
Christmas Bells The Atlantic Vaice England to Strengthen Position Chile Plans Vast TomiNicaragua Asks Bids for meeting frequently to considExtensive Road System ion project embracing careAgain the Season bas come around which records the 1937th. Anaiversary of the birth of a Savicur of mankind Revoled to the interests of the people of the Allantic as manifested by the appearance, in the atmosphere, of that Angelic Band singing praises to God on high and announcEditor English Section: NATION ing Peace on earth and Goodwill and Love among mankind.
Today, the 25th of December of the year 1937, a very Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday December 251h. 1937 No. 176 large portion of the world will find itself in mental and spiritual agreement, a beautiful and peaceful conception of the mystical entry into the world of One whose life is to be a symbol of the Superb Love and Kindliness of Our in Hong Kong gration Proyect Father. It is, probably, the nearest approach that we have, Britain War Minister has nuary SANTIAGO, Chile. The in history, of a universal agreement and a universal underannounced that in view of the From Shanghai it is disembarking stated Committee on Immigration standing among men; and fortunately for the world it is Japanese that in consequence of the tra has decided to arrange 1or the 01 that this one universal agreement pertains to that which pops in the South of China, de routes between China and early establishment of thousis PEACEFUL, JOYOUS and upassociated with the matewhich is a menece to the safety Russia being closed by the Ja ands of families from Norof Hong Kong, it had been de panese occupation of Northern way, Sweden, Denmark, Belrial and sordid things of the geographical, national, political cided to materially increase the China, an entirely new road gium, Switzerland and other and economic life.
strengh of the garrison statio way was under construction by countries in unexplored re Not only is CHRISTMAS DAY a sacred and holy day red at the outpost of the Empi. Russian labourers across Chi gions of Southern Chile, prin re nese Turkestan, which would cipally in Aysen and Magalle among Christians, but even among non Christians is this To this end a detachment sai enable the re establishment of nes provinces, it was day acknowedged as a great festival. Throughout this day annled from Southampton on the direct communication with the ounced.
and the season surrounding it all persons of goodwill ex22nd. instant and will be joined Soviet Union and a continua The committee, which in change wishes and universal love with gifts to those around, by a batalli. at Bombay. These tion of assistance from that cludes representatives of the and set aside moments for meditation and concentrated forces are expected to reach source.
Ministries of Foreign Relat thought upon goodwill, forbearance, pardon and tolerance Hong Kong on the 28th. Jaions and Lands and Colonizatoward those by whom they otherwise might otherwise tion and of the Bureau for have been held at a distance. Even to the peoples of OrienAgricultural Development, is tal lands, who are not followers of the Christian Faith, this er plans a day has its significance and an importance surrounded with a spiritual, mystical symbol of Peace and Universal Love.
fully MANAGUA, Nicaragua, The The highways must be of asThey may not know anything of the manner in which the government is requesting bidsphalt or concrete. United StaThe few isolated inhabit25th. December is being celebrated in distant lands, neverfor a 10. 000. 000 highway tes, German and British road ants of districts near Aysen theless they lift up their thougnts in Love, Peace and Hapsystem throughout the country. Duilders will compete, now find it closer to send their children to Argentine piness, in a spirit of understanding, tolerance, faith and The program will include the Pan American Highway, roads said he would rather construct their schooling and the Chi President Anastasio Somoza territory across the Andes cor goodwill toward all mankind.
between Managua and Mata each year than 100 miles How much more should we, as Christians, endeavour galpa and a highway between fifteen miles of good highways this state of affairs by adoptof lean authorities hope to end to put away our petty grievances, our disagreements, or the Atlantic coast and the in dirt roads that would be of no ing measures to populate the rivalry toward our neighbour and manifest the spirit of the terior service in wet seasons.
season in gratitude to the Divine considerations of our Heavenly Father, who, so loved creation, that He permitted Colombia Fears Coffee the entry into this sinful world of His only Begotten Son and allowed Him to suffer as a propitiation for our sins Dumping which otherwise could not have been condoned.
THE ATLANTIC VOCE The mighty nations of the earth, ruled as they are BOGOTA, Colombia. The by tyrants who, although professing Christianity, have forgovernment will ask the Colombian Congress to grant exwishes all its Subscribers, Readers, Ad gouien this Song of the Angels, and while pretending do traordinary legislative powers vertizers and the Entire Community preach Peace and making all sorts of vain Pacts and agreto the President in order oments toward this end, in their mad rush for greed and selA Hippy, Bessed Christm siioe and meet economic and financial dif fishness, have thrown aside the true doctrine of Peace, ficulties expected as the most prosperous 1938 Love and Goodwill to engage in conflicts of hatred and sult of probable dumping of bloodshed.
Brazilian coffee.
How grateful it is that God has granted illuminations The Minister of Finance was in the hearts of the populace of the more enlightened coquoted by the publication Espectador as expecting a untries to geduction of imports and lower national revenues requiring the these Countries er guided by the Divine Spirit of our common to curtailment of public works.
realize that true Peace and Goodwill can be only manifested from the inner realm of one Soul, and to attain this we In order to secure the most must attune our minds to the mind of God.
favourable trade considerations It is from the inner realm that the affairs of men are in the Western World, the Cham ber of Commerce of Tokyo has been purchasing large consign TO PAGE SERVICIO DE VAPORES nients of goods in Central Am erica even though some of the El vapor VERAGUA saldrá de LIMON para NUEVA things. not required in Japan, ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO YORK VIA CRISTOBAL HABANA el have to be resold in other fo26 de Diciembre de 1937 reign markets at lower prices. Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
Llevando café para todos los puertos europeos y This naturally creates the tenamericanos con trasbordo en CRISTOBAL dency of underselling goods El vapor SAN JOSC saidrá de LIMON para imported from similar sources CRISTOBAL el 30 de Diciembre de 1937 in such markets. In El SalvaLlevando café para todos los puertos europeos y dor, for instance, it has been americanos con trasbordo en CRISTOBAL a servi discovered that in order to get cios directos a Europa o con otro trasbordo en Japanese goods into that coua Nueva York.
try under the favoured Nations Clause of the Customs Tarift, ELDERS FYFFES, LTD. Japanese merchants haye been buying large quantities of SalVAPOR SALIDA vadorenean Coffee which they re sell in California at reduced MOPAN Diciembre 31 rates, the article not being nee PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: Llevando café solamente para Londres Hed in Japan. Of course this El único servicio especial para Londres tends to lower the prices genui Vapor COSTA RICA Dicbre. 25 ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
te shippers would otherwise re eive for the usurl consignAgentes para Limon y Puntarenas Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 ments sent them direct from Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la he county of origil. The Jap Agentes ED. JANIN Cº UNITED FRUIT COMPANY however, do not mi id dropping FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG the price of coffee in Califoren los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José TELEFONO 3156 nia, as they would have made Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia.
TO. AGE 11 documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
to reTCJapanese Propaganda in nuine sell protection. May the peoples of our land be furthUNITED FRUIT Co.


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