
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5th. 1938 Engineering Engagements HOP LEE LUNG Happenings at The CHINA PAYS INDEMNITY INSTALMENT According to a Peiping adValuations; Denouncements; Estimates; Land vice, Japan, on Christmas day extracted a Present from Levels; Hydrographic Measurements; MATINA y 24 MILLAS China in the shape of 40. 000 Surveys; Projections for Tramways, Yens.
Roads. Weter Works, Buildings; Heliopraphic.
The sum represented a first payment on account of the Los más surtidos Establecimientos de Tracings; Mining. 200. 000 yen indemnity asses LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES PROPERTIES BOUGHT and SOLD sed against China in connestion with the Tungcchow inciHáganos una visita.
Any of the above undertaken on Contract dent of last July, and which or Commission.
the Chinese are said to have RAFAEL ROIG agreed to at the time they delivered their formal apoMember of the Faculty of Engineers of Costa Rica logy Box 523 San Jose Telephones 2929, 3201 Strange Administration of Dear Mr. Editorthe Management of the Club Believes freasure Stil On Spanish Galleons was shortly after seen by the Justice Kindly grant the necessary 1st. Vice President of the DiSAN JUAN, Puerto Rico. Much of its planking and In Palmera de Zarcero, a son, space in your valuable paper vision and told You Boys are There is still treasure on ribs are still well preserved. on seeing his old father being for publication of the follow going ahead too fast. This rethe Spanish main. This con retaining their fresh cedar overcome and cut down to the ing.
mark was followed two weeks viction was expressed by fragrance ground in a muchete duel later by a communication from Cant. John Craig, deep sea Much of the galleon has with a man who is said to ha had the opportunity of Mr. Mitchell in which he subphotographer and co invent been excavated by CCC wor ve been continually molesting reading a late issue of Plain mitted for the consideration or of the Craig Nohl diving kers who are converting Mo him on his little farm, jumps Talk. a newspaper published of the Six. the plan which suit, when he returned by na into a forest and game in the fight to avenge his pa in Jamaica, which carries a let read, in part, that the Secreairplane from a scouting ex preserve From the air. Cap rent incapacity, and killster from the Limon Division tary of the must pedition about Mona Island tain Craig said, he saw two the aggressor in a few mom of the to that of be the Secretary, as also the midway between Puerto Ri submerged wrecks which he ents.
the Parish of St. Andrew in Treasurer, etc. of the w Har co and the Dominican Repu plans to explore after finis The matter was adjudged that Island. The letter requests, lem Club. Realizing the scheblic, in Mona passage, the hing the photographing of by the Criminal Court and the St. Andrew Division not to me underlying the plan, the traditional Spanish treasure the Lusitania salvaging off the youngman sentenced to believe the starling informa six rejected it and being in con route between the New Ireland imprisonment for life; on retion published World and Europe.
From Mona few inhabit viewing the case the Appeal ner. under the headline Cos not continue their dances in the Glea sequence, informed they could in Captain Craig went parti ants, Captain Craig said. Court however reasonably atcularly to inspect the old he learned that treas tributed the crime to serious ta Rica News Items. that the the Hall, they decided on closgalleon recently discovered ure hunter had been there provocation and modified the Limon Division, through its pre ing down the Club, but Mr. Mit by the New Yorker, George recently for six months and sentence to one of six years whatever to do with Mr. Mar remove their tables, chairs, ete.
sent President, has nothing chell refuses to allow them to Peabody Jr. embedded. in bad carried away a bag in San Lucas.
Mona sands well inshore. which, the natives are firmly cus Garvey and his Five Year hence a misunderstanding has The Captain believes the ga convinced. held gold and old Plan, and is prepared to car arisen and trouble brews betlleon dated from the sixte jewelry. No one was permit ITALY LARGEST ry on in the interests of him ween the members of the Club enth century. It is 130 feet led to touch or look at the self and his chosen few. The and the President of this Dilong with a 30 foot beam of bag contents, the people AMMUNITION FACPresident alleges there is abso, vision of the heavy cedar construction. declared.
TORY DESTROYED lutely no foundation for mak With thanks yours.
wowoch ing such a statement, but may HORDE remind him that in the preDuring the forenoon of last Saturday the largest and most sence of the Governor SecreA Royal Present important ammunition facto lary in this city, he sometime His Majesty Amir Saud, ry in Italy was completely ago declared Mr. Garvey h3s Crown Prince of Saudi, Arabia, LUMBER YARD destroyed by a terrific explo no jurisdiction whatever over is reported to have made King sion which also caused serious this Division.
George of Great Britain damage to a large section of few months ago, the New Christmas present of two pairs the commercial area of the Harlem Glee Club was formed We have opened a Lumber Yard town of Segni where it was here by six young men of the three milch camels and one bull of magnificent arabian horses, located.
where we carry in stock a complete community. Mr. Mitchel gave At the time of the occurren them permission to conduct assortment of all kinds of Native ce there were 000 workmen dances in the Hall, whenever in the factory of whom over they wished, provided the BOOTH Lumber. Special sizes to order. 150 are reported dead and 300 injured. The awful catas self and a fe were allowcomposed of himBESTS We also have Portland Ceinent, RoofBAKED trophe, regarded as the most BERLIN ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenterrible and costly which hased to run a Bar upstairs such occurred in Italy within meoccasions, but which BREAD BUNS tine and all other building materials.
mory, is attributed to the ca would have no connection wha BISCUITS CAKES relessness of a workman who tever with the dances. The Hal!
SEND IN YOUR ORDERS ignited a tube leading to the became the centre of attrac.
THE PEOPLE BAKERY main storage building.
tion especially Sunday 0, Box 179. Limốn The damage is estimated at nights; and tables and chairs 150 million Liras.
were installed by the Club; but a LIMON TRADING COMPANY a on on LIMON TRADING COMPANY Limon Division Manson Mexico Schools Show Large Increase Excursion to Panama Olympics Carnival MEXICO CITY. The While México educationumber of government scho nal system is officialy labelols have increased from 7, 018, ed Socialist, reports indicprior to President Cardenas ate there is a wide difference taking office, to a present to in the teaching, according to The Grand Excursion will leave Limon on tal of 11, 078, and the teach locality and the personal iners from 298 to 14, 734, ac clinations of the teacher FEBRUARY 9th. 1938 cording to a report by the The general tendency, horse Department of Propaganda. ver, is to teach so called raby The Motor Ship Bocas del Toro It is expected that by the dical doctrines, although the close of the year the schools are probably more anti cleriNo Restriction as to Nationality Book Now will be increased by another cal than socialist.
with Deposit of Five Dollars. Space Limited.
2, 500.
Due to the loosening Despite, however, this rap church restrictions, Catholic ROUND TRIP First Class 15; Second Class 10 id development of the nati education is also again on the on school system, Mexico increase, and many persons For further information see or write Mr. Nelson, City newspapers estimate are sen ling their children to Box 529, Limon, or Mr. Rogelio Gutiérrez.
there are around 6, 000, 000 il. be tought by priests in privliterates in the country. The ate homes. There is small government hopes to have doubt that official education As Proof of the General Confidence placed in her Seaworthiness, the adequate school facilities for is developing much faster Bocas del Toro leaves here on the 3rd. February on a Special Trip to Cristhe entire population by the than church. controlled schotobal with the Team of Players who will be representing Costa Rica at the end of President Cárdena ols.
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