
dare to Thought For The Week n! ord tas SIEN Races Again At 24 Miles pany would Mr.
SATURDAY JANUARY 15th. 1938THE ATI ANTE VOICE Page 11 YOUNG JAMAICAN MEDICO MAKES GREAT CONTRIBUTION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE Fron Page The Gleaner of Jamaica New Medical Clinie of the Uniwhon carries the following in itsversity of Preiberg in Cerina TRENTON. Seven priva Just as we regard one and anoth in the Swissue of December 11th. wy: the Eppinger Klinik in Viea te citizens, who aided in the light of the Love of God, to that degree are Physicians the world over, and at Prof. Liam Clinic arrest and conviction of Brube and patients suffering from in Paris. All these demonstra no Richard Hauptmann, will we truly serving one another. Thus are we able the heart disease will soon regard tions took place in the presence receive shares of New Pers. to release our fellows from the Tyranny of the choice the name of Dr. Vaughan of the leading physicians of Eney 25. 000 keward. During erroneous thought and prejudicial immagination. u Henriquez, Eng. gland and Europe, specialising! a special ceremony at the Amid every experience, let us endeavour to a household one, and his in affections of the heart, and Statehouse the Governor, HaChul latest contribution to medical their post. graduate classes, rold Hoffman will present realize the presence of God with us.
he Louis Phonostethograph, an o fala science a blessing to humanity. who have expressed great won each with a payment of.
ap der and appreciation of this 3, 571.
paratus for direct auscultation new instrument which superceand a new method of recording des the stethoscope for teach HAMBURG. Arnold Bernund reproducing heart anding and diagnosis of the heart, stein, the widely known Jechest sounds, is a unique af and which now makes treat wish Shipping Operator, has On Sunday the 24th, instant, will be no exception to the gefair. The sounds are rendered ment available at a small cost been sentenced to serve thirty accurately audible, the sound to anyone situated in the re months in prison and to pay the Committee of La Joya neral treatment accorded visi day. Svolumo being capable of con motest part of the world. a fine of 400, 000 dollars on Racing Organization will again tors It is a pity there can be tout ftrol within very wide limits In September last, the Brit charges that he violated the institute a series of events in the no excursion train as a consethe Cont is possible, at will to reduce ish Broadcasting Corporation Nazi government foreign ex Hippic pastime to amuse all quence of the bad management So the audible sound volume of the Pathfinders Club on their change regulations. As a re lovers of the Sport of Kings to arranged with Dr. Henriquez a sult of the trial it is left said There are Eight events on the memorable trip to San Jose and corespond with that which world wide broadcast from the Berstein interests, The Red programme, and it is proposed for which they must ever be be formally heard Electrical Laboratory, Kings mg the Star and Berstein Shipping to start the first Race at 10 censured by the public. Howethrough the ordinary Stethosco College Hospital, London, of brous Lines, would be acquired by lo clock sharp so as to assist those yer, visitors to the turf from pe Filter attenuators enable all normal heart sounds, which the government, his fine being persons who may have to re this end will be on time by going extraneous sounds to be elimi was highly successful. Reports deducted from the purchase turn to their homes by the re out on the Local Train; and as DOS neted, by coming from such distant pla money. Berstein will, in ad gular passenger train that same a Race is scheduled to take place The Phonostethograph!
give was ces as Australia commented on dition, be deprived of his civil day each half hour, there will be evolved by Dr. Henriquez in the very clear and distinct re rights for two years.
mal Messrs. Littleton and Domian ample time to get through the the Electrical Research Labora ception, and it was stated that have always provided clean, eight events by two for to Broadcasting tory of King College Hospi the Australian JERUSALEM.
par. Jewish sport at 24 Miles, so it is antici a return to be made by the Pas ghastal Medical School, London, du Corporation relayed the sounds and Arab leaders while pated that this Meet and Picnic, senger train.
atter, ring the years 1935. 1937. The through to every important sec viewing with skepticism Brifamme first publication, regarding the tion of the Dominion. num tain decision to oppoint a hall work was made in the Lancet ber of the Australian Physi new Commission to investimost of March 1937, while the first cians interested in the value of gate their differences, hoped Iso public demonstration of the the instrument to the profes the result could be the abaninstrument and its applicationsion in distant parts, made re donment of the proposal to Sul were given at a special meeting, cords ofthe reception, and the partition Palestine into sepaLIMON, COSTA RICA of the Physiological Society of se reco:ling dises were sent rate Jewish and Arab States.
Arab leaders Great Britain at Guys Hospi back to London for comparison representing Importación Imports and Experts tal, London, on December 12th with the original, and various factions, said they were y 1936. Since its prefection, the found to be accurate in every would co operates if the ComExportacion mission did not restrict itself to abes 17 horostethograph has been detail to fixing boundaries of the ertibel demonstrated at University Col Lumber Deposit Depósito de Madera sualtie lege Hospital. The Middlesex It seems as if in a very short suggested separate states.
rees list. Thomas and St. Bartholomew while Specialists in afections Compra de Cacao en week and for the second time at the of the heart, will, from their grano Cocoa Purchased war. Il meeting of the Physiological So London clinics, be able to treat Sept ciety held on the 13th. Novem patients located in distant lands, of lber 1937. Demonstrations Ith by means of this valuable adve also been made at Baddition to medical science, Nauheim, Germany. the fa Dr. Henriquez, the inventor, stopped and the army once more pia. Let us therefore wholeheart mous Spa Heart Treatment Chi is a Jamaican and has since faces the opposite direction. edly support the Limon Branch nic in Europe. also at There is the very unfortunate of the Ethiopian World Fedethe 1919 been residing in England Dear Mr. Editor: Kirkhoff Institute, the famous, along with his prents.
Kindly allow me sufficient tendency to separate the inte ration, an Organization dedicat space in your valuable paper to rests of the Black Race so that led to the cause of Ethiopia and state the following: one section often pulls against the Black Race in every part ol There is a belief among ma the other. This is the time when the world.
ny people that a cause which the interests of all should be All who are interested should appears to be failing is not res. faithfully served.
now become members. Meetings pectable and they hesitate The members of the Race are are held every Sunday at 30 giving it their personal support determined work out their m, at Mr. Davidson School until they are definitely assured own salvation, but clear at Room. Let us be vigilant in gua che of its success. They are devoid mosphere is needed as also an ranteeing the liberty and indeniej of the moral courage to join the area where all shall be unham pendence of Ehtiopia ranks during a necessary re pered. These to be found EDWIN HORDE treat, tiiey wait until this has under the free skies of Ethio Limon, Jany. 1938.
Limon ALLAN SIME DECOR In the Interest of Ethiopia SO gera to e.
Big Bargains in Remnants during JANUARY at JACK ORANE STORE are in Shol Banco Nacional de Costa Rica Jamaica Govt. Gives 500 to Olympic Team press ement Kinsan and theaper SOLE BANK OF ISSUE STATE BANK offers the public the services of its KINGSTON Sportsmen tion of a team who will do this and eel Rhroughout Jamaica, as well as island full credit abroad. and BANCO DEL ESTADO partichose who wish to publicise this the sanction and approval of shoes Island as one of the leading Government, indicated by UNICO EMISOR the effetisporting units of the West In proposal will give a filip to pub En lies, will hail the proposal of lic support.
ofrece al público Government, to make a grant of 500 Pounds to the Jamaica Olylos servicios de su npic Association.
The aim of this Association is to send a representative comany of athletes to the Central COMERCIANTE arts Imerican and Caribbean Games por más de 20 años EN LA o be held at Panama next Establecido en la Provincia mplaints onth.
Vende al detal, Vinos y Such leading citizens as Mr.
cores extronjeros y del país, MISCELANEA forace Myers, and abarrotes en general.
HEADATr. Manley, have Establecimiento esquina para toda clase de Norte del Mercado.
ONS, Naieen giving their attention and servicio bancario Entre STION fluence to the raising of the ecessary funds and the selecEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguer uregon Lizano dersistema Nacion MIXTA Edgar Young sonso SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE IN THE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON all kinds of bank service rendered do sulle Necas em


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