
SATURDAY JANUARY 29th 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page Roadmaking Exercises unce These are CAFIASPIRINA days!
THE GIBRALTAR of The East wc AFIASPIRINA Compre Lotería Nacional Con el orgullo del que hace el bien INFORMATION WANTED Every military man knows with the payment of the tax.
how necessary exercise is This should be a charge agaTE The whereabouts of the fo for the well being of the hu inst the owners who benefit llowing persons is desired by man system, hence it was no from the enhanced values of the British Vice Consulate at surprise to observe a number their properties. In more adof the occupants of the Presi vanced countries, motorized Port Limon Costa Rica.
dent College in Fatigue and other vehicles, horsekind, Please communicate as earDrill trying to level up the and oxen that traffic on the ly as possible.
BARRETT, Septimus.
roadway to the Cemetery roadways are taxed for road of BENT, Charles for a couple days during the construction, and an additioot BENT, Clifford.
past week. They were placed nal or super tax is also placBENT, David on the job by Colonel Loria ed on all adjacent lands in BENT, Ernest Reginald.
who realizes that a little phy view cf the rise in their valBENT, Ivy Lily.
sical exercise and manoeuver ues, the tenants are not trouBENT, Miriam.
ing around with pick and bled in this respect. In so far shovel will do those BENT, Saphira as our local method of taxaBRUDY, Mrs. Lilian.
der his charge much good. tion is concerned, it is being DANBY, Mrs. Ethel Prison labour has been used carried out in a half hearted ELLIS, Wiliam Charles. in some countries to accom manner; some of the people JAMES, Betina Adina. plish many fine urban impro have paid while others have MITCHELL, Alexander. vements, and, provided pro not. The Police Agent should MURRAY, Zacariah.
per previous arrangements impartially notify the owner PATTERSON, Timothy.
are made, there is no reason of every auto or truck, and of!
ROBINSON, Frederick why the same could not be every cart, horse, mule or dy SCARLETT, Mrs. Matilda.
done here. If the necessary oxen to attend at the office be TAYLOR, Nathaniel.
concrete piping and Ballast and pay within a given time. At the first sign of a cold. sneezing, head1 WRIGHT, Ewan Alexander.
were procured and placed on After the expiration of this ache or catarrh. take CAFIASPIRINA!
the spot, this important road period those who have failed way could easily be constructo comply should be made to CAFIASPIRINA is an unfailing remedy in ted with this kind of labour. pay a surcharge or fine; acd colds, headache, influenza and rheumaticpains.
The road to Westfalia is also cording to the present friend The world famous Bayer Cross, shown on in urgent need of thoroughly, slipshod way the matter repairs, as the heavy rains is being conducted, the Goevery tablet, guarantees the purity, harmBAYER and continual motor traffic vernor will never know who, lessness and efficacy of R have placed it in an awful have paid and who have not Fearing, it is said, that Japan condition. If a few carloads and there never will be sufmight attempt to extend her mi of the Yas Ballast, were ob ficient cash in hand to carry litary activities in China toward tained from the Railway Com on the work. Those who have the Crown Colony of Kong pany, prison hands could al paid are complaining that kong, Great Britain is now for so be beneficially utilized in they have fulfilled their obli tifying it to such an extent that this direction. The residents gation while others have not, it is estimated it may soon be, along this road have been ta yet nothing is being done.
with Singapore, another Gi xed by means of a Detalle. Residents and traffickers braltar of the East.
Emergency crews of military thereunder, but this method ing that don Ricardo, our Goand naval Engineers, techni wont realize much.
vernor, will immortalize his cians and labourers are report It is hardly fair and reaso name by having it thoroughly ed to be working 24 hours a nable that the people who oc repaird and the one to the day to complete a forty million cupy the lands adjacent to Cemetery also taken definidollar programme of harbour, this roadway, as monthly te tely in hand. Whether these Ayude al Hospital, donde hay sufrimiento y dolor land and air defences. The hills nants, and have erected buil most important works que aliviar, ya donde todos podemos llegar. Protegiendo are a los que padecen, nos protegemos a nosotros mismos.
and islets along the fringes of dings thereon which not only effected by prison labour or the Colony are bristling with help to improve the appear forced taxation, does not mat Compre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL heavy guns and anti aircraft ance of the suburb, but ma ter, but let them be accomemplacements as well as other terially increase the values of plished so the benefits may preparations against armed on the lands, should be saddled be manifested. slaught by land, water or air.
theiring names. Silver Pool. shadows before The spirit of Silver Call. bay fillies beSALOMON CHIN From Page Racing has been greatly stir longing to Mr. Walker.
To those of our thoughtful citizens who witnessed the red, recently, in Guacimo. Black Knight. owned by Wee. Le demonstration of school children on the 15th. September During the past year six hor Mr Rockhead. Red Knight ESTRADA last, must have been apparent that more living quarters ses sons and daughters of the a Bay owned by Mr. Lynch. Barland gallant is an urgent necessity. The problem of having the commu the well known racer of Mr. lly, the property of Mr. WatPrecios Economics Knight and Bar Maid. a brown fi 56 nity comfortably housed in keeping with health regula Littleton, were born here son. The one stranger among Artículos del País tions, rests with our Governor and the Representatives of and so promising are these the family is Sunny Girl Abarrotes y Licores the populace whose interests they are expected to safe animals that the owners have by Sunny Lad.
with We hope to be able to puguard. They should therefore see that the laws whereunder decided to run a race LA IBERIA owners will be made to utilize the lots they now monopolize of 1939 over a distance them during the latter part blish in these columns the ca of reers of these animals until be placed in force and thus provide our growing population fifteen hundred yards and the day dawns when a full PARTIDO REPUBLICANO with sufficient and proper living accommodation and health for a Purse whose value will demonstration of their quali INDEPENDIENTE facilities.
it is said, be of four figures. ties will take place.
Papeleta Municipal The Colts carry the follow 50 Robert Reid Provincia de Limón The man who sells his coal along the street, the trader who caters for the general community are prohibited from CANTON CENTRAL indulging in profiteering practices, when a scarcity of the Propietarios: articles they handle occurs, why, then should the houseJosé Antonio Lara holder not be similarly restricted from raising their rentals Gabriel Ramos to profiteering heights when o shortage of sheltering acLic. Albino Villalobos the rejuvenating Alvaro Goicoechea commodations is experienced as the result of increased pohormone proparation Frank Maduro pulation FOR WOMEN Abel Cruz It is hoped our Municipal Authorities will realize the According to Dr Rich Weiss Suplentes: Ask for our illustrated booklat.
great necessity of acting on the suggestion here thrown Rafael de la Peña out.
Miguel Campos Ch.
LUIS WA CHONG Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nora al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: GUACIMO GUAPILES Este recibo debe pagarse en la chicina This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
de cada mes.
Cantina, Licores ExBe so good as to comply with this request and do not tranjeros y del pais.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Tienda bien surtida.
de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Abarrotes en general Precios sin competencia Racing News from Guacimo The Raising of Rentals. Coming events cast If prematurely aged, Jentilinets use COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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