
Italy Definitely Secedes from League Vaice ike Atlantic The Honduras. Nicaraguan Dispute Lle.
The Warfare in Spain Every kind of fantastic speculation is current regarding Mussolini intention for defintely severing connections Bevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic with the Assembly of Nations Italy Dictator counts, of course, on the friendship of Editor English Section: C. NATION Hitler in all his intrigues, information of a private nature says he has offered to cede Juboland, a strip of East AfriYear IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday December 18th. 1937 No. 175 can desert, to Germany, in order to renew that country footing on that continent and help in further irritating the British. The still for from explained visit of Lord Halifax to Berlin however mystifies him, as clso Foreign Minister Eden statement in his recent conference with Dino Thanks to the good offices of present conflict by pacific approveri the decision arrived at Grandi, when he made it quite clear that however much his the Mediation Committee, this means designated by usage of by the Committee, and is mcm government was anxious and willing to enter into more ra mer dul cate matter has been international rights, leaving to bers have been congratulated friendly relationship with the Italian government, in no barmoniously settled between Honduras the reservations con fortheir wise and pacur. media agreement between the two countries could there be any the tw) Sister Republics.
signed her by the general Treation in the matter especially Cos Minisconsideration given to the Ethiopian conquest or the recogThe Peace Pact, consisting of ty of International Arbitration ta Rica President and 5th Ja ver o! Fore gn Affairs LIOS nition by Britain of Italy African Empire.
aine clases was signed by the subcded to on the deputation from the nuary 1929 at Washington efforts shone most brilliantly in This attitude of Britain is said to have so aggravated disputing Ine residents and countries and the delegation of govern their diplomatic advices and pea Mussolini as to have been the cause of his threatening to ments of both countries have coful suggestions.
the Con. mlitee composedas break relations with Russia and France, now that he is no prevoius y stated of our Milonger connected with the League. Italy absence from nister of Foreign Affairs that International Body is just what Britain desires, as she Tobla; Zúñigr. Montufar; the has been of serious handicap to its harmonious operations United States Deputy Mr.
Advice by way of London ofensive heas about starting on Franc Carrigan, and the Deputy state all the frontiers between the various fronts.
more so since her Ethiopian aggression. Mussolini attitude from, Venezuela, Dr. José Santia France, Frotugal, Gibral arra Meautime the Republican for regarding the international policing of the Mediterranean go Roiriguez the territory in possesioa o ces are said to be making muu. earned that project the ridicule of the world. is hypocritiThe folowing are the Clauthe Tlacionalists have been con headway in the offensive con cal agreements with the Non intervention Committee deses pletely civsed. This is said ially initiated in the Teruel suc cisions at the London conferences made such activities meArt. A Reciprocal agree certain quarters to be the. tor which occupies a position of re fiascos, while his representation at the conference in ment by both nations to with suit of the discovery of senso much strategte importance to Brussels of the Nine signatorial Powers to the Pact under draw ali t:oops from the terri subversive movemen. among the Nationa. ist. From the head tory in dispute.
certain foreign elements, We quarters of the Nationalis which Japan recognized the territorial integrity of China it Art. Both Nations will others regard it as indicating is, however announced that thcir and vouched non cggression in the Far East also brought abstain from further General Franco intention prepara.
of forces hace obtained certain suc ridicule on that meeting. Britishers, therefore, hail the with tions for war prohibiting the divu grice ci cesses in a series of counter at drawal of Italy from the League as a great relief to interArt. Welther nation information regarding the big tacks national politics, and the safety of all nations.
wil It is an understood fact that from the time the discusbuy raterials of war for the sions took place at the League regarding Italy aggressinext six months.
Art. Neither nation will veness in Ethiopia, when she was condemned and subjected permit war planes to fly over to certain punishment, the governments at Rome and LonMoscow, The American Colony NEW YORK. The hear n: the frontier of either country. To nago)
here are alarmed by the far of the extradition Proceedings Art Lach nation will gi that Mr and Mrs Donald Robin agains Cubas LX Pre iden, O200. 00 000. 000. 000 ve ample protection to nationals son who recently dropp out of Gel Geraigo Machado, of other found have come the buen postponed to January 10.
within their borders first Ameriean victims of the So at tae request of the keprecen Rrt. Dach nation wil in viet purge. ih Ima tative of the Cuban governich sist o newspapermen and roll demanded a thorough investiga. after Macheco chief Cow Among those who leave our sho back to restime his important odifusion stations desi ting tion. The Soviet Foreign Of ce offered a certified copy of a res today are our ms appro duties by in middle of Janua from offensive publications denied linow. cdge of the wszre Cuoan Court Judgmeat annull ciated Minister of Haci nda. ry. bat Ms. Gutierrez Willie against the other abouts of the Robinsons and ing the embezzlement charges.
don Francisco de Gutierrez, main for some time longer.
Art. Each country will sup asked poor they are American and his highly esteemed wife; In Hidding our travelers COLUMBIA, machl they go to spend the press any idea of a fomentation It Is generally lieved they ha Ciri. Bon Voyage the Atlan ic Voiof revolucior: against the o:her. Ve bam arrested. All their per ne gun Conpnayo Na ional son effects re removed from Guard men ind tear gas al with thar Gaughter and oth hing both they an athir mas and New Year holidays ce seize, the opportunity of wis especial along their fronti rs.
abconv. Art. Eoch nation will abs their hotel room; their private to subdue si relatives in San Francico Ca sent relatives mot enjoyable tain from armed intervention as papers are al missing while ctabbe a sion Guara Cap. lifornia. Don Taco hopes to Fus. al Sercon.
their furniture has been removala to death and a solution of the present barricaded coned and pacid omwa themselys the Captain offi rict.
ee in a desperate a tempt to es Art. reciprocal willing cape from the State punit. laROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP ness by each party to resolve the WIRELESS NEWS domie led sight, may Going on Vacation UNITED FRUIT Co. Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)
PARIS The French govern ment arnotince that Foreign ni ter clbos will trave. tor SERVICIO DE VAPORES key in February to negotiate a new friendship treaty, to repla El vapor VERAGUA saldrá de LIMON para NUEVA ce the one between Turkey and YORK VIA CRISTOBAL HABANA el The fract: mandate of Syria 26 de Diciembre de 1937 which expareti recently. Premi. Llevando café para todos los puertos europeos y Chaut pang ghar soveen americanos con trasbordo en CRISTOBAL meni lader express graili tion on the results so far of El vapor SAN JOSE saldrá de LIMON para the vist of the Minister to Cen CRISTOBAL el 30 de Diciembre de 1937 iral Furopean countries. The Llevando café para todos los puertos europeos y Prunier said Delbos had streng americanos con trasbordo en CRISTOBAL o servithend France relations with cios directos a Europa o con otro trasbordo en PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: Po an 1, Kumania and JugolaNueva York.
via new trade treaty a3 Vapor COSTA RICA Dicbre. 25 been signed between the later ELDERS country and France Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 VAPOR SALIDA Agentes ED. JANIN Cº TETELA Diciembre 31 WASHINGTON pati in FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG Llevando café solamente para Londres to force consideration of a cons El único servicio esnecial para Londres tituto at anerdment to forisid Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
the Unied States declaring var unles such action is approved Agentes para Limon y Puntarenas or by a potioral referendum was ne, Tiance, announced 100 passenger craft planned Ly Col Lindbergh and the Pan Para otros informes dirjase a las oficinas de la completed in the House on the the 15th. that contas 15 ir tant when the last of be let son for 72 flying boat American Airways, the UNITED FRUIT COMPANY latter the 213. cessary signatures was for us in service over both the working with. British Imperial en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San Jose North and Atlantiel Aviation cx Airways in affixed to the document panning the new TELEFONO 3156 perts lelieve the new plares. transallari tera he PARIS The French Combi be wall competition with the To Page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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