
i New Year Wish To ile qihe Atlantic Vaice The post WITH THE TROUBLED NATIONS 50a serious regrets, and while there is yet much to be done. OUR NEW BEEF MARKET ve been oticially occupied DEFENCE PACT between BRITISH DUTCH Wireless News a e in few days ago a New Year was ushered in on us, and ery thoughful individual must entertain new determinaIns for enhancing their progress during 1938.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allontic or has shewn us many advantages as well as disadvantaEditor English Section: C. NATION in the manipulations of our lives; and it is for us, as lings blessed with the Divine guidance, to make good use Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday January 8th. 1938 No. 177 the experiences gained thereby. We are taught, it is 17 te, that we should take no thought for the morrow. but it is human to err, who among us can feel he has not 34 mmitted certain errors which he will now endeavour to hend, and use as stepping stones to greater achievements.
Our country has not experienced any calamitous mis Advices from both govern under conditions said to be, fence of the city for an indeHtunes during 1937. Many of our people have prosper ment and insurgent sources almost undescribable and So finite period. Occupying so ima 1, while all have acquired some degree of success in their disclost that notwithst:fnding heavy are the casualties that portant a position in the neigh Pctive ways the severity of the cold weat the dead are estimated to ha bourhood of Madrid, it is thou her, the battle for control of ve already passed the 25. 000 ght that the result of this bat eto The prices for our poducts have so fluctuated that, Teruel continues in all its fury total.
tle may determine the cutcoha ssibly, the brilliant satisfactions generally anticipated Reports regarding the situa me of the conflict which has ere not realized. We have, however, lived without reason tion are most contradictory but ravaged Spain for nearly it would seem as if the govern year and a half.
ment forces have been able to From Shanghai it is stated del any achievements for our good have been attained. It is bped we shall all labour for the evclution of brighter aims repel every effort the insur. that the Japanese have secugents have yet made to re red additional gains during nd greater successes, collectively and individually, making cover the position they lost the past week opernions, jose of our untoward experiences as disciplinary methods on the 21st of December, whi and are continuing their ad stined for our betterment.
This beautiful edifice was le Madrid announces they are vance southward through the da The Atlantic Voice sincerely wishes every reader, blessed and formerly opened prepared to continue the de(To Page ubscriber, cdvertiser, and member of the general commuon New Year Day, and it was announced it would haity, much Happiness, prosperity and contentment during de ensuing ycar for on Wednesday le last, but this has not yet been la done.
Don Roberto Soto, repreLONDON. An agreement The strategic position of a senting the Governor at the has been concluded between the Dutch East Indies in relsaid the opening ceremony, in Britain and The Netherlands ation to Singapore and BRUGES, Belgium The pu been lilled and more han 20 his much appreciated discour for cooperation in defense of necessity for guarding British are Lic Prosecutor has issued Mans. wounded in a two day battle.
se that the roads to Moin and their Far Eastern possessions, lines of communication fughter Charges against the the Cemetery will be com according to the diplomatic the source of the agreement, anager of the airport at Ostend NEW YORK According to leted during this year. This correspondent of the Sunday Interest in Anglo Dutch cooin connection with the disaster fragmentary promise has so often been re Times. Arrangements for cloperation was aroused in Novreceived reports peated de November 16th. last, when from 38 States, the birth of the heard it during their child. have been reached since the ported signing af a pacidiny who first se collaboration are said to ember, 1936, following the regmost the entire German Poval new year meant the end of lite head years are now men and outbreak of hostilities in Chi Germany and Japan dividing mily of Hesse was wiped out for more the 217 persons, Motor women; it is therefore hoped na as a result of talks bet the East Indies islands into in the transport plane accident. traffie fatalities, with conditions agravated by snow that this repetition will now ween British and Netherland spheres of influence between and ice JERUSALEM. strong many places, took the heaviest instead of being a mere poliern waters.
become an accomplished iact naval authorities in Far East themselves.
contingent of British troops was toll though many were the vic ical dillusion. The old Marmployed in guarding the large tims of violence. sumber of Pilgrims of many cet, which is a thorough disreeds and races who thronged SHANGHAI. grace to the city, will is was Japanase e to the Shirines of the Holy Ci.
also stated be reconstructed casualties during and nearby this year.
Bethlehem at the operations against Nanking Christmas, as a consequence of places the Chinese killed We shall most anxiousl During the first at watch for the fulfilment of nine, an important place with a the report that 43 Arabs had (To Page 8)
months of the past year, value of 218. 958 against hese promises by of our Muthe revenue received by the the previous year 138 339 nicipal Fathers.
government of Jamaica from Bananas brought 2. 082 852 Exports has much exceeded as compared with 38. 251 the amounts obtained in pre during the nine months Of vious years.
Sugar exportations partiThe value of the exportaSERVICIO DE VAPORES zularly reached a high level tion of all produce reached both in quantity and value 927. 428 in comparison to The year crop yielded. 2, 690. 743 for the similar peSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK 125. 000 tons. of which 95. 700, riod of 1936.
con escala en HABANA solamente Elsewhere, in this issue, with a value of 854. 577, The value of Imports at the will be observed that the Exwere exported against 62. 600 end of the same period stood Estos vapores no llevarán café.
cursion to be run to Panam: tons for the corresponding at 236. 473 as against VAPORES by our great Organizer Mr. period of 1936 with a value o 3, 340. 992 in 1936.
SALIDAS Nelson will not leave hi 498. 344. Rum also occupied TALAMANCA month Enero 10 as was proposed: leaves Limon, instead, on the QUIRIGUA Enero 17 9th. February, arrives at Co ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP lon on the 11th. leaves there Salidas semanaies de LIMON para CRISTOBAL on the 23rd of the same (Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)
Llevando café para todos los puertos europeos y month to arrive here on the americanos con trasbordo en Cristóbal a los mag25th. Excursionists will there nificos vapores de la Colombian Line ane rretan fore be afforded fourteen servicio semanal hacia Nueva York, con conexión days in which to witness the rapidísima.
Olympic Games In order to facilitate those EL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PYTPTOS who may wish to attend the EUROPEOS, INCLUYENDO LONDRES Carnival in our Sister RepubSAN BENITO lic, Mr. Nelson has also ar Enero 13 ranged for a Second Excur sion to leave Limon during ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
the evening of the 25th Fe (the same day or Llevando café solamente para Londres which the Olympians return. arriving in Colon on the 27th PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: NICOYA Enero 14 de 1938 leaving there on the 9th vlarch to arrive here on the ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
Vapor SIMON BOLIVAR Enero Ith.
These Excursions will atAgentes para Puntarenas y Limón Vapor CRYNSSEN Enero 22 ord fine onportunites to Para otros informes diriiose lae hiciens de la those wishing to spend a few Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 UNITED FRUIT COMPANY happy days in our neighAgentes ED. JANIN Cº en los bajos del Gran Hotel Cosra Rica en San José bouring Republic, and to reFRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG TELEFONO 3156 urn with of fine a stock vear which cannot be obtain Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia.
ed locally tional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Exportation from Jamaica Reach High Level heck up on UNITED FRUIT Co.
The Excursions TO PANAMA חרוייר.


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