
satu day December 25th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 Nicaragua and the EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ Banana Pest RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ MANAGUA, Nicaragua President Anastasio Somoza has ordered banana growers to bogados y Notario Lawyers Public Notaries spray their plants to prevent SAN JOSE. LIMON SAN JOSE LIMON the spread of a leaf disease Oficina en Limón.
Office in Limon adjoins Conntiguo a la Munici: that of the Municipality polided (frente al Parque) opposite the Park.
nanas within a year. Failure to comply with the law carries a fine of from 100 to 000 cor dobas.
coococcocesecsececcecossos From Page their profits on the merchandig old established markets where, se introduced into El Salvador: in order to dispose of these adbut the result is that a lowerditional lots, they must sell them The wonderful success of als totalled more than. Africa, Canada and India price for Coffee is established for whatever prices they are of this Sweepstake can only bej 11. 612. 000.
while a similar number for which is prejudicial to the pro fered thereby ruining, the pro appreciated after a study of The last Sweepstake in con 15, 000 each also went to ducing country, ducers the amount of money distri Inection with the Newmarket persons residing in Europe And so it follows that to Costa Ricans should look buted since the vear 1930. Races, England, on October the United States and Buenos obtain a good footing in Costa well ahead and see that such From the month of Novem 27th. was drawn at the Man Aires. The 15 prizes of.
Rica for their commercial acti tricks are not used against them ber 1930 to October of the sion House, Dublin, on the 10. 000 each fell to winners vities, we find the Japanese dis for if Japanese goods are al current year, there have been 22nd, and 23rd of that month located in Europe, the United posed to appropriate one mi lowed to over run this market drawings in connection with when the prizes aggregated States and India. The resi: llion dollars for the purchase under these conditions, coun twenty two Sweepstakes and 1, 582. 753. There were 15 of dual prizes were distributed of our products such as Cof tries like England, Germany, the sum of 38. 617. 350. 19. 10 100. 000 each with 10 resi in Europe, Canada and the fee, Cacao, Cotton, etc. etc. As and the United States, who ha or 193. 086. 755 dollares, dual prizes of 275. each States, while the 100. anes the Japanese populace do not ve been buying entire Currency, distributed in pri and 500 of 100 each. went to all parts of the world use Coffee or Chocolate, anot crops, will be putting the thum zes. Out of this huge fortune, Fifteen of the 30. 000 pri including the British West her market will have to be bscrew on us in the form of so to speak, the benefits zes went to winners in Euro Indies, China and South found for these articles, where Customs Rates and sales obsta) which accrued to the Hospit pe, the United States, South Imerica.
they can compete with existing cles and then we shall find that concitisas; but if they cant, Japan is not in a position to they will naturally enter the help us.
Do your XMAS shopping at JACK ORANE STORE If unchecked, experts say, the Every day you will find SOMEdisease will kill Nicaraguan ba THING NEW to meet you ever changing needs.
Japanese propagan.
The enormity of the Irish Sweepstakes Transactions our Bankruptcy John Keith Bank Banco Nacional de Costa Rica the Yet More Murders SUCURSAL CIUDAD DE LIMON Brazil adopts one Fascist Idea As will be observed by the of this Institution is now being BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE advertisement appearing elsew made, intarested parties hould here in this issue, the distribu thererefore cali at the Banco UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK tion of a Sixth dividend arising Nacional in this city for from the liquidation of the funds amounts peable to thein.
ofrece al público offers the public los servicios de su the services of its BRANCH OFFICE The body of air Davidson here and safely lodged in the con ci an old e. gine driver by Cuartel to await his trial.
EN LA. IN THE that me, was bunga: 1: oc It wili be remenabered that Saturday last from Estrada Jim the brother of Alfred, also CITY OF LIMON appears that in had been met a tragic end in this city.
bambling the preso is day with After lige most dare devil a native at that place ona from life ha was locked oſt his mo para toda clase de all kinds of bank whom he is said have von tor cyuli by an automobile 800 colones. They restitit the and luled. The ways of servicio bancario service rendered the gaming On the Saturday ungodly are past finding out when the native be: uae he Another murder is reported winner of some cunincs, hd from Ciriarrones, the protago as seem that Durdon had nists, tius tine, belag two Ni previously loanet the men wcaragnans who secmed to have colon after stripp:1; bim of had sa al excation which Tewhat the possessed, he deducts sulted.
a machete duel by Brazii while rejeeting some of ter cf War, stressed the impor cal effort of a President to ir the amount from his settings. Whica as che was so mutilated the metiods of the European tanre the army occupied in the petua e himself in orice This, the man resents and draw that he died. The other has feteste, has adopted others a new regime. The new coasti has occurred before in Latin Aing a knila stabs Davidson twise bestrognt in.
mong tiem the elimination of tution he said, corrects the merican countries.
in th: chest and twice in the ab politicai parties, she will hence errors of weak assemblies and as domon, kining him on the spot fort be a one party, state. Ad sures Brazil a safe piace among The borty was brought In by the José chion Ng.
father and interred.
at Aller committing the gruesome Comerciante Detallista ing up such a party, which is.
The atin America, press on GLACIMO GUAPILES act, the murderer went to his Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, of course, a Vargas party. The the whole is stin hersitantin 0room armed himself with a re Articulos de Ferreteria y new constitution provides for annuonning its opinion of Bra.
Cantina, icores voly and made for Matina, but the poite telephond the authoEléctricos; todo se encuentra full gevernmental cerrol of he zil obago, but the consensus to Extranjeros y del país.
rities there and he was met on en este establecimiento.
electoral machinery and so ma some excent seems to be that the Tienda biea surtida kes a multipie party system prae fasciss in Europe were too the Bridge by the fearless Agent Abarrotes en general.
TRECIOS DE SITUACION tically meaningles. Under the ly elated and the anti fasess and his men and detained. He present rien Brazil one pary too greatly envious over the new was Precios sin competencia returned to Estrada LIMON and Wir correspond closely with the set up. Some South American from therc subsequently brought Nazi party in Germany and commentater view it as a typithe Fascist party in Italy, which eur long official lives for be hi kyores Brazil observed its Fisg Day On November 191n, and in Rio there was a grand review of the has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havrmy. Fire thousand Integralists, as the Brazil Fascists are ing cured an immense number of persons who suffered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These called marched in the parade Next to LA PROVESDORA The fascist political party now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from has such complaints as New and Complete Assortment of Lumber been abolished but this decree does not affect their group COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, ing nocial or welfare organiLOSS OF APPETITE SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, Measurements less than feet at 0. 25 per foot zations. Speaking on this occa BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION sion. Gaspar Dutra, MiniEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
ministration leaders are report nations. The army must uphold LUIS WA CHONG LUMBER DEPOSIT THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE SAITA


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