
Saturday December 18th. 1937 THE OLANTIC VOICE Page a SUCCESSFUL LIMONENSE. New York Journai reported clock Mancing eluh geet mich The Señorita Costarricense Deportiva Awfw Railroad Wreck in Scotland The Atlantic Voice ALLAN SIME Cruise of the Normandie Italy Definitely Sec.
The Scoitsboro Boys Case Nasal or Martiniquement The many friends and a ter Hafstead and James Bucia every part of which was made fitted by himself Mr According to the seventh scru quaintences of Mr Peter Hultsnan are among the pedest, men and From ali we have heard it tead, who learnt his Watchma in Harle. n, where the former is Huffstead is an uncle of Mr. tiny of popular votes Miss Julie would seem as if it will be dirkiag profession here with Mests in business on his own aecount Felix Rivers one of the Fruit ta Garcia Rothe is considered ficult for the Costa Rican ConCaiorie and Mendez, will be while the latter is a valued emplo Company e trusted employees the likely winner of the contest tingent to be beaten. Congress pleasnt to hear he has acqui yee of tie Longines willn ger in this city.
for te Title in the representa has voted the sum of three thou red ait ch fame in New York wte Company, one of the world The Allar tic Voice sincetion of Costa Rica before the sand dollars to asist in detraying tho the expenses of the Republic re re, along with Mr. James Bu mo important houses in this rely congratulates this onetime Panamerican Comission at chanan, he recently passed a riline of Industry.
Limoneria or his wonderful preseniatives in the Games At the ccunt on Monday id examination conducted by It will be remombered that successes.
night Miss Garcia secured 85, 198 to the orological Institute of Avotes and Miss. Isabel Merino meria. They have now gainen 67, 864, Miss Isabel Vargas Fa Read the guaillication of Cartilled cio came third with 47 923 The Watcmnakers final ccunt wili take place on Tus rating in the science and monday next of watchmaking, is equal to the degree of Doctor of Philo Not since the Gretna Green nary train which had stopped sophy in the educational ils wreck in 1915 when 158 persoas rate of bity miles an hour, mr and is only obtained by the most lost their lives, has there been ched into the rear of an orcidi cesiduous application to the Il such a ialreal castastrophy in on the main line tracks funn ner side and technique of the Great B:isir as that which ukjing from Wundee to lasgo, just LIMON, COSTA RICA 31 profession According to the place on the Edingburgh. Glas 13 miles out of the later city.
Importación 16h The dead totalled thirty four famer Cuored Newspaper The gow line last Friday, the Imports and Exports di Jorunal and Guide of Norltork An express, speeding through and the wounded forty.
y Virginia, records of the Hozagia bliading sir. owstorm at Sie Exportacion cal Insitue disclose that of the 90 Lamber Deposit thousands of Watchmakers Depósito de Madera doing business in the State of New York, there are only twity Compra de Cacao en Certified ones there and to grano Cocoa Purchased tal of about 900 throughout the entire country. The majority of PORT OF SPAIN. The sign and to leave at p. he these are found in the Middle igat c: tie 1937 38 tourist sea following day.
West. where the laws demord so will be the visit of the The Normandie will sail the holding of this rating brio Nornandie. The worldfamous from New York to Nassau. Tri re one is allowed to hang his French liner is scheduled to or nidad: Rio de Janeiro, Martinisignboard as a Watchmaker. Pel rive lere o nFebruary at pique and back to New York. The (From page 7)
visit to Trinidad gains impordon have been at variance. Il Duce has since seized every tance from the fact that the opportunity of impressing on the populace of his country, ship will not stal overnight at that England is their inveterate enemy, while the Italian.
press has been loud in their abuses and antagonism. Was The final list of West Indies it not heard that the Suez Canal was to be destroyed and The Attorneys of these Congress, predits that the four cruises, which wil be published Britain trade routes to her Colonies for ever blocked?
Youths, whom residents in eve will be freed if the same sup chortly will probably include 32 ry past of the civilized world. port continues from the cruises to Trinidad. The season Was not the squadron of suicide airplanes to fly over France 12:2 have regarded as martyrs are Organizations and will start with the arrival of the individuals to strike terror and panic in the hearts of the populace of still unccasing in their activities interesu in their behall. From Hamburg. Amerika liner Reinsignificant London, after meagre Albion had been isolatoward the release of the son The Journal y Guide of Nn llance at Port of Spain on ted from her Empire? Is it therefore anything to be wonwho bre still before the Court to folk. December 19 and run on dered at that there is an intense estrangement between both Dr. Allen Chalmero: Cairma April of the Scottsboro Defense Com governments and the two peoples?
mitte, las clared that Britain, however, does not regard Mussolini as very Committee, believing in the com serious enemy. His campaign in Ethiopia has made him. fiplete innocence of all de nancial wreck. Of course a man who has not get much to fendants, is no ceasing it acil Reporting further from Dji rriors as ihe Sultan had joined lose will quickly make trouble, but how long can he last?
vities and will explore everz ave bouti on the activities of the his fellow countrymen in the Japan has been utilizing the unbalanced state of mind of nue of public opinion and anti warring Elbioplans the Corres effoxt they are making to rethe Fascist genius to carry out her aim of whipping China cial procedure so that the youths pondant of The Voice af Ethio gain the freedom of the Eminto the line of a United States of Asia, and to cause Russia still before the Courts vs be pia says Dessie is still being pire.
set free. angelo Herndoa, who vigorously to think twice before meddling in Mongolia and Manchukuo, deselged and that The rsilway station at is in Philadephia to attend the Aussa has become one of the wash was reported seized though she knows that when the show down comes, she has and session cl the National Vegio, strongholds of the Wallo wa the forvice between Dire Dowa nothing, save gas, to expect from Italy.
is supposed to be taning plano Britain sees a far greater donger in Germany, conseand Addis Ababa stopped. quently the sentiment of the British public has always been THE REMEDY WHICH IS AN EFFICIENT Fighting of a serious nature more friendly toward Hitler and his people. But after all, are In the district of Ambo in the they not of the same Saxon blood and so understand each SUBSTITUTE FOR INSULINA, vicinity of Audis Ababa, where other better? Germany is also aware that she has more to the natives are operating under gain from Britain friendship that from that of the Romans TAKEN BY WAY OF THE MOUTH the thousands of Somalies and warrios. The greater part and judging from present day condtions, it is not likely that he hyusands of Somalles and this generation will see the Saxons and Anglo Saxons enKottoos who were sent to oppo gaged in a conflict on opposite sides it might not also be se the natives are claimed to surprising, if Rome dose not back down, to see the Italian have been killed. The advance colonies being handed to Hitler and his people.
on Addis Ababa is being graFor these and other reasons, the House of Commons as dually pursued with the leaalso the British people feel that Mussolini secession is an ders taking every precaution achievement toward the Peace of the world and a good unagain surprisc attacks the only activated efficacious The stailans are dolgn evederstanding between the Central Powers of Europe. It is also felt that the Family of Nations will be of greater use and the peroral treatment for rything possible to obtain inforcements especially as decisions of the remaining three great Powers be more affitheir while soldiers are known cacious, whenever they deem it necessary to confront an ag to be deseriing and joining the gressive common enemy.
ranks of the Ethiopians by the hundreds 15 More of the Ethiopian Conflict Ha. Blessing for Humanity PANCRESALETS acc. to Dr. Richard Weiss re DIABETES mellitus Regülar reduction of sugar excretion Fmproved tolerance for carbohydrates no undesirable after effects Wireless News.
FOR SALE SE VENDE Fine Two Storey Residence and Land at Madre de Dios. FROM PAGE 7)
French government has subsidi zed aviation combine to the extent of five million dollars.
Pan American and British ImHermosa casa de dos sos y terreno en Madre de Dios Propiedad que fue de Sir Carr Property of late Carr.
Sold by all Drug Stores praial exposed to get their patrem Literatura by the Agents: Informes: ISRAEL BLANCO Pensión Costa Rica ger service under way next sum mer, wndle Air France can scar Pulpería Flor de Asturias. Pacitico. dan José FEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO y APPEL cely begin operations before SAN JOSE. BOX 329 1939.
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