
Virilinets use IN MEMORIAM In loving and affectionate memory of our beloved Son and Brother ROBERT ANCHER Who, though taken from us by the Angels beyond (CUTTER RODEN)
on the 2nd. February 1932 is yet Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby Not gone from Memory, not gone from Love; informed that But gone to the Father home above.
THE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES Father, Mother and Sisters opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being WELL DRESSED.
Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry o assortment of English Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well dressed man.
The country Political cam nacio Cruz as his Suplentes or Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality paign for replacing, by the se Assistants.
The lost word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular lections of the voters, one half Don Rafael is a man of much ofthe Deputies in Congress sympathy for the interests or Sui. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
who will carry on until the exi Limon. He came here as Secre.
SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES piration, of the term of our tary to the Gobernacion and present President, two years has lived among us for many The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor hence, and assist in the delibe. years, endearing himself to and Cutter, have been secured rations of the suceeding gov every class. Consequent on the ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
ernment during its first two, political changes he went out years, is now in full swing. ol office some time ago, and This also applies to our Munici has since been atached to the thy with the dwellers in the pal Boards.
Legal Department in the Office strips of land along the RailTo a great degree, an elect the Manager of the United way lines, and will ultimately tion such as this coming one, Fruit Company in this city.
it given the chance, do much in tests the popularity of the exist his change has in no way in assisting to rid them of the iniing Ruler, as the Party which erfered with his affability to ouitous rental of one hundred gained him the seat had a most every individual in and around colones per hectarea per quart the rejuvenating ovi welming majo) y of the he Province er now being imposed on them.
hormono preparation popular votes and the represen Don Ignacio Cruz may be These men have. therefore, FOR MEN, tatives of the people were cho oidered a stranger in this all been true and faithful in the Qwording to Dr Rich Weiss them sen from this majority and thus city as he has spent half of his several trusts placed on Ask for our illustrated bookkt provided him with the greaterineume in Guapiles, where he and electors should go to the number of votes in the Legisla has occupied important govern voting stations well prepared The most efficatious and modern tonic yet known tive Assembly to carry through rent positions and rendered to vote for those whom they ON SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES the projects proposed by him iaithful services. He cannot ho regard as best disposed to pro and his Cabinet. Should this wever be considered other than tect their interests, regardless election result in his Partido. good man and a worthly assi of Creed or Colour. There is The Rablicano Nacional stant in Congress to safeguard ord old adage which advices not receiving the majority of he interests of the Province. it is a bad principle to change votes to still provide him with Lic, don Daniel Zeledon has. horses in the middle of a the larger number of Deputies already served us, and is still stream. and we are feeling A most attractive ceramany The reception was teld at in Congress, his popularity will one of our Representatives. It admirably suits this occasion. took place last Thursday mornthe home of the Bride parents, be regarded as having dwind but fair to say he operated Let us hope that on the 13th. ing at the Church of me pod and was graced by the presence led and his sphere of influence Faithfully and well with don Februry our voters will show Shepherd, San José, whe Miss of the Rector who, after bleswill, ia consequence, be much Juanito Romagosa, the beloved their good judment by selec Elanch Rodriguez and Mc Stansing the many tempting things reduced. It is therefore up to for Limon who now goes out of ting the men who are most like ley Kirkness were Joined provided, gave a most impres the Partido to do everything filce, in relieving the small setly to protect their interests in by the Rector, in the End of sive address, followed by possible, constitutionally, to lers of the Mila Maritima these perilous times. It should Holy Matrimony.
of Messrs. David Rodriguez (the win the campaign, for during the burdensome Tax that was also not be forgotten that the The Bride was given away by Bride Father. Sydney Parsons his regime don Leon Cortes has being enforced on them. Don election will be conducted und her Father Mr. David Soriand Allen, as Master of Cere.
citizenship of his country, and Daniel also upheld the hands et the Decree which regulates guez, and she made a very pleas monies.
rectitude to all sections of the ot our charitable Minister of Compulsary voting so tha anying picture as she entered the Accompanied by many of citibenship of his country, and griculture in acknowledging their friends, the happy couple registered citizen who does not Church and proceeded up the cast his vote runs the risk his of Isle under ii seems only just to afford him the rights of the settlers on th: escort, while left for the Pacific Railway Staall confidence that he will con lands wihch were turned over being punished for his callous from the organ came beautiful tion and boarded the train for tinue his rulings of equanimi to the government by the Unitness in the affairs of his coun wedding melodies. Mrs. Priscilla Puntarenas where they will be ty in the best interests of his ed Fruit Company, in oppositry.
DaCosta undertook the duties of spending their honeymoon. They Chief Bride Maid, while those were the recipiants of many va much respected country.
tion to the pretensions of nation of Best Man were efficiently carluable gifts.
As representing this ried through by Mr. Thomas Al we have before us don Rafael) of the holdings they had occulen. large number of guests We wish them long life, full Eduarte for Deputy, and Lic. pied and cultivated for years 2, 000 Metros of Track at a of both races were in attendan of the greatest happiness and don Daniel Zeledon and don Ig and years. He is also in symparidiculously low Price ce as also a goodly number of prosperity.
Apply: NATION other well wishers. Friend Box 137 Limon Osoo Wedding Bells Party, als who tried to dispossess them Tramway Rails for Sale WIRELESS.
cultural machinery, sea foods, grains, sugar, gasoline and woollen goods.
Depósito de Maderas SALTA ーーー Abogados y Notarios SAN JOSE LIMON Oficina en Limon Contiguo o la Municipalidad (frente al Parque)
Lawyers. Public Notaries SAN JOSE LIMON Office in Limon adjoins that of the Municipality opposite the Park Contiguo a LA PROVEEDORA Nuevo surtido completo de MADERA Tamaños menores de pies a 25 el pie LIMON MERCANTILE Co.
Semilla BRACATINGA rected to reprekave para sombra, tapavientos y madera Centro Comercial BUCHAREST The Jewish problem under the new Anti Semitic regime of Premier Goga has been intensified and thousands of Jews are reported preparing to lea ve the country, if they can find places to emigrate. In addition to disenfranchisement, the Jews been sub measures in almost every walk of life.
MEXICO CITY. United States Ambassador Daniels has informed the government of his surprise and regret over Mexico new tariff schedule which incraeses duties on some imports neahly five hundred per cent it has been disclosed. MADURO LUMBER YARD Dealers in native lumber and produce 215 South of Post Office Verta de paquetes 00 y 00 en San José COMPANIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO Al sur del correo Apartado 215 Venta de maderas Compra de productos.
San José. Teléfono 2198 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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