
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICI SATURDAY JANUARY 15th. 19 SA YO COTE ind PENSION PASOS Work By Naval Survey Vessels in Local waters Outlined note Iri So inst of MORE OF THE CHURCH OF GOD What did Paul preach? ve they cried.
Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX Was in the law? No, it was Who would dare tot the gospel of Christ. While with God plan? Who addresing a mob in the sacred limit His power, His ABOGADO Hedrew tongue there sudden ties? The man whom ly broke from his lips, like a would select as a world y NOTARIO PUBLICO thunderbolt, the declaration a foreign vineyard wog of his conversion and commi all probability, be an and Oficina: Altos Pas ssion to preach to the Gentil te failure and the same heat cual Ingianna es. The declaration that he be said of our choice fd the sould goh by God comm. home field. Let us, then uten and to declare their Messiah wait on the Lord to the Saviour of an alien poe members in the Church inte The Truant Nine Thousand ple smote the very foundation there will be no failure Dollars Return of their dreiudices and the the Church is the Lord his storm broke loose. Away with ding.
On Friday or last week al such a fellow from the earun STEWA letter, andresssed to the Pre for it is not fit he should li Cimarrones.
ond sident of the Republic by an che unknown individual, was hanInir Si Ud. va a PANAMA hospedese en la News From Penshurst ded to the Policeman on duty at the Presidencia. The com The Editor munication contained, it was THE ATLANTIC VOICE the following day, Satvola was not brought out of trol found, the nine cheques of a for receival by the Com thousand dollars each which Sir.
Bananera, and so over the vere part of the larger sum stems have been left oor stolen from the Postal Permit me space in your Plantation Company Sartment about a year ago esteemed Journal and in consequence on which the following.
to insert ways and along the thing he thon Diretor nf rammul Banana Farmers on the Pens up to Monday.
They were not brought nications had to leave the hurst Plantation are much As this serious positid country.
aroused over the Payment of these cheques neglect on the part of the Pence having been given apparent been occasioned by pre had been stopped and shurst Banana Company in transportation of mater Adolfo Salazar, a prominent the receival of fruit last week the plantation, Mr. Fi the Druggist or San Jose was soOrders for The report of the American merican coast From Colon, Pa the cutting tors of has been asked to pay me months ago arrested for fruit were delivered on Fri fruit, but nothing has yg tal Hydrographic Ofice for the nama, to Puerto Cabeza, Nica writing to the Federal Refiscal year 1937, published re ragua. In connection with this serve Bank of New York, on, but due to the fact that the majority of the farmer fi day and all went out to reap heard of the matter. Arine cently in Washington, contains project a precise astronomical which they were drawn, en Company locomotives were cerned are small pil war the following interesting infor a ermination of geograhical quiring if they would be ho employed transporting ball the loss bears most mation regarding the work position is being made at Port noured on presentation. He which was effected along our ast and other material along on them and also on pub Limon. Additional determina was, however, subsequently the tramway, the fruit which truly, coasts as also those of Panama tions are contemplated at Blue liberated. The custodian of was delivered, as usual, on Suff wer Nicaragua and Colombia, fields and Rio Grande, Nicara these values being apparently Hydrographic Surveys have gua.
convinced there is no chanGre been continued by the During the fiscal year 1933, ce of ever effecting collection WOMAN WHO FED ALCAZAR SOLDIERS DECORA Hannibal and the Noko it is planned that the Hannibal decided to return them to the 1934 mis. The Hannibal completed will conduct a survey of the government. Meantime the San Sebastian, Spain. Te. ted her refusal to abanda the surveys of the north coast Roca Grande, main entrance to whereabouts of the Official or Panama from Chiriqui Lahe Orinoco River in Venezue who abstracted them still re resa Gonzalez, whose horsemea post despite the terribel dem goon to the Panama. Costa Ri a. The Nokomis, which is mains a mystery to the Inves stews kept the Insurgent defend and the many casualtiestere Government forces la Su ca border and the. East coast of perating on the north Colom igating Department of the ers of the Alcazar alive during country the famous siege at Toledo has to the Alcazar for weeks and from the Panama. Costa ian coast, will continue been awarded the Spanish Cross start of the civil war. The mee Nicaragua boundary, The No that vicinity.
of Military Merit by hte sur was loosened on Sept. ciety kcmis completed the survey of In connection with the proJosé chion gent Government.
year, by arrival of Ins ber the north coast of Colombia jected Orinoco survey an aerial Comerciante Detallista The official anouncement ci troops.
ve from Punta Canoas to Santa photographic survey of the Marta and is now conducting coast of Venezuela from PuerLicores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, surveys from Punta Baru to del Morro to the guiana Arti. olos. Ferreteria nie southwestward towards the boundary will be made.
Eléctricos; todo se encuentra Kirl Gulf of Darien.
During the fiscal year the en este estabiec miento In conjunction with the hy Hannibal occupied six PRECIOS DE ITUACION drographic surveys by the aerial dynamic stations between Ofrece S. Hannibal, the Fleet Air Ba the Panama Canal and the LIMON se, Coco Solo, has been conduc eastern end of Jamaica, and ting an aerial survey, with a 18 stations off the east coast Legumbres y frutas frescas y refrigerada five lens camera, of the east, o Costa Rica. The Man Runs From Jamón. Embutidos de toda clase. Gall coast of Central America from Louisville occupied a line of 10 Port Limon, Costa nas limpias y refrigeradas. Leche pur Rica, to stations between San Pedro England to Paris y fresca a toda hora. Los niejord Bluefields, Nicaragua, and from and Pearl Harbor, and the Cayo Cabeza, Panama, to the Minneapolis occupied LONDON. The ſeat of HELADOS de la plaza.
Panama. Colombian border one station on a passage from Baily, of Bournernouth The Colombian Government Pearl Harbor to San Pedro. Hampshire) accourtant wlo will conduct aerial surveys of The work of compiling record ran from Bournemouth to the Germany Saving Leather with Fish Skin Shoes the coast line covered by the and data of dynamic soundings Paris Exhibition was recognized Nokomis survey and, in addi as conducted by naval vessels by the Press.
BERLIN. To save leather coats.
tion the area from the Panama is accomplished in this office. My idea was to do something for the high boots needed by According ot press repu Colombian border to the Gulf This activity is being promoted to promote the cause of inter German Army and National So this new achievement in of Barien.
and encouraged by the coope national friendship. Bady pan cialist Party organizations Ger ficiency, fish skins are and The work completed now employing fish good as snake by ration of Scripps Oceanographic ted when he arrived in Paris, many the Nokomis in Chiriqui La Institution at the University of explained that was viso skin as a substitute and the ma skins and are cheaper.
KI goon and approaches, and Cod, catfish and eel skit thro the California and the University testing a lath cure lau ex nufacture of fish skin goods has started on a large scale. declared to be particular thos Hannibal on the coasts and of Washington on the Pacific pe ienced four years ago.
After runing Soutlnp. The principal objects produ ed for women shoes for islan adjacent waters of Panama and Coast, and Woods Hole, Masto. Baily boarded the Queen ced Costa Rica are part of a pro sachusetts, men and women wear, while new effects spor on the Atlantic Mary and ran around hte liner shoes, gloves, handbags, book ieved in women evenins dies, ject embracing the Central Coast.
Guk while crossia; the ci bindings and women with red perch.
the platform while customs of500 tinder that took him int Clermpic burg. He pranced u anun EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ Th the platform while cuts of ficials examined RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ after a brief sleep. Od has obtained its rapid and great popular ty by any Ame ni marathon to PS.
ing cured an immense number of persons who Ob Abogados y Notering Lawyers Public Notaries fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. The SAN JOSE LIMON SAN JOSE. LIMON Tramway Rails for Sale now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer fr Olicina en Limón such complaints as So Office in Limon adjoins Contiguo ai Munici that of the Municipality 2, 000 Metrex of Track at a COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACH MIT palidad (frente. Pirque) opposite th: Pak viial usly low Pric: LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSpeen Apply. SC Nat on ox 137 Limon BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION in Nay mou La Pulpería DALLAS is CO are even Gove THE DR. MAX RRALTA MIXTU: to IS nont Hora nflu coes Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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