion with the Steamship Sana Refrescos car on the platform at Estrada. He Maria and Sixaola on virtually succumbed to his injuries during To Colon via Bocas del Toro in the name itineraries as are alw the night of Tuesday. His body in effect. Transfer of the Toloa was sent by the Company to San Motorship Bocas del Toro José for interment on Wednesday and Ulua, still among the best liked vessels inne titet will morning The ATLANTIC VOICE tendspoll increased comiort for Guit tiavel since practically ers its sincere condolence to the every Leaves Limón January 26th. Arr ves Colón January 28th.
LA FLORIDA bereaved father as well as the other stateroom on both ships is equip Leaves Colón February 9th Arrives Limón February 11th.
ped wi it, private bath members of the family Fábrica de Hielo wis the completion of these FIRST CLASS 15. 00 plans Unied Fruit Company exe Venta de Leche CUBA IMPOSES SECOND CLASS 10. 00 cutives diclade the company will LANDING TAX 1:ave reroute its fleet so effecti BOOK NOW. SPACE IS LIMITED vely as to best meet he demands of is most discerning parons whi sent day travel and maritime No restrictions as to Nationality Each passerger le filling the requirements of pre con merce.
will be required to deposit oo at time of Bockirg.
Cuba is said to have issued a As Ship has been chartered solely for the Excursionists decree stiluting a Tax of fifty from Limon, no pas ergers will be taken ou at Bocas JAMAICAN AGRICULTURISTS cents on each transit passenger del Toto so there will be no evet crowding.
who goes ashore in that RepuAll arrangements as to Passport and Re Entry Perblic, according to a notice given mit will as formerly, be taken care of by the Promoters.
their employee; by the ExecuciShip will stop at Bocis del Toro for not more than a tion was fully and freely discu ve Office of the Panama Cacouple of hours goitig and coming KINGSTON. By invitation, ssed, Sir Allan bums stating nal.
Councillor Coleman Bcecher the requiremnest of British Hon DoDont miss this chance to see the Great atten led at King House and duraz in regard to development invited Mr. Beecher to visit Olympic Games which commence February discussed with His Excellency Siro: iands, the crops that may be British Her duras and go into Allan Burns, Governor of 4th Also the Carnival.
Bri economicalls handled and the the matter on the spot, Mr. Bee tis Honduras the projec!
For further Information see or write Mr.
for transport facilities, internal and cher accepted the invitation and settling Jamaican agriculturists in regard to the big Empire mar will take staps to visit HonduI. Nelson. Box 529. Limon, er Mr. ROGE in the sister colony, Mr. Del kets.
ras as soon as possible.
valle, Actfac Town Clerk, accom Counc! lior Beecher dealt with panied Mr. Beecher.
Jamaica side and at the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas der Ministero de Cultura yudendo cos nar Burns Round Trip y Maderas FOR Br. HONDURAS the Jamalende of the project Imp. LA TRIBUNA


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