
EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ Britain, King Receives Ancient Feudal Rents Some Coffee Disclosures begados y notarios Lawyers Public Kotor. es dizzing rain is said to ha pattet, accepted and gave back was rathri amused when the lol SAN SOSE. LIMON SAN JOSE. LIMON ve marred the start of the first Each tenant handed in der of two manors paid his rent Oficina en Limon Office in Limon adjoins visit in three countries of a reig rent to the King on bended by apscaring before him in a ihat of ihe Municipality ning British King to the Contiguo ao Munici an knee, and received a silver tip mantie of goatskins cient Duchy of Cornwall, al iped staff in return. The King palidad (frente al Parque) opposite iha Paik.
though it did not dampen the en 1000000 etwooo0300 thusiasm of the crowds of Cor nishmen who lined the roads en!
the ist, instant when King Geor ge stacted cui on a drive of 118 miles across famed and misty Statistic carefully compiled. absorbol 3, 464 039 50, which Dartmoor, the site of the famed by an expert prove that twanty aggrezlates early seven million Launcestoa, Taunton and otser live per cert of the populace of colones cr 20 cent of the crop towns.
the Repub. ic esrn their liveli value.
The King di pensed with hood by means of our Coffee Our expert also discloses, by the uld Une princely ceremony.
Indus ry, an that by reason of figures, that of our population but had to submit to the crics Idne Export Tax the government of 577, 833 as last comput. or Ozez and the trumpet ien and the Bereftcios consery 144 926 persons live exclusively fares as he passed within the ed to thonselves twentyperby coffee cultivation crumbling walls of the old Luun cent or the profits of last year ceston Castle to receive strange. oooooooooooo crop rents inom bas tenants in a feuWithing the last three years dal role as a Royal Landlord.
the small producers sold to the Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX The last reigning sovereign to factories 22, 36 fanegas of rvisit the Castle was George the ries from which there eamed a First little more than two tones na ABOGADO The first Quitrents presented By defeating Harry Thomas o oe as fit as he was previousfaneda.
y NOTARIO PUBLICO were a hundred shillings in a in the eighth of their The total value of last year fiftzen ly, due to his eighteen months silver mug and a powd of pep rourd bout at the Madison Sq. of idie fe, he enevertheless ga cropsiated at 35 59 063, 62 co lones of this the Oficina: Altos Pasper on a sijyer tray from the te Gardens last Monday night. ve Thomas an awful walloping produeces got 13. 25. 532, 15 colones, the go Mayor of Launceston. Then ca Max Sehreling has secured the from the start the moment the cual Ingianna vernmcat 3285 300 60 for Export me a grey riding cloak common from of meeting Je Luois in a fight was stopped by May while the curing factories a woman terant, and a brace of co st for the Bol.
agreement that poor Harry had grey hounds which the King 其實事實事實, Although Max did not app ar had enough.
OSDOSSC0000bucacaoeoeoGOOOOOO Do your XMAS shopping at JACK ORANE STORE Every day you will find SOMETHING NEW to meet you ever changing needs.
Schmeling Moves Up Nearer to Louis Prospects of Greater War in the East SON MUCHAS las ventajas que le ofrece a Ud. señor agricultor, nuestro ya bien conocido plan de COOPERATIVA with the intentional bombardon belveen England, the United ment and sinking of the Ameri States Fiance, and Holland os ca gunboat anay as also la wath action shall be taken three of the Stendard 01 Compa officials of the Japanese go ny ships at the two British rernment state that the 18 airgunboats. the Bres and La planes which participated in dy Bird. both belonging to thd, bombardment were at a se the Asiatic fleet, further com ry high altitude and so couid plications of probably the most ns. disitnguiva the ships from serious nature, are expec ed. those of Chinese nihe Yang ce Consultations are being carried River, although it is know that a Japanese orficial want José chion Ng adgard the Panay while she was rescuing refugees from NangComerciante Detallista Hing. Another Official, who de Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, pored the mentable incidem, Articulos de Ferreteria said he was very sorry but he had orders to Bombard every Eléctricos; todo se encuentra ship on the Firer.
en este estoblecimiente.
Specuation is a fever heat PRECIOS DE SITUACION to tie ir Ir. sident Roosevelt go venment and Britaih will for LIMON Insignit ant indemnities of me le moetary consideration, allow such incident to pass Aumente hoy mismo el número de nuestros favorecedores. Tráiganos o envíenos su CACAOBANCO DE COSTA RICA 236352000 Sosete0000 euecos 000eoeoo.
96eece Up To Date Plane Coming Luer reports regarding the didint tanta JAMAICAN Invents The Punta Quepos Wharf for Fruit Co.
Medical Instrument Mr. Kenenth Poe, the world froel the launches boarded her Pa was machine gunned by two Ja ee motor launches after the air bombing and that forces repaid Aviator, has left for Irelend made an examination ist According to the Daily Star Our Legislative Assembly as It is being said that another United States to bring out on before she sank. The Panay collof Montreal, widespread receg definitely decided that the Pier wharf will be built at Golfo Dul airplane of the most up to calours were said to have been pro nition is being given an istru at Puata Guepas shall be consce; should this be so, it te typo for the United Fruit minintly exposed throughout met recently inventod by a ne trucued by the government and give the acific Zone the greaCompany tho bumbing and machine sun dical student at the Mui Uni althotgh the cost has been esti test exploitation of the Banaclained mated ac 400 000 dollars, only na Industry in the ning and she sank with flags fly yersity by which it is Republic, The price, given at 40. 000 dog.
the variations in fluid colouring the sum ci one million colones and so the Atlantic Volge con and llars, indicates that the appara 91 persons were reported dead can almot instantly be aeterna has been voed. Ine balance of gratulates Mr. Chittenden tus lacks none of those improve or Mr.
missing after a 36 the required amount is to Sanderson hour ned.
be his Assistant, ments which scientific resear sea. ch had been made for the The liiventor is Mr. Subscribed bs the proprietors of fo ruler splendid achievements VOS Eveiyn, a Jamaican son of an the surrounding lands as ches have brought to light for survivers of thedestroyed well in the enhancement of the In: the stability and security in ae els Fifteen of the survivors Anglican Clergyman in that 1s. as others interested in the Bana dustry on that side of the coun try.
rial flights under all conditions, were wounded more ar less se land He is stated to have conna Industry in that Zone.
LEON riously ducted his work in the McGill University Medical Clinie at ine Royal Victoria Hospital In ex plaining the funetion of the instrument which is called photo ricctric microcolourime has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havter. Mr. Evelyn said it was ing cured an immense number of persons who sufdevised to assist in the chamifered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These cal analysis of the blood nd Next to LA PROVEEDORA other body fluids, its principal now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from New and Complete Assortment of Lumber such complaints as value lng in the fact that it enables analyses to be carried COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, out in much shorter time and Measurements less than feet at 0. 25 per foot LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, with a greater degree of accura BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION cy.
LUMBER DEPOSIT THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE a SAITA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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