
1938 Take Atlantic Vaice Thought For The Week WARS AND SIGNS OF MORE WARS Proviz iland.
a amar on It is great good news to many that the same healing Power of which we read in the Gospels is evidenced in Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic fur midst today, through the power of faith, as if the Editor English Section: NATION Master were here as in days of old. He is still here, it is Year IV till His touch as of yore, the very contact of His Spiritual Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday February Eth 1938 No. 181 fet most real presence. By our thoughts can we contact 112 Him.
Christ Healing by Rev. COBB, The Ethiopian resistance protested, but in vain. The fe of the deceased Dedjaz Aontinues as fierce as ever it chiops are busy fighting ever berra Kassa, with a brother of THE RAILWAY INTERRUPTION vas. From the News Times ywhere. hospital ship is he the Ethiopian Consul at DjiEthiopian News we cull re awaiting the arrival of the bouti, have brought their arhe following which emanates wounded Italians.
my down to Marz, in Shoa Tie regula: year end rains ing a daily service by a trans els rom Djibouti, French Soma The troops of Dedjaz Fikra Province, in a effort to cont have extended their sury and fer between Juan Viñas and Mariam captured a trainload act with the son of the decee ela are at this time stili giving Turrialba. It is expected the News received from some of 1, 500 Italians soldiers at ajased Prince Lidj Yassou, who trouble. Almost every section work of reconstructing the le de suglishmen who lately arriv place called Chilalika, betwe is operating in the Dankali of the country has sufiered bridge will occupy another lecido from Addis Ababa, say the en Bishoptu and Modjo Sta region. It has also been furtho que te is danger everywhere from tions and slaughtered most of er reported that several hun from the continued and serious week or so.
nto de Abyssinian attacks even in them. Another attack is re dred Ethiopians, who were severity of the weather, and Inasmuch as the low. Jying de he Capital where strong me cently reported at the Modjo marching toward Bali to join strange to say our Atlantic Zo districts of Matina, Estrada, lquier asures for defence have been Station, when the entire Ita the forces of the Chieftain ne has not been, on this oc Santa Rosa and Bananito have ciones naugurated. The Italians ha lian Garrison as well as the Dedjaz Marid, met and defea casion, as badly afiected as been flooded, though not as hea to, el ve strictly prohibited anyone, townpeople and even foreign ted three Italian Columns sent that of the Pacific. Heavy winds, vily as on previous occasions, res even foreign subjects, from ners were killed. Kanyaz out to stop them. The number following on the downpours, the trains have been able to to y eaving. The Consuls have match Abeba Arragai, the wiTo page 11 have demolished many bu ld creep through without much abanings in the Guanacaste and inconveniences, and within untaA SINCERE WELCOME JUDICIAL EMPLOYEES Western Districts.
few days everything should be lanThe continuous care and at again normal.
AdON VACATION We gladly seize this opportu tention exhibited by the Railpo Persons interested in the way Company Authorities hanity of adding our It is learnt that the Ways and sincerest manipulations of the Courts ve avoided the more serious Works Department is arrang Welcome Home to those alna al of the country are reminded washouts and slides to which ing a departure from its usual en de ready extended our much esthat this month of February we have been accustomed, as method of supervision; a Float Irenteemed Minister of Finance, is the period for the yearly the weak spots along the main ing Gang of 45 men is to be on podon Francisco de Paula Gutievacations for all members of lines were greatly strengthen vigilance constantly, and will ctivo, rrez, his highly appreciated the Judiciary Departments.
ed and fortified to meet the oc be distributed, on a moment ober wife, and other relatives, Only one Alcalde will be na a their return from holidaying in wherever needed on duty here in Limón whose casion; but the unexpected has notice, by occurred men the more tropical clime of Caprincipal function will be to the small bridge means of large motor vehicles, las lifornia, where we hope they attend to criminal occurrenat Chiz Siding has fallen and thus affording a more efficient iones experienced the most enjoyable ces during the absence of the our direct communication with service at the points requiring men time.
Criminal Judge and the other San Jose has, in consequence, prompt attention. The system Alcalde. All civil actions will, been interrupted, though fortu is also, we gather, to apply to Although he has been distherefore, remain in abeyance nately and thanks to the alert the Construction Department in se charging the functions of one until the return of the Judge ness of Mr. Sheehy and his staff the maintenance of buildings, de of the most difficult positions for that Division next month of co workers, we are yet hevete.
pre in the government service for excepting such as may have solonly a rather short time, don been previously cited for spehas nevertheless been cial dates during this month These will receive attention able, as a consequence of his by the Alcalde on duty.
characteristic and well known abilities, to successfully reguNEW YORK. An earthquake WASHINGTON. suggestion del late several very important mat Don Francisco de Gutiérrez benefitted by his several weeks of desvastating proportions and two that airplanes and kombers be used que of relaxation and will long con lesser shocks were registered un to rid Alaskan waters of Japanese ters of an arduous nature; we therefore trust he has greatlytinue his multifarious and strehe Fordham University seisno fishing boats went into the records nous laboui in the interests graph on the 2nd. instant. Father of a House Committee on the 2nd.
of his country and fellow citi Joseph Lynch, Seismologist, said instant, quring hearings on a Bill se the heavy quake was the most se designed to protect the territory agar vere in the last ten years. Becau Salmon fisheries against what was Co New President e of the time proximity of the described as Japanese EncroachSERVICIO DE VAPORES three shocks, the records on the ments It has been cilicially Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York instruments overlapped and confnounced that at a session of used the efforts to determina the con escala en Habana solamente BROWNSVILLE, Texas. Three the Board of Directors of the distance and direction from New separate clashes between armed Estos vapores no llevarán café.
United Fruit Company held in ork of the epicenter of the main bands and Mexican authorities Boston on the last hock. preliminary estimate in the 1st.
31st of instant left VAPORES four men SALIDAS month, Mr. Samuel Zemurray dicated it was 500 miles distant slain and at least two wounded CHIRIQUI Febrero was elected President of the resume ty in the direction o Federal troops and Agrarian ReTALAMANCA Febrero 14 Company to fill servists killed two members of one the. vacancy Australia created by the recent death o.
To page Mr. Francis Hart.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para CRISTOBAL At the same session Mr. Ar ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Ame thur Pollan was appointed ricanos con trasbordo en Cristóbal a los magníficos va Executive Vice President and (Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)
pores de la Colombian Line que prestan servicio semanal hacia Nueva York, con conexion rapidisima.
member of the Executive Committee; while Mr. Jefferson EL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PUERTOS Coolidge becomes Chairman of EUROPEOS, INCLUYENDO LONDRES the Board of Directors and Mr.
Arthur Nicholson is appoint SAN BLAS Febrero ed Assistant to the President SAN JOSE Febrero 10 in addition to his position as Secrertary ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
Both the newly elected President and Vice President are Llevando café solamente para Londres well known to this Division, MATINA febrero 11 the latter having been stationed here for some years, while ALVARADO CIA. Sucs. Mr. Zemurray, for a long num PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: Agentes para Limon ber of years, figured largely in the fruit trade of Central Amer N COLOMBIA Febrero Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la ican Republics and will be reVapor VENEZUELA Febrero 19 UNITED FRUIT COMPANY membered particularly for his activity some nine years or so Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José ago in merging the Cuyamel Agentes ED. JANIN Cº TELEFONO 3156 Fruit Company, of which he FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG was President, with the Unit Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia.
anon ed.
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