
Negotiations Suspended but exceedingly capable Jud.
The Meet which came off Franci Black Agnes and Our City was once more her body and stiking the been effected, the man was recently at the Cahuita Track Mr. Burrell Rose of June.
thrown into consternation, pointed end into the side of seen going across the railway was most successful. The in Black Agnes secured first last week end, when it beca: the building, left her pinned track looking somewhat de habitants of the entire dis place with Scamp second. Had me known that Lettie or Le thereto. He then endeavoured mented. He was immediately trict seem to have given it it not been for an unfortunate tilia Wheatly had been brut to make good his escape by seized, tied, brought into their wholehearted support, mishap Scamp may have been ally murdered by her param going over the Arnold Hill town and placed in the Car and although John Barley the winner.
our William Thompson. toward Moin. while the mu cel. Hundreds of persons, from corn was accorded free ac There were three contestsIt appears the girl had left tilated young woman was ta all sections of the city and cess, the behaviour of the ants forthe Fourth event Thompson and was staying ken to the hospital where she the surrounding dictricts, we huge crowd was excellent. Mr. Francis: Sir Garnett, with some of her relatives, soon expired.
re to be seen next morning Visitors were well entertain Mr. Donaldson Lady May He sought her out and implo The Police went on the trail wending their way to ed and comfortably accommo and Mr. King Bullah Sir red her to return to him. She of the murderer, and learning Court house to catch a glimp dated. There was but one dis Garnet secured first place alacceded and went back to the from a brother of the deceas se of the criminal. So large a appointment experienced, on though Lady May, who came home her deceased mothered that he was seen at Moin number were these spectators ly one horse from Limon ca second, could have won easily had given her. On the Thurs wending his way, without that the entrance to the Court me over, though stables had if her Jockey had been day morning, following they shoes or hat, toward Liver had to be guarded by half a been crected for more than an experienced one.
are said to have had one of pool, our enthusiastic Coman dozen policemen, and it is ten. It is hoped that many The fifth and last event their customary altercations dante, Col. Loria, secured a left to our seaders to conjectu more will be sent over for the found three starters. Mr.
which was, on this occasion, train and left for the locality re the myriads of different a next Meet Kayasso Mid day Sun, Mr.
connected with a colon which at about p. On arriving busive expressions and The following events took Franci Black Agnes and Thompson wanted and which at Liverpool it was found demnatory remarks which place and afforded the great Mr. Lawrence Swanee Rishe refused to give. He there that the fellow had taken to were showered on the man est satisfaction to all.
ver. The last named won alupon drew his machete and the woods, Assured that he as he passed the Market Squa 1st. Race. between Mr. Bu though the other two were chopped her as he probably was somewhere in the vicis re on his way to the Court. rrell Rose of June. Mr. allowed forty yards each.
would have done a reptile. He nity, between Liverpool and Many are the conjectures Francis Sir Garnett, and chopped her on her legs, on Buffalo, Colonel Loria picket as to the why and wherefore Mr. Kayasso Evening Sun. Observer her thigh, in her head just ted his men from the Castro of this murder. Captain Ma After a very keen contest the above her eyes; he severed Bridge to Rio Madre while he coni has been mentioned as last named won.
one of her hands, and to com remained at Liverpool. After the chief instigator of the The second event, which BOOTH plete his diabolical act, hei a search around the houses heinous crime, as it is said took the form of a match betthrust the weapon through and cacao plantations ha Thompson was an addict of ween Mr. Charlie Kee Chi BESTS the famous and much discre no and Mr. Clark Spirit BAKED dited weed. Ganja. Others Weed, was won by the latter.
BERLIN allege that Thompson was Whips and Spurs were much BREAD driven to incriminate himself BUNS in evidence throughout the BISCUITS CAKES in consequence of his having race.
meddled with other persons. For the Third event, four LIMON, COSTA RICA It was at this time that the horses faced the Starter Mr.
THE PEOPLE BAKERY merits (if any) and demerits Temple Scamp, Mr. KaP. Box 179. Limon MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS of the accused could be heard. yasso Morning Sun, Mr.
Among others it was stated Compro cacao Material de Tranvía he had led a very threatening Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo life to his parents and friends.
Be these things, however, as Importación de mercadería en general. they may, at the close of the enquiry he was indicted for 2000 EOSODeceos neonODOJD 000066.
murder and transferred last Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist Huesday to the Penitentiary, De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, United States Italian Trade San Jose, to await the senten New Orleans, EE. UUS New Orleans, ce of Mr. Desanti, our young Treaty Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional fesionales en su moderna Services in his New Upge of the Criminal Court. It Clinica Dental instalada has been reported that Thomp to Date Dental Clinic.
contiguo a la oficina Negotiations toward a New because of Italy insistence that son has gone on the Hunger Located next to the del Cable. All America Cables trade treaty between Italy and King Victor Emanuel right to Strike as he has not eaten the United States of America the Title of Emperor of Ethio since going into custody.
have been suspended, it is said, pia be admitted, and of America refusal to use the designation in the proposed trade doJOSE ACTION NG cument Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON Informed parties said MussoFROM PAGE Comerciante Detallista country as the natives refulini turned down a suggestion those who had revolted Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalese to cultivate for the benethat a paragraph be inserted to ABOGADO make it plain the Pact was not ria, Artículos de Ferreteria y gainst the Negus and his Prin fit of the Italians. This is par to be construed as a form of Eléctricos; todo se encuentra ces are now endeavouring. to ticularly the case in the Addis y NOTARIO PUBLICO re establish their former go Ababa region where the ItaAmerican recognition of Italy en este establecimiento.
vernments, we notice it is stat lians cannot move around Ethiopian Empire. As long as Oficina: Altos Pas the deadlock continues, trads reed by one, a foreigner, who ma much and the natives will PRECIOS DE SITUACION cual Ingianna lations will, it is understood, be de a tour recently through not carry supplies into town.
LIMON the war affected territory Djibiouti reports that due governed by an extension of a native previous Treaty that although Emperor Haile to the operations of Selassie had to leave the Em troops led by a son of Prince pire and many leading native Lij Yassou, the Italians haPrinces had been captured ve had to abandon their posts and executed, hostilities ha at Baudo Jawanni and Dave never ceased, that the va war. battle is also stated to rious tribesmen have taken have ocurred at Ancolur when advantage of the havoc caus over 600 Italians a portion ed by the rains and are strik of those with whom Marshal ing hard at the Italians who Graziani set out from Addis with but 200. 000 men are en Ababa, lost their lives.
deavouring to pacify It is also reported that the The Grand Excursion will leave Limon on 9, 000, 000 natives spread over well known Warrior Dejaza territory larger than Italy mach Gabre Mariam, who FEBRUARY 9th. 1938 and France combined. This was Governor of Harrar at effort we are told his drainly the time of the Wal Wal inci by The Motor Ship Bocas del Toro the financial and human re dent and was said to have sources of Italy.
been killed some time ago, No Restriction as to Nationality Book Now We are also told that the has recently re appeared at with Deposit of Five Dollars. Space Limited.
natives have, by their opera the head of 8, 000 Faunos. tions, caused the roads from famous big game hunters ROUND TRIP First Class 15; Second Class 10 Eritrea and Italian Somali who live their lives in the land to be so insecure for Ita bushes and are consequently For further information see or write Mr. Nelson, lian travellers, that the rail adepts at guerilla warfare. Box 529, Limon, or Mr. Rogelio Gutiérrez.
way to the French port is Thousands of other natives the only method by which are flocking, to join his forAs Proof of the General Confidence placed in her Seaworthiness, the transportation of the much ces and it is believed he is Bocas del Toro leaves here on the 3rd. February on a Special Trip to Crisneeded re inforcemenets can planning an extensive offenbe made.
sive. separate and also lar tobal with the Team of Players who will be representing Costa Rica at the The shortage of foods is ge army of natives is reportOlympics.
said to be getting much mo ed on the march from the re serious throughout the direction of Kenya.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
aExcursion to Panama Olympics Carnival


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