
Rage LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sabedo Enero de 1938.
Sven mer THE BLIND MADE TO SEE YEAR OF LUMBER DEPOSIT 13 MONTHS ra su SAITA time re Ravages by Recent Flood Rains Dr. Tudor Thomaa, the ness: they had often to take Eye syafting Surgeon of Car them from persons who had the din, South Wales, has for seve lost their sight from other cauhe ral years been endeavouring to ses. So great has been the deFour years ago this matter breed rabbits whose Corneas mand for Corneas that persons of the nations, it is now apengaged the serious attention Next to LA PROVEEDORA the Hal would be large enough for graf with normal eyesight have of New and Complete Assortment of Lumber parently reaching final arranting on diseased human eyes fered to suffer the loss of one Ime Bu It is understood his gements experi eye for the benefit of a relatiAccording to the proposal Measurements less than feet at 0. 25 per foot mients have been successful and ve. An article appeared in a the year will consist of 364 con that he will shortly announce recent issue of the Lancet. days. the extra day to be the results obtained to the Me describing how eyes removed called New Year Day and dical profession.
from the dead have been used each month will have 28 days.
The Cornea of an ordinary successfully for eye grafting In this new calendar, evesi sized rabbit being too small to purposes. These are preserved ry Sunday, in each month be grafted on the human eye, in airtight jars placed in ice will fall on the 1st, 8th. 15th. fell throughout most of our ment of the Railway is consiThe torrential rig rains which It is unders tood the Manage cle although it was found suitable chests with a temperature a few and 22nd. Christmas Day will tlantic Zone during the latter dering the proposition of dredin in other purposes, Dr. Thomas degree above freezing point always be on a Wednesday id reared a special large breed of It has been stated that the re and Easter on the 3rd. Sun days of the past month cau ging the river bed and erecting PAT a retining wall at the point these animals to provide a sui sults obtained from corneas se day in April. All the fixed set scourints here and theila where the overflow occurred, table and sufficient supply for cured in this way fere as good Feasts of the Church will fall or the Railroad which were, th so as to throw the stream back riving sight to thousands of as those taken from living eyes. o ncertain days regularly so however, quickly repaired.
Iris fellow beings.
The rabbit breeding experi they can be looked forward The inundation of the India in its original course. This secThe Cornea is the external ments are being carried on in to without any variation as at na Farms, Siquirres, occasion tion of the Railway is a very translucent skin from of the ed the most trouble. The eye laboratories in Cardiff, Wales, present.
Pa iniportant one, as apart which becomes opaque as the while from far away New ZeaThese changes will have to cuare River overflowed, and the vast quantity of Bananas result of certain diseases. This land and Canada people have be presented by the Interna the waters washing through se transported weekly, there is a is removed in an eye grafting journeyed to England to tional Fixed Calendar Lea veral sections of the Indiana steady traffic in freight and pas be gue to the League of Nations Farms Nos. and 11, created a sengers, hence operation, and a normal heal operated on by Dr. Thomas at before it can be adopted. As new arm, which took charge of being done by Mr. Shechy and everything is thy one grafted in its place. the Central London Opthalmic it is expected that this will about a mile of the Surgeons have been handicap Hospital.
Railway his very efficient Staff of Asbe done at the next meeting lines on the Carmen ped by a scarcity of human cor Branch sistants, to ensure the safety of of that Assembly, we may and rose at one time to about this part of the Company road find the changes in our Al three feet.
way manacs for 1939.
EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ ml OU Local Briefs Big Bargains in Remnants during JANUARY at JACK ORANE STORE Sufferings of Duke of Windsor for the ordinary mail use Death of Living Buddha to Abogados y Notarios Lawyers Public Notaries SAN JOSE. LIMON SAN JOSE LIMON Olicina en Limón: The National Exposition Office in Limon adjoins Conntiguo a ia Munici Qihat of the Municipality held recently in San Jose and Cartago will be commemoratpalidad (frente a Parque) opposite the Park.
ed by two sets of postage stamps specially issued for Limón the purpose. One set, consisting of 900. 000 stamps of two, five and ten cents values, are. which totals 1, 870. 000 stamps of the values By the reported death of The Dalai Lama died in 1933 Lama Judging from the informa quet in Paris he asked the of two, five, twenty cents the Panchen or Tashi and since then the Panchen tion which comes to us from proprietor (an englihsman) to and one colon forty cents, are or. November 30th, at Jyekun had been making every effort various sources, the Duke of invite some of the French Mi solely for our air service. The do Western China, Asia to go back to his palace in Windsor seem to be a most nisters for an introduction, stamps are now in circula forbidden land. Tibet, is Lhasa the Holy city of Tiunhappy man when this caterer to nobility tion.
now without one or other of bet. As another Dalai Lama He is much preoccupied by informed him he could not the Grand Lamas who exerci has not yet been found the the refusal of his brother and in view of the inferior social As a consequence of the lised a divided Spiritual and recent death of the Panchen the Royal family to concede standing of his wife whom vely interest foreign Chemists Temporal Absolutism over that Lama leaves the Tibetans wit the title of Royal Highness the wives of the Ministers have, for some time past, been mysterious country of hout a titular Ruler, temporal to the Duchess. He has de would supercede and slight. evincing in our different me 000 000 inhabitants and mo or spiritual.
mended it, but Sir John Si This so infuriated Wally dicinal plants, exportations of re than 000. 000 square mi It is the belief of the Lamen has proven to him that, that it is stated she shouted the roots of the well known les.
maist. Buddhists that the moaccording to a resolution em at the top of her voice. Ipecacuanha are now being ment the bodily form of eitanating from Queen Victoria, They (referring to the Royal made to Germany where, it All followers of the Lamaisther of the Grand Lamas ceases the confering fo such a title family) have treated us in an is said, it has a splendid marBuddhism believe the Pan to live, he is re incarnated in is a prerogative of the Sove abominable manner, they will ket.
chen Lama to be an incarna. ar. infant born at that same reign. The Duke consequently not even allow us money to. tion of Amitabha, the Bud moment. The decision as finds himself and wife at an live by. The result of this cha of Boundless Light, a wiul The tidy sum of 46, 000 coand which of the many babes born discount, socially, rudeness was that the guests the when travelling At a ban all left the Banquet Hall. lones is reported to have been as such their Spiritual Leader: at such a time represents distributed, as a Christmas while the Dalai Lama, who incantation, rests with the present, among the employees wielded the chief political or monks of the principal monas of the Banco Nacional, exclu temporal power, was held to terios who depend on certain sive of the Manager who de be that of the Buddha of Mer signs, portents, omens and vi It is very gratifying to all in, serious illness of his wife, he clined to accept.
sions to guide them in so imthis and the surrounding dis was forced to leave for the inportant a duty. It not infretricis to learn that Mr. Miguel terior. We are pleased to know. Some years ago a political quently takes several years Valle is arranging to return she has so sufficiently regained Among the nogs sold re feud arose betmeen the occu for the monks to find the litamong us at an early date. her health as to permit his recently at one of the regular pants of these important oftle Living God they seek, Uo to about two months or uming his much appreciated weekly fairs in Heredia, was fices, and resulted in the Da as in the case of the Dalai La so ngo, Mr. Valle carried on his lebours here from the Ist. of one, which it is claimed, tipp lai Lama seizing full power in ma now four years dead.
Decal Laboratory work in and the coming month.
ed the scale at 312 kilogram 1924 and driving the Panchen argand Estrada; but due to the Correspondent mes.
from the Country into exile. Wireless News.
be (From Page 784, 000 while those of the JapaVos permitimos lamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back nese were said to be 800 killed de su recibo que cica: of receipt which reads.
and 4, 000 wounded The number Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office of the wounded Chine known.
cina dentro de los primeros 10 días y before the 10th of the month de cada mes SPRINGFIELD, III. ThirtyBe so good as to comply with this request and do not six men convicted of conspiring Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our servicc, a step which to bomb railroads, coal trains de tener que corlar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
and mines in factional mine union warfare have each been centenced to four years imprisonment and the payment of a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
20. 000 dollar tine FROM MATINA was not Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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