
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday December 18th. 1937 LIMON TRADING COMPANY AREW PARLIAMENT FOR RUSS Edgar Young LUMBER YARD סין With the idea of proving to the ple. Last Sunday was the day 11 world that Soviet Russia Consxed for the election and it was titutis tas bren remodeled a estimated by Moscow that long the lirer of those of the less than Ninety Milion Voters most democratic nations, Stalin had exercised their right of orderel u seliction of the mom vo ingrur the members of this bers for the Parliament to be the first Paulument of Soviet elected 11 accordance with Russia the popsiar will of the To COMERCIANTE por más de 20 años Establecido en la Provincia Vende al detal, Vinos y LIcores extranjeros y del pais, MISCELANEA obarrotes en general.
5stablecimiento esquina Norte del Mercado.
Entre a We have opened a Lumber Yard where we carry in stock a complete assortment of all kinds of Native Lumber. Special sizes to order.
We also have Portland Cement, Roofing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpentine and all other building materials.
SEND IN YOUR ORDERS LIMON TRADING COMPANY Limon Division Garvey, Treasury Has a. Million Dollars SALOMON CHIN Wee. Le ESTRADA Abarrotes y Licores Artículos del Pais Precios Economics LA IBERIA The Journal and Guide of that at present the Treasury has the 295h. October says Marcus over a millor dollars. He deGarvey, Fresident of the UN clared he is grossly misunderA. arrived in Boston en route tood on his African ideas; at no to the West Indies, Central and time, he said, did he ever want South America where he would to De Presicent of an African be delivering a series of lectu Coloay.
res. Garvey, who recently attend He ple to return to Canada ed th Organization Conferen to cuen a school of African Pui ce at Toronto, Canada, assert losophy foi the training of Ne ed his Association has increas. gro Leaders, both in person and ed in members and inflence, and by correspondence.
DID YOU KNOW made That sa Foundata con la Legal Technicality in Suit Selassie vs. Cable Wireless Ltd.
tian sceciation was founded in year 1844 by a dry good merean Ir. London, named MADURO LUMBER YARD George Water Sir George) WiLONDON lliams and that the first. Further infor of these circunstances would dis Dealers in native lumber and produce meet 215 South of Post Office from pose of tire matter.
ing was hela in a room in his mation is to be so ught warehouse premises?
the Po reign Office concerning Mr. Cew Clark for the Em That the Youngwomen Chris the status of the Emperor of pero sic Haile Sclassje was en COMPAÑIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
tian Avociation was started retitled to niain ain an Fanbusy parately the same year. by Miss in this country for the beast Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO This decsion was reach in of his neople, and he exercised Al sur del correo Apartado 215 Emma Roberts and Mrs. Arthe action brought in the Char that rigt: Venta de maderas Compra de productos.
thur Kinaird? That the forcery Division by Haile Se asale It was a fantastic suggootien mer movement spread to the agalast Cable and Wireless Lul that Haile Selassie could not ex United States in 1851 where it :The Emperor claimed an, ae ercise he necessary right of was estab. ished first in Bostoa. count of his dealings with he suing for debts for the purthe latter following fiften years company under. agreemeat pose of maintaining the Embas later in the same city?
for a ralio. teiegra phic seivi sy.
AN GUA In the Cathedral erated Bishop of Antigua by between this country and of St. John the Divine, in the the Archbishop of CanterbuEthiopia. He further claimed. ay Poin mg out that Haile Seias Francisco Fonseca Ch. ment about 10. 000 pounds.
presence of an exceedingly lar ry, was duiy enthroned on the sie was living in Bath Mr Jus ger congregation, including the 19th of November.
LAWYER NOTARY Mr. Wyna Parry KC. for tice Bennett asked: Am 10 Govenor th Adm nietrators During the course of the ce PUBLIC the con pauy) contended that suppose thmal he is effectively or the various presidencies remony HL Excellency the GoHaile Selassie were suing in Office: a governing any part of Ethiomernb:es mo the Legislative and vernor Siz Gordon Lethem, pub ico: representative capaciAdjoining to the City Federal Counci. as also the presented to the Bichop the con ty because he was Sov cego, Mr. Clark: He remains the So headso! other Protestant Public Library de grega ion and the members of then the fact of the recognition vereign head of Ehiopia.
ENGLISH SPOKEN nomination the Right Rev. the Anglican community in the by the British Government of George Summer Hand how eleven Isiands hich comprise FORMER JUDGE OF THE the Italian Government as the Mr. Justice Bennett pointed was on St. Peter Day conse the Icesc.
LIMON DISTRICT COURT de fac. o government in Ethio cut that a certificate of the Fo pia suspended, although it did reign office did not say the Brit no ex inguish his right to sue. Ish Goven ment recognized Hai Tha: Triad wis the com Mr. Justice Bennett asked if it le Selassie as the Emperor de bination of the common chord were not a case of a contract jure of Ethiopia All core cultivators in Jamai bout by the recent Internatio in music witl: Its third and made ts man who happened Me. Clark then asked for 1:a ca bave been notified by the gonal Sugar Agreement, it is neces fifth notes; or in Science, an to be Emperor of Ethiopia and ve to obtain a further certifica vernacent of tha and apar; there shouid be a con: element capable of uniting di was in the position to establish te from the Foreign Office under the termes of the five o She sale of Cane and Siga!
rectly with three atoms of hy a wireless station and make a The Judec agreed. and adiour droge, or in the Masonic Cr contract through his agent.
yalis arrangement brought lequently they were requie: ned the nea ring sine die.
to rrudister with the nearest Cen der the designation given the Mr. Parry replied that it can try Factory, by the 15th, 13Chres organizing Masters? pended for what service the cember: the amount of canes wireless station was made.
If would be producing the contract were entered into thr, 1937 3C crop No Fax by Haile Selascle Only becau Certaia villey dispo ed per from Mr Fowler giving the lie wala guarantee to Turе e he was Sovereign, the the be sons in the community circulat to the rumour If products who falled nefit of the contract must goed the crudi tumsu that Mr. Mr. Fowler has to the con curly with this frection.
to whaver suceceaed him Fowler who left this tracy sueceded in launching This procedure is intended to country some months ago, had Shoe Manufacturing Company control the price of the com Mrn Party said it might be been arrested in Jamaica and with a capital of 000, atly modity In view of the LIMON pledge that ilalle Selassie would se sentenced to eighteen months. 300 o wiel has been remitt given by the producing coungain bis kingdom or that the imprisonment by one of the Cried to England. Germany and tries to produce just what Fábrica de Hielo King of Italy might be recog. minal Courts. this week the United States for materials required to meet universal denised de jure as the efective received a ietter as also a card He sunas his regards to all his manas Government in Ethiopia. Elther friends Restriction in Sugar Production Vicious Rumour Proves Untrue COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY a y Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
LA FLORIDA Fábrica de Hielo Venta de Leche y Maderas Nos permitimos lamar sexo a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our rc mark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le inzamos recordar esta eláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que contar su servicis.
we would much regret to take.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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