
Police Force Complimented 1938 Why CFIASPIRINA. es is to course nust II advised Order AFIASPIRINA COD lo Wireless News.
tub y flood ne section of the com been alleged that important has confessed to being the complains of a very Lodging houses have been pil perpetrator of the robberies cder issued by the Po fered and other dwellings at the Commissary, Niehaus uthorities, the other robbed without any notice and the Hotel.
hents the efficiency of being taken.
It is evident that with the ce under Colonel Lo However, it is observed that right class of men around Colonel Loria has made chan him Colonel Loria is well on has for some time ges in his tactics, recently, by, the road to put an end to the periencing a scourge employing Coloured Investi series of rascalities with The excellent reputation that at the hands of Igators among his men and which the city has been plag CAFIASPIRINA enjoys the ers an djumping burg which resulted in a very ued. He must therefore be world over is sufficient proof thout any seeming in smart capture being effected highly complimented for adop of its excellent quality.
il investigation to lead during the past week. Parkin ting his recent course of actCAFIASPIRINA can be de.
liscovery of the perpe son, a Coloured member of ion. But here is the other side the Police Force, who was re of the story. month or so pended on in colds, headache, influenza, and rheumatic comhave heard of some cently transferred here from ago we mentioned in these plaints, and has no harmful efnusual robberies and the Lines, became suspicious coluns that the Inspector Ge fect on heart, stomach or kidneys.
rimes which, accord of the actions of a man and neral of the Police Force in The world famous Bayer Cross, public opinion, left our decided him By this intuition Jamaica had compensated se which appears on every tablet, paffled. The warehousand apt perception the fellow, veral of his men for smartguarantees its excellence.
che Fruit Company who goes by the name of ness and quick discernment Therefore insist on Clus ndise Department as Mena. was soon rounded up in the capture of certain criCAFIASPIRINA.
y the other retail establish and discovered to be in posse minals. Parkinson activitie Dwere robbed, and the ssion of a variety of articles es which brought about the ings seem to have re connected with the robbery arrest of Mena and the subas if permissible in which shortly before occurr sequen important discoverlinary of oured at the Limon Trading Co sies, deserves recognition, and nal life. So far as free is place of busines and valued it is hoped he will be accordnothing appears to ha at over one thousand colones ed a reward as a stimulent to ppened in connection The man was also found with himself an dothers. large ie burglary at the lar a number of keys and other majority of the members of hich ablishment of Messrs. implements for burglary in the Police and Detective ForB cres and Co. while it has his possession. It his said he ces are marked men, and liaBAYER ble to lose their lives, at timthe es, in the faithful discharge Ha of their duties; hence, when che they exhibit such intelligence the and ability as Parkinson has, well known that due it is said, from an official to it is but fair they should be uld heavy rains we have whom we look for protect recognized by special remuxperiencing, all the ri ion in times of calamities. In ration from the Department.
lo re swollen and low San Jose, where there are a The proprietors of commerbli listricts inundated to a thousand and more cars ply cial houses and private citito erable degree. On some ing the thorofares, hundreds zens ought to get up a subsate grazing farms not a of animals can be seen daily cription to formulate a fund ras of grass may be seen grazing around in the suburbs for presentation by the Co Fron Page me les around being cov without let or hidrance, whi mandante to so courageous an waters rang le here, in a time of calam Offricer of his Force This band at La Rosita, 15 miles West ranking Officer that the Fleet jom media metro to twoity, no stock will be permit would certainly stimulate of Matamoros, México, across the might be called upon to prevent 3, while some of the ted on the Beach as a means others to render efficient ser border from here. Another was ki seizure of Central and South Ameultivators have lost of rescue. This Order cannot vice for safeguarding Law lled in a similar clash at El Soli rican Republies in event the Monanimals either from but be considered ill advised and Order in our community seno Ranch and another wounded roe Doctrine broke down. When ing or cramps. Along and prejudicial to the poor We do hope something will when they attempted to halt a hearings began before the House ieneguita District the breeders of stock who endea be done in this direction.
truck entering the town.
Naval Committee on President Rocattle rearers had to vour to earn a livelihood in osevelt proposal for a twenty their animals on the this direction and assist in pected that our official will WASHINGTON. Congressional per cent increase in the size of the between the Bridge fostering the Industria Ga render all honest workers ev Committee heard a warning on the Navy, Admiral William Leahy, Vestfalia, to save them naderia. which the governery assistence and protection ist. February from the Navy top Chief of Naval operations, said getting cramped. ment is doing everyting possi rather than help to make there was nothing to prevent seivever, on Sunday the ble to encourage and improve their lives more burdensome.
INFORMATION WANTED zure of those countries except the ndante of Police visit in order to avoid the heavy It was understood a MemoMonroe Doctrine and the Fleet.
it district and, it is said, importations involving large rial, complaining of the harsh he people that no cows remittances from the little measure, was being got up for The whereabouts of the foThe American Red Cross have sekind must be seen on gold we have about us. presentation to His Excellen llowing persons is desired by understaken, at the suggestion of the roadway or open Unemployment is not really cy the Governor, but we ha the British Vice Consulate at President Roosevelt, to raise djoining the aviation known in Costa Rica because ve heard no more of it. It is Port Limon Costa Rica.
million dollars of behalf of the d, and that if any were her people are thrifty and in hoped our genial Comandan Please communicate as ear distressed civilians of China. The ind they would be dri dustrious, always endeavour te will, in his quiet moments, ly as possible.
President is of the conviction theo the Pound and fee ing to make a living in every of the order and desistegaln BARRETT, Septimus.
re is widespread desire on the part ted for each one so im discernable way rather than realize the uncharitableness BENT, Charles of the American populace to coned. This would appear seeking government aid and of the order and desist from BENT, Clifford.
tribute to such a cause.
uncharitable coming as suport; it is consequently ex carrying it out.
BENT, David BENT, Ernest Reginald.
BENT, Ivy Lily.
BENT, Miriam.
Francisco Fonseca Ch.
BENT, Saphira.
BRUDY, Mrs. Lilian.
PUBLIC ELLIS, Wiliam Charles.
JAMES, Betina Adina.
Office: MITCHELL, Alexander.
Adjoining to the City (CUTTER RODEN)
MURRAY, Zacariah.
Public Library Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby PATTERSON, Timothy.
ENGLISH SPOKEN informed that ROBINSON, Frederick SCARLETT, Mrs. Matilda.
LIMON DISTRICT COURT opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being WRIGHT, Ewan Alexander.
Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well dressed man.
CAIRO, Egypt. The tomb (vants. The contents of this secOur Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality of a second Dynasty Noble, seal ond tomb include a great crumed since funeral rites, 51, 100 bling coffin, The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular alabaster bowls Suis. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
years ago, is reported to have and other objects, they apparent been discovered by the English had not been disturbed cince SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES Egyptologist, Emery, who burial, as also the skull bones only two weeks ago unearthed of a slaughtered bull left for The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor what may be the true tomb of the king sustenance in after and Cutter, have been secured Menes, the First Pharaoh. life. The chances of finding such The noted Egyptologist made a tomb intact were hitherto con ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
his latest find at Sakara while sidered negligible.
seeking graves of Menes serone Tienda MIL COLORES An Important Historical Find Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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