
1938 o Why CAFIASPIRINA. om du FIASPIRINA URDAY, JANUARY, 22nd. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 1922 sses of the Jamaica Sweepstakes INFORMATION WANTED thstanding the serious Holders of tickets for other on which the project nominated horses 1, 199. 11.
The whereabouts of the fogurate Sweepstakes in Twenty Cash Prizes llowing persons is desired by on plans similar to 399. 16. the British Vice Consulate at the Irish encounter Allowance to seller of lst. Port Limon Costa Rica.
mission was eventua prize of 1st, horse 199. 16. Please communicate as earained, and according Allowance to selle rof 2nd. ly as possible.
BAYER Gleaner of the 8th prize of 2nd, horse 199. 18. BARRETT, Septimus.
the drawing which Allowance to seler of 3rd. BENT, Charles.
hce in connection with prize of 3rd. horse 79. 19. BENT, Clifford.
BAYER e Meet held during To sellers of other horses BENT, David.
Year Holidays produ 399. 16.
BENT, Ernest Reginald. following intereting Donations to the Island BENT, Ivy Lily.
Hospitals 845.
BENT, Miriam.
ale of 29. 079 tickets To the Promotors for Purs BENT, Saphira.
ich gave 14, 539. 10. es and Expenses 2, 460. BRUDY, Mrs. Lilian.
iums allowed vendors Total 12, 301. 10.
DANBY, Mrs. Ethel ed to 238. The First Horse was sold by ELLIS, Wiliam Charles.
leaving for disposal Mr. Rothery of New York JAMES, Betina Adina.
the general plan to Miss Ritha Campbell. The MITCHELL, Alexander. 10.
second horse fell to Miss Inez MURRAY, Zacariah.
appreciable sum For many years CAFIASPIRINA has McDonald of Swift River and PATTERSON, Timothy.
was thus the third to Mr. Burton ROBINSON, Frederick.
been recognized as an unfailing remedy of ticket drawing and Miss Allen of Man SCARLETT, Mrs. Matilda.
in colds, headache, influenza, and rheuhorse 198. 10. deville who divided the prize. TAYLOR, Nathaniel.
BAYER As it happened that Miss WRIGHT, Ewan Alexander. of ticket drawing matic complaints. You should insist on horse 1, 599. 11.
Allen sold the ticket she also CAFIASPIRINA, not only because of er of ticket drawing received the sum of 79. 19. its sure effect, but also because it does orse 799. 11. 11.
mentioned above. With the not harm the heart, stomach or kidneys.
exception of one of the twen WEDDING BELLS of ty cash prizes which went to The world famous Bayer Cross, which appears one Alfred McLean in Crison every tablet, guarantees the excellence of barrel tobal all the other were sold зоотн in the Island.
Wednesday last was truly The next Sweepstake will apolec Miss ked be run on June 9th. King Weddings Day with us.
bes Berlin Birthday Handicap, closing Leoni Aiken, of Cieneguita, on date 26th. May.
this day jorned Mr.
William politic Bread Jackson in holy wedlock; Buns One of the other nominated Miss Lou Grant of Santa to Biscuits Cakes horses was won at Ancon by Rosa also consummated the nup ITALIAN CONDITIONS CONTINUE SERIOUS IN ETHIOPIA his one who styled himself Cob tial tie, and so did Miss Reid of People Bakery web. He netted 133. Jamaica Town and a young la Coloso. Box 179. Limon There were nine such prizes dy of Westfalia.
The following is taken from townspeople and even foreign In on nominated horses.
The Atlantic Voice wishes the Voice of Ethiopia of the traders, are said to have been Guis each of them every joy aadist. instant.
happiness in their contracts for Djibouti, All sorts of rumours are flyy reper life.
UMBER DEPOSIT Marshal We have received news from ing around Djibouti time some Englishmen who lately Graziani is being relieved of arrived in Djibouti from Addis his command by Rome. He has Ababa. They say there is dan taken 400 lorries of soldiers José chion Ng ger everywhere of Abyssinian and material No Comerciante Detallista attacks, even in the capital, knows in what direction. Soave Next to LA PROVEEDORA where strong measures for de me say he is angry with Rome Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, net fence had been taken. The Ita others say it is because these New and Complete Assortment of Lumber Artículos de Ferreteria y Tease lians had now strictly protab. soldiers returned to the capiEléctricos; todo se encuentra thes ted anyone, even the foreign tal without carrying out his opurements less than feet at 25 per font en este establecimiento.
subjects from leaving Addis orders, so he is now leading the PRECIOS DE SITUACION baba. The Consults had protest expedition in person to clear ed, but in vain.
the road between Addis Ababa STRIKE IN JAMAICA LIMON All trade is at a standstill, and Asmara.
and if more than two or three The wife of the deceased Ded Parish of St. Thomas, lings, which the strikers refus men are found talking anywhe jaz Aberra Kassa, Kanyazmatch sle of Jamaica is again ed and threatened violence. WIRELESS NEWS re they are at once arrested Abeba Arragai, with a brother ront from the viewpoint Doubtless remembering the and clapped in prison. Fifty to of the Ethiopian Consul of Dji ings. Hundreds of Ca insurrection which ocurred in sixty executions of AbysFrom Page bouti, have brought their army er heers are reported to ha this same parish in the year sinians by hanging were ta down to Manz in Shoa provinback work on the planta 1865 the Authorities did not ped in their bedrooms shor king place daily when these ce, which is rocky and safe from that Parish; Serge Is waste an ytime; 150 policemen, thy after retiring for the Englishmen left.
air attack. It is very near Chan grow oley and Fonthill being well armed and provisioned, night.
Regardless of all this the no. They wish to make contact icipal seat of the trouble with Inspector General Wright Abyssinians are busy fighting with the son of deceased Prinante first named as the in command, were quickly dis SAN JOSE, Cal. Men everywhere. hospital ship is ce Lidji Yassou, who is operapoint on account of the pached to the scene of distur claim they have broken up awaiting the arrival of Italian ting in the Dankali country.
op there, estimated at bance, and as a result of ela one of the biggest counter wounded.
tons being the heaviest. shes which took place, the Glea feiting rings ever uncovered The troops of Dejaz Fikri Mar work of cutting canes ner says 60 of the ringleadors on the West Coast when Fed iam captured a trainload of Nicaragua.
eviously done after the were arrested and 34 others in eral Agents raided a building 500 Italian soldiers at a planine pence per ton and jured. Several skirmishes occu and seized more than 110, 000 ce called Chelailka, between From Page gave a day wage of rred, but on the strikers realiz dollars worth of counterfeit Bishoptu and Modjo stations, Nicaragua monetary Unit hillings. This year the ing the determination of the Aut five dollar bills. The fake no they killed most of the occuonce, it is claimed one is increased to ten pen horities to quel the disorder they tes were described as exceepants.
of the world strongest curren penny; then came the sensibly gave in with dingly well made. Several many Another attack is recently re cles, but continued borrowing with the men demand immediately resuming their la arrests were made.
ported to have been made on by the government during peshillings. The Estates bours at the price offered them Modjo station, in which the riods of depression, caused its a compromise at one shi one shlling per ton.
BELFAST, Ireland. Diswhole Italian garrison, besides (value to fall heavily.
solution oź the orthern Ireland Parliment on the 20th.
uillermo Niehaus Co.
instant en general elections LIMON MERCANTILE Co.
on 9th. February have been LIMON, COSTA RICA unexpectedly ordered. Lord MADURO LUMBER YARD Craivagon, Prime Minister of Dealers in native lumber and produce DERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Northern Ireland said the 215 South of Post Office early elections were precipaOnpro cacao Material de Tranvía ted by the issue regarding the Unification proposals which rvicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pro. Vieio COMPANIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
were expected to be raised by Eamon de Valera of the Irish Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO Importación de mercaderia en general Free State at conferences Al sur del correo Apartado 215 with British Statesmen in Venta de maderas Compra de productos.
neve SAITA war one cana is but was nous y 11 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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