
Page TOE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY JANUARY 29th 1938 Machete Dance YOUNG OFFENDERS PREDOMINATE THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE of The Science of Thought machete, suddenly dashed Review on Chiropractic a Washington Out of 400. 000 those charged with automobile arrests in the first nine months theft.
has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havOver 40 per cent of those ar muchete must certainly of the past year throughout the ing cured an immense number of persons who suf seem a strange guest in a Mu country, the largest number of rested between January and the fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These sic Hall, especially when it is prisoners in any age group end of Septembre were repre.
now gratfuiiy recommend it to all who suffer from observed dancing and dang were aged 22. Prior to 1935 sented in the sugerprint file of such complaints as ling over one head; yet it the arrested persons aged 19 the Identification Division was so a week ago.
outnumbered other age groups. the Many had been COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, dance was being held at the Federal Bureau of Inves convicted previously of one or the Hall of the Burial tigation, revealing the results more offenses. Abuot 4, 600 fuBILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION Scheme Association; and allo: an examination of records, gitives were identified during wen well until about mid udds that for age 20, this year, this period by the division fin ninght when a fracas started arrests were substantially low gerprint records. More than and a youngman, armed with er than for ages 21 and 19. 10, 600 police departments, peMore than half the total ar ace officers and law enforcein and began using the wearests were of persons under 30 ment agencies are now volunpon on his girl friend as years of age.
tary contributing fingerprints whip of correction. The guests were all thrown into Youths predominated in ar to the a We gather from the above that medical or surgical training rests for offenses against prostate of the greatest frensy; Murder and aggravated asDr. Philip Sheppard, an However, in view of Dr. Shep many actually falling to the perty, such as robbery, larceny, sault occurred most frequently of Havard, who has had consi pard qualifications and his floor in their hurried efforts automobile theft and burglary. during the third quarter of the derable training as a Medico adoption of Chiropractic treat to get beyond the sphere of Persons under 23 numbered 53 year, according to the records.
and Surgeon; who served the Ro ment, seem to disarm such cri such an unwelcome method per cent of those charged wihh Offenses against property yal Naval Transport Corps dur ticism. The Docotr has given ab of chastisement. In lees time robbery, 61 per cent of those robbery, burglary, larceny and ing the World War, and was, stracts of cases which are most than in takes to tell it, the charged with burglary, 48 per automobile theft. reached at one time, Medical Officer in impressive. He says Arthritis. Hall was cleared, as most of cent of those charged with lar their peak in the first quarter.
charge of the 9th. Battalion Neurasthenia, Asthma, Coughs, the dancers rememberig, no ceny and nearly 73 per cent of Manchester Regiment, has writ Headaches, Loss of use of limbs, doubt, that their associate ten a book entitled Chiropra Loss of Voice, Lumbago and Lettie had the previous day xis which treats extensively on Sciatica following a fall, Tre met her death as a consequenthe manipulations of the art morr, Facial Neuralgia, and ce of the use on her of a si Although a highly qualified man many other complaints have gi milar weapon, were not wilEN EL DEPOSITO DE MADERAS DE in both Hemispheres, Dr. Shep ven way to this treatment. Dr. ling that this one should get pard now confines himself to the Sheppard does not limit his in sudden contact with their curing of ailments only through treatment to spinal manipula flesh; they therefore made all Spinal adjustments.
tions, he endeavours to get his possible haste home.
The word Chiropraxis is, patients to direct their thou No wounding occurred, forwe are informed derived from ghts along correct lines, to adopt tunately, but the aspect at the the Greek chier. a hand or hopeful attitudes toward lite, time was most unpleasant, Encontrará un permanente hand and arm, and prasso. to and to give up resentments and and some of the fixtures and do and therefore really means self pity windows of the building were surtido de maderas de consto do something with the hand If a Practitioner be thorou damaged by the dexterous or arm, although now used al ghly trained in the knowledge gladiator. The matter termintrucción de la mejor calidad most exclusively to describe the of human anatomy, particularly ated next morning in the Poskilled hand movement whereby so with respect to the location lice Court with the accustomde la plaza y a los mejofaulty positions of the segments of the nerve cells and the nered formalities.
of the vertebral column are rec vous system, there should be no res precios tified.
reason for the Medical Faculty Orthodox Medicine is known on Aleopathy being so skeptical to be very critical of Chiropra regarding the practice of Chiroxis which, it is claimed, is prac praxis tised by those who have had no Avelino de la Peña Cía. Sucs.
COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Nazis Fascists plan labour exchange ai JACK ORANE ORANE STORE Santo Domingo to Indemnify Haiti ROME An experiment in man labor head, and Franco mass exchange of labor will Angelini, president of the naLIMON be launched by Italy and Ger tional fascists confederation of BIG BARGAINS IN REMNANTS many on the 28 th of March. farm employees. The agree30. 000 workers of each coun ment guarantees the Italians during JANUARY Fábrica de Hielo try will be sent abroad in the the same social insurance they Refrescos plan extending political and enjoy in Italy and wage equaУ economic collaboration to lab lity with German workers of or the same category.
FLORIDA ICE AND Italians skilled in land recla Some groups have contracts mation and the production of calling for their return to GerLIMON wheat, potatoes, and the sugar many for seasonal farm work FARM Co. beet will be sent to western in 1939 and 1940. Special Germany on long term con trains will take the laborers en LA FLORIDA tracts. While a like number of masse to their destinations. Germanns will come for suita Thousands of Italian and Gerble work in Italian industry. men workers have been sent on Fábrica de Hielo The exchange was arranged exchange, pleasure tours into by Dr. Robert Ley, the Ger the two countries.
Venta de Leche According to the inforaa. large number of Haitians retion said to be received in ported to have been killed, y Maderas (Masalasasan Washington from official so The government of Santo urces, it is alleged that Haiti Domingo will, it is said, undand Sic. Domingo are likely er the suggested Pact, pay to reach an early settlement Haiti an indemnity of 350. 000 THE COUNTRY of the dispute caused by the dollars in cash and in addition sanguinary incidents which four annual payments of POPULACE LUMBER YARD had been taking place in the 100, 000 dollars. Another of territory along their frontier, the conditions of the agreeand which ah one tine thre ment is that Haiti will resWe have opened a Lumber Yard.
atened the most serious dev trict her nationals from imAccording to the interestelopments, on account of the migrating to Dominical terriwhere we carry in stock a complete tory.
ing data recently released by the government Statistical assortment of all kinds of Native Department, it is pleasing to note that a rather appreciaLumber. Special sizes to order.
le increase has taken place in the country populace duWe also have Portland Ceinent, Roofring the year ended 31st. Deing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpencember 1937 MATINA y 24 MILLAS There has been a reported tine and all other building materials.
natural increase of 14, 592 souls, as a consequence of SEND IN YOUR ORDERS Los más surtidos Establecimientos de the births being 25, 624 during the twelve months while deLICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES aths were responsible for but LIMON TRADING COMPANY Háganos una visita.
11, 032. The total with which the present year started is Limon Division given as 606. 581.
cional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de LIMON TRADING COMPANY HOP LEE LUNG SIGUU

    FranceGermanyItalyWorld War

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