
The Warring Factions and The Prospects of More Wars The Atlantic Voice Conflict in the Far East WIRELESS NEWS are OUR WATER WORKS en We are daily in receipt of up of a monarchial governadvices of so puzzling a nature ment once again in this ill fa Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlanta garding the manoeuverings ted corner of Europe, while it of the warring factions that it is said that pamphlets are being Editor English Section: SC. NATION thems wise not to pay any at dropped by planes over Burtention to the information so gess, the Headquarters of the Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday December 11th 1937 171 esclosed.
Franco party. stating that From Spain it will be repor Spain il now demanding the Wri on one day that either Ma Treturn of Gibraltar.
drid, Barcelona or the Aragon In the British Parliament it region was subjected to a ter was explained that Germany tific bombardment, while from claim for the return of her Co mother source it will be said lonies involves a number of the It is reported that the great support to have encountered li The that in consequence of the ve other nations therefore Chinese Commander ty tempestuous and snowy at Visit of the French Ministers city of Nanking has fallen to Le resistance in the final attack Chianz Shek and his brave wimosphere. all fronts are rela was required to fur ther the Jap nase who are preparing as most of the Chinese troops fe ba y escaped capture when Sely quiet discuss the hatter It was to take full control. They were had previously abandoned the the pane in which they were in agreement has been rea at the same time stated that traven from the ill fated city thes regarding the repatriation Lord Halifax had visited Berwas cha ed by two belonging to lall foreigners who are en lin Merely as a further means the Javanese caged helping one side or the of maintaining the peoče of the It is Yunioured that overtures other in Spain, but the matter world.
are being made to the Japaneproceeding so slowly that the conference between the se for a cessation of host Dities both contestants making British and French Ministers under an agreement of Peace.
strenuous efforts to so utilize reforred particularly, it is un LONDON. Royal prerogatives arouse by an attack on a wain the services of these men in derstood, to matters of a pos co not embrace special privileges carrying the British Charge A thousand Ru sian war plathe meantime as to achieve so sible world wide conflict and King George has decided, es a Affaires in China. He reported nes have beer, sent to the aid of Chinese and the Soviet governmo decisive gains. There is no resulted in fresh evidence of cons quence of the proo. en on his arrival in Hong Kong Never the suggestion that a the unity of attitude and out crearea when police forced iasi that Japanese planes had dropp ment is expectina cash with truce is being called and an look which characterize Anglo drivers to desert their stand in a bomb in front of and behind the Japs at any moment an Mongolia territory.
ai mistice arranged though Ge French relations. Both govern front of a smart Wet Blad vight his speciai train Protests teral Franco is making a for ments re affirmed their desire Club because the Duchess of against both incidents have been No hing further has been repiidable offensive to capture to co operate for a solution by Kent dining there, had parked lodged.
ported regarding the outrage Diadrid. Then comes the furt free and peoceful negotiations. ner car outside. The King hoid: rund occupation of the Intem to Her news of an understanding The House was also informed thai hi, Royal rida ives will ha nal territory in Sanghalin etween Franco and Britain in by the Premier that they fully, ve to take their chancs on mu which the British da med rigats 11onnection with a commercial recognized the gravity of the in3 parking space unice they. WASHINGTON. On return of possesion to the Post Office arrangement and the setting Far Eastern situation and Bri ore in official missions.
ing to the White Hou e after a and Customs by virtue of her To Page shortened vacation in the South, financial advances. esident Roosevelt submited LCNI ON man who ia a examination center1894 threatened the site of Qu. cn ed on a guin pocket sti dirain ITALY TO QUIT Mic cria and was ordered detain ing after a tooth extraction This unpleasant phase of adequate supply for our city quring Her Majesty peaa November 18th Ray pictures LEAGUE OF NATIONS pur City life is still much dis is set at only 360, 000 colones re died a Broadmoor Crimi taken determine whether cussed. The Commission of as against the earlier figure al Lunatic Asylum on the he jaw one should be scrap Engineers, five in number of one million, which the hinstrant. Hc was Harry to prevent preading of any infec including Mr. Munch, our President had tromised to Carter and has reached the uge tion.
From Paris comes the informa expert in such matters, have provide. The cost being now. years tion that Musolini has resolysubmitted their report to the placed at just one. une ed to definitely abandon the Minister of Public Works, but earlier estimate, it is to be CMVE Mussolini has or League of Nicions in consequenhow long it will be before hoped the Public Works dedered his Faseist Council to ce it is believed of his fature activities are commenced is partment will immediately SHANGHAI British indiniai. et on the 15th. instant to te secure England r cognition uite another problem Our start operations for as it is tion rose to a pitch on the oth ociton people are in the meantime, stipulated that the work will instant cver the on the serious finaa cf his alleged conquet of Ethio without bathing facilities: take one year, we shall inave two Bush owned ships in the known to be worried over bombing of nancial crisis in Italy. He is pla as well as on account of his our sanitary conveniencies in to continue suffering for this Yanga liver near Wuhu One financial condition of the coun se matte:s garding the Meditheir. bilylty to satisfactoriiy y arm awful condition; our laun further period.
ves3 was set on fire and dresses suffering the most the try and the increasing cost of terranean serious inconveniences and Without an adequate sup. ships were carrying Chinese re it was reported Mussolini other pierced by a bu. The the huge rarmament program Mussolini supposed to be our housewives compelled to ply of water and an efficient was of the opinion that his enti Com sce that all water required for electric lighting, the residents Union Jacks prominentiy. Heavy cent Bank note tax in an effort ed the political position of fugees bu: diplayed British planning to levy a new ten per munistic Fact has so strengthen drinking purposes is proper of our city will virtually be he ly boiled to avoid a scourge between the devil and casualties were reported.
the Addi to raise more money, but this nations concerned that there is of kidney diseases.
deep blue for at least anothe.
tional indignation was has been denied by the govern Selle to be had from his contiThe estimated cost of 2n on months men nuing with the ague.
RECORD FOR JAMAICA BANANAS ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP As we saw it estimated so(Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
SERVICIO DE VAPORES me time ago, Banana exporations from Tamaica hava Solidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK passed the 25, 000. 000 mark, con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA hus creating another reord fo rthis industry in that Llevando café para todos los puertos mall Island. From the first Europeos y Americanos veek of January to 27th. NoVAPORES SALIDAS rember of the current year he shipments totalled 25, 035. 903 stems, and it is exQUIRIGUA Diciembre 12 rected that by the end of the PETEN Diciembre 19 present month, the total will VERAGUA reach 26, 750. 000 stems.
Diciembre 26 The previous record was 24, 760. 939 stems in the year PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
1930. The prices then paidi ontractors averaged two shi CORRALES ings and three farthings per Vapor VENEZUELA Dicbre. 11 Diciembre 17 ount bunch, but this year, as Llevando café únicamente paro Londres result of the sliding scale Vapor COSTA RICA Dicbre. 25 igreed on between the seveFELIPE ALVARADO y Cia. Suc. al Companies, the average Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 Agentes para Limón y Puntarenos ose to two shillings and ten Agentes ED. JANIN Cº rence. about seventy Para otros informes dirijase o las oficines de la ive cents.
FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG United Fruit Compony en los bajos del In so fars Costa Rica Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
rade is concerned, we see it Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia. ba TELEFONO 3156 has just been stated that the shipments made during the amounted 185, 049. 674 stemstal reaching 7, 000. 000 by the same period of eleven months with the possibility of the to close of the year.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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