
Nicaraguan Press Urge Japanese Boycott Guillermo Niehaus Co.
JACK ORANE STORE Manipulations of Dep.
Panama Railroad Increase Earnings of Public Registry Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5th ihe Tunny Fish According to the BUY YOUR SUITS recently made public on our new ve, that though expo In a recent issue of La Nue: the Chinese, demonstrated EASY PAYMENTS plan the Tunny Fish werd va Prensa of Managua. the their aggressiveness and desmenced during the The Terms make of last Editor, Mr. Gabry Rivas, ur ire for expansion, the New year, the ges Nicaragua to close her World mus take action and PRICES CHEAPER THAN SMOKES!
made by the Pacific doors to the commercial acti discontinue all commerce with tion Company of SUITS MADE TO MEASURE, also vities of the Japanese Empi them.
Produced a total of PANT SUIT CUTS at re.
ios to the end of Mr. Rivas asserts that Ni The large Chinese Compa PRICES TERMS to PLEASE which was valued caragua has never obtained nies located in the Republic colones.
any benefits from her com are also, it is a stated, reque your POCKETS.
mercal transactions with the sting the smaller traders to The LAST WORD in TAILORING!
Miss Hyacinthe Japs, and as they have, by co operate in the suggested WORKMANSHIP FULLY GUARANTEED. of La Junta, Linea their inhuman treatment BL Boycott.
HIGH GRADE ENGLISH SERGES TWEEDS will give courses home from the PALM BEACH SUITINGS DRILLS bruary in Sewing our Specialities.
broidering, Paintin thand, Typewritin Call for Full Details at.
LIMON to boat. The sinking Compro cacao Material de Tranvía chantman is consider Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo serious atrocity.
Rebel airplanes hay Importación de mercadería en general.
sorted to the bomba.
unprotected towns of civil populations: shocking to the civili that steps are being During the year 1937, thised 10, 865. 50 colones; while put an end to the report recently made pu 127. 340 in the preceding blic regarding the transact period and the Company paid important Department of the the sum of 237. 781. 62 was on the end lins the during its last fiscal year disits 140th. dividend, which ab government service, supervis. left the Department as a coned by our esteemed friend sequence of the the commemorated return of ions of the Panama Railroad sorbed 700, 000, during the Lic. don Alfredo Sanchez, such documents which fail niversary of the Fase close an appreciable imtrov. course of the year under replaced the appreciable ement on the results of the view.
suming to comply with the legal ment, he eulogised ti of 237. 781. 62 colones in previous year.
the requirements, were not allo Militia on the pages The Dairy Farm operated written by them in The railroad, which has by the Company in addition Treasury. Of this amount, the wed inscription.
been the property of the Uni to its ordinary railroading Certificates of Registration in the section which attend do similar deeds again presentation of Documents, There were 1, 092 operations and Spain and incites ted States Government since activities, also shewed a prof of Societies, etc, brought.
1904. netted 519. 629 for it for the same period do 136 168. 30; Stamped Papers mong such being 508 Alba ry much on the retres ed to personal inscriptions, a mers. They, however, the twelve months ended Ju duced a net return of 3, 543. used in the various processes ceaships or Executors in Mor Spain and Abyssinia ne 30 th. 1937, against.
produced 45. 333 while tuorios, and 132 Constitutions me.
the necessary Timbres also for Societies of various clas In China used in connection therewith ses.
The Japanese have fetched 53. 293. 37.
Regarding the extension of on the run as the In the Division which att certificates, there were 450. fensive at Shantung ends to the Registration of of which those which carried them baffled.
Births, Marriages, Deaths, fee amounted to 95) the There are said to be and other personal records. remaining 3, 500 being warplanes assid the revenue earned aggregat according to Law.
Chinese, and the Soy Next to LA PROVEEDORA has expressed her to openly jin in the Messurement; less than feet at gainst Japan, if End France will guarante 25 per foot Lion of her Western Realizing the danger of the in writer has stated that these do not however entions of Japan in the domina while England would like to checkling to give such a tion of China Hussia in anxious to Japan advance toward India tro ing guarantee.
heckmate it and has intimated ugh the South of China. she her willingness to go to the res hardly likely to enter into LIMA, Peru. Replyingi stake tickets for charitable cue of the Chinese, but she wishes with that nation without first hato an ppeal from the director purposes was permitted as a the guarantee of Britain and Fran ving the assurance of the United Tramway Rails for of a benevolent society, the result. From that date Irish Ice for the protection of her West States. More atroctives have been 2, 000 Metros of Trad Minister of Government has ickets have been openly adridiculously low issued a circula rto the pref vertised and during the lastern Frontiers from invasion by thrown in the face of Uncle Sam Germany and Poland.
than Britain, but President RoosApply: NA ects of all departments in fourteen months purchasers The world is well aware of the evelt hands have been tied as the Box 137. Lir forming them that the sale of of tickets in Peru have won commercial intentions of Japan to result of the attitude of the AmeIrish sweepstake tickets, is 324, 280 soles.
probited and instructing them The objection by the direc iatic trade, yet it is a huge engag the Nation cannot go to war with Dust all Western nations from As rican populace in demanding tha Regarding to adopt measures necessary tor of the benevolent society Jement for England to assume the out a plebiscite giving him permFistic An to strictly enforce the contro was based on the grounds responsibility of safeguarding the ission Americans may tand by and lling Law.
that these sales seriously afJim Braddock, form Article of this law states fected the funds derived from Russia, while she is engaged with do the trading up to the last mom was a recent winner extensive Western territory of see England go to war and then heavyweight Champ that beginning January, 1936, the national lottery and that Japan, having regard to the belli ent. as was done on a previous oc my Farr in the first the sale of foreign lottery tic the amending resolution co cose attitude of Germany and Ita casion, hence a forewarning which kets in Peru is prohibited, in uld legally be applied solelyly. In order to relieve the strain the British are not likely to forcomeback campaign cluding the sale of coupons to horse racing in Peru. This on Singapore, England is now se. get. Up to this no reply has been ly surprised a very la and tickets in connection contention is now upheld by riously engaged constitutins made to the Russian with horse racing held in for the Minister of Government. Hong Kong the most formidable for and until matters ber of enthusiasts in proposition, Art by the announced are definitely eign countries.
Infringements of the law The law was amended Mav cation of the tickets and the ress in the East, and until these arranged with the American goy his retirement from preparations are completed, it is rnment it is hardly likely the DiIn explaining his real 13, 1936, and it was unders imposition of a fine equival Hardly possible she will underta plomats of Old Albion will com such an unexpected tood that the sale of sweep ent to ten times their value.
ke such a responsability.
nit themselves Braddock declared he 32 years old and ti fighting siyee 1926 in fairness to his wife dren he thought it to withdraw.
Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist De la Universidad de Loyola, From New York From Loyola Univers ty.
New Orleans, EE. UU New Orleans, the rejuvenating report that on the 3rd hormone preparation Farr signed a contract Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional fesionales en su moderna Services in his New UpFOR WOMEN Max Baer in a fifteen Clinica Dental instalada according to Dr Rich Weiss gagement on the 11th.
to Date Dental Clinic.
Ask for our illustrated booklet nilt. The cer tract eontiguo a la oficina Located next to the it is said that the wind del Cable.
All America Cables FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES meet the World Chan September of this year ree sian Lumbei Deposis SAITA Ne wand Complete Assortment of Lumber Looking Beyond the Chino Japanese Conflict Peru Bans Irish Sweepstakes Tickets is wat in Dr. MEDAL Jr.
If prematurely aged, use Fertilinets Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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