
Thought For The Week The Atlantic Voice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic Editor English Section: NATION To be born again is to reach the time of awokening and to recognize that in our Father House there is plenty, whereas outside of it there is nothing but the husks of life. But to be tired of husks, we must have our fill of them until we are nauseated; then do we find them nought but vanity and vexotion of spirit.
Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday Januery 291h 1958 No. 180 With The Fighting Factions CIAL are to be ior The Raising of Rentals The Weather WIRELESS NEWS Italy in Ethiopia ya Fuel ca Heavy casualties are reported. miles from the former Chinese Clashes alleged as a result of the bitter hand to Capital, with Japanese warships! again occurring between Manand fighting along the Yangtze shelling the positions of the def chukuoan Frontier Guards and River above Nanking, where ending forces. It was reported Soviet troops. Soviet Patrol new offensives were simulta that the forces operating along penetrated, it is understood, The populace of Limon is faced with the serious proveously launched by the reinfor the Tientsin Pukow Railway Manchukuoan territory for near le blem of inadequate housing accommodation and, as a coned armies of China and Japan. North of Nanking had checked ly 100 miles and was engaged The losses on both sides are said the Japanese drive toward Su mapping the locality when dissequence, increased rentals. There are some buildings, like Lo have been particularly se chow, the important Railroad covered.
that of the corner of 7th Street and 4th Avenue, where the vere in the Wuhu vicinity, 60 Junction 320 miles Northwest The Teruel and surrounding rotes have been increased 100 per cent. On these premises of Shanghai, Chinese Command sectors continue to be the centre o pair of rooms were usually rented for twenty colones, but ers also announced new gains in of the most intense and sanguitheir efforts to keep the invad nary tighting in Spain, but it is as they are now being cleaned and repaired the rote hos ing forces from linking together difficult to say what is the true been fixed at forty colones, on exceedingly high figure for the conquered areas of North position at present in the war the poor working man. The Proprietors of three Drug Stores Torrential rains et companiand Central China.
torn country in view of the vaare preparing, we understand, to remove to other localities ed by high breezes continue un on occount of the enormous increases placed on their renJated here; very heavy te From Hankow it is reported rying statements being sent out.
that General Han Fu Chu, who it would however seem as if tols. Some of cur merchants have been similarly pressed, roads around Portete and Cieirom conguering most of the also being experienced. The failed to prevent the Japanese the Republican forces have lost much of the Teruel territory ond from all oppeorances, the living quarters of our workreguita are covered with watShantung Province, has been they secured last month, and in ing men will soon be sharing the some fote.
found guilty of treason and consequence of the fierce artiReports from the As landlords are alive to the ioct that there is a scar and Northern Provinces Central shot. It has been disclosed, is hery attacks to which the insur dos city of housing accommodotion, apart from don José Acuña, ell of heavy rains and also addition, that during the past gents are subjecting them, they en per high six months, no less than forty are gradually losing more grothey will neither clean nor repair their buildings although winds. In the Guanacaste re high positioned Chinese Officers und, though not without display the majority are in the most delapidated and insanitary gion the wind is said to have had been tried by Court Mar nig great resistence. Their recondition; and as there are no other places available, the Seen of hurricane intensity es shal, and that eight received cent attacks in the sector of Sin tenants are forced to contend with the existing inconvepecially at Canas Dulce where death sentences while the others gra, about 25 miles from Tethurch and several private were given varying degrees of ruel city, have been unsucessniences buildings were destroyed. punishment.
ful, we are told.
The fault in this connection must be laid at the door már of our Municipal Department. There are several vacant lots in and oround the city where buildings could be erectSAL ed, but it is for our City Fathers, the representotives of the people, to get o law possed, as hos been done in Son José, Notwithstanding that Roo compelling the owners to carry out the necessary construc RIO DE JANEIRO. Two streams over their banks and ne has aluea. ausolutely tions. It must be borne in mind thot there has been proc talian Transatlantic planes, caused hundreds of families alse the information issuing from London that, as a result tically no work of this noture undertaken here during the one piloted by Premier Musso to flee to points of safety. Orme military operations post twenty years though o steady migration has occurred lini son Bruno, landed here Thousands of acres of farm which have occurred in Ethio from the interior and thousands of our then boys and girls flight from Dakar, on the 26 th, after a nonstop lands are inundated and win Frenter wheat crops suffered much pia during the past two are now men and women.
West Africa. The two planes damage as the flood waters months, Italy had suffered To Page arrived at p. complet surged over a large part of ine loss of 933 soldiers and Olis 3, 200 mile Flight Northern Illinois and a small 16 Officers, that three batabia across the South Atlantic and portion of Southern Wiscon llions of Eritreans had desert down the Brazilian ed the Fascist ranks in a body coast sin erled from Naval where a third Ita that the native Warriors had lian plane landed.
PEIPING. The Provisio captured during that period nal Chinese government inau forty three trucks and a lar SERVICIO DE VAPORES JERUSALEM The hang gurated here with Japanese go quantity of war material man black flag was hoist backing has announced tariff including machine guns, riSalidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York ed over a Fortwest prison reductions on certain commofles, etc. and that the Ethiocon escala en Habana solamente three times on the 26th as a dities. The reductions apply, pian resistence is becoming din Estos vapores no llevarán café.
grim token of Britain deter, it is stated, to all nations more mination to stamp out Terro and are therefore not discri we see it announced by way VAPORES SALIDAS rism in the Holy Land. This minatory. The articles affect of refutation, that the entire VERAGUA Enero 31 was the first triple execution ed include Cotton piece goods ty, that the natives are satiscountry is enjoying tranquiliCHIRIQUI in the history of British admi Rayon, Aluminum ware, agri fied with Italian rule and that Febrero nistration in Palestine and claimed the lives of three. Page 10 Solidos semanales de LIMON para CRISTOBAL Arabs.
ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y AmeCHICAGO. ricanos con trasbordo en Cristóbal a los magnificos va cold wave, accompanied by pores de la Colombian Line que prestad servicio sema(Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
nal hacia Nueva York, con conexion rapidísima.
a snowstorm which reached blizzard proportions, moved EL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PUERTOS over the Middle Western EUROPEOS, INCLUYENDO LONDRES Prairies on the 26th, in the wake of heavy rains that sent DARIEN Enero 27 SAN GIL Febrero ELDERS FYFFES, LTD. for London Llevando café solamente para Londres CHAGRES Enero 28 rew airport, to cost around 600, 000, is to be erected on ALVARADO CIA. Sucs. plot of 1, 000 acres eleven miles from the centre of the City PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: Agentes para Limin of London The project has been underta N COLOMBIA Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la Febrero ken to replace the Croydon Vapor VENEZUELA Febrero 19 UNITED FRUIT COMPANY airport which is now regarded as inadequate to take care en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José of Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 the much increased internatioAgentes ED. JANIN Cº TELEFONO 3156 nal air traffic. The erection of FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG the airport will, it is estimated, Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia.
take four years ng the UNITED FRUIT Co.
TO PAGE 11 severe New Airport Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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