
Fools Rush Where Angels Fear to Tread the ed Nicaragua Olympics Arrive Leave th 21 our se a If enfeebled by age.
Vorilinets use Wars and Signs.
CONVOCATION EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ In the last issue of the Cen bretk their silence with re. be said of the dead but that RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ tral American Express of this gard to the Dead, because he, which is favourable and City we find an article by one perhaps would not like the pub though we are only Mechanics, ーーー styling himself Mechanic lic to know that one of the ma not learned in the Classics, we and entitled Di Mortibus nil. chines is on mortgage to good are of the opinion the quota Abogados y Notarios Lawyers. Public Notaries nisi Bonum with regard to Mechanics for a loan of 175 tion would have been more in SAN JOSE LIMON SAN JOSE LIMON the demise of the late Wnile on which only three colones keeping with the context had Oficina en Limón: Office in Limon adjoins Folks. as commented on in this have been paid, hence his ait been written De Mortuis nil Contiguo a la Municipa that of the Municipality Journal a fortnight ago.
bandonment of Mechanism. Li nisi Bonum. Nevertheless, we lidad (frente al Parque)
opposite the Park Indeed, the Mechanic who ke Dumas in his Count of know how to throw a veil over took unto himself the Mantle Monte Cristo. good Mechanies the foibles of our fallen, hence of Elijah is Shameless. espe can thus say It is not the Tree the donation in which Mechacially considering that, he too, that forsakes its fruit, but ra nic has benefitted, and so we might have been a beneficiary their it is the fruit which ri advise the living to pay his in in the donation of seventy five pens and falls to mother earth. debtedness of seven months colones. Wisdom, it would have This Mechanic, rather Scot contribution to the Journal he Last Sunday the team of ter and many friends resident proven, to have kept a still tish we fear, gives himself would attempt to criticize. He Olympic sportsmen from Nica in this country, but no reprepen.
away is a Latin Scholar, in has, apparently, forgotten the ragua arrived here by special sentative of country By meddling in what should trying to belittle this Journal debt. It seems more in our pro train to take the boat for Pa group of Olympic players was, not concern him, Mr. Mecha By his Latin quotation he en vince to say. Save us oh, nama. They number 56 and it we understand, on the spot to nie tempts good Mechanics to deavours to say Let nothing Lord, from these inconsistent required two airplanes to make assist in welcoming them.
Friends. and to again advi two trips to convey them from Our team left on Thursday this speculative Mechanic their home country to San Jo by the Bocas del Toro.
nover to arouse a sleeping se. They were met at the air Captain Surgeon.
Dog; even though he be of port by the Nicaraguan Minis poor strain Charitable Mechanic CACAO EMBARCADO EN PUERTO LIMON the rejuvenating 19 de Enero hasta 31 de Diciembre de 1937.
hormono preparation Fruit Co. 49, 489 sacos. Hapag Lloyd 23, 972 sacos.
FOR MEN SS Co. 6, 415 sacos. Elders Fiffes, 975 sacos.
aaording to Dr. Rich Weiss From Page Cie. Gle. Transatlantique 250 sacos.
Ask for our illustrated bokkt of machine guns captured in EMBARCADORES SACOS The most efficatious and modern tonic yet known the engagemente is said to haON SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES ve been enough to allow each Cia Bananera de Costa Rica.
30, 004 man to be supplied with five. Gmo. Niehaus Co.
16, 337 They then discarded their Limon Trading Co.
11, 412 old rifles and continued on Agencias Unidas, 7, 377 to Bali where, along with De Banco de Costa Rica.
2, 896 djaz Marid men, they fought Lindo Bros. Ltd.
2, 287 a desperate encounter with Allan Sime.
3, 267 THE SHAREHOLDERS OF eight columns of Fascist tro Avelino de la Peña y Cia.
575 The AGRICULTURAL and BUILDING ops. In an interview with a Frank Maduro.
200 Press Reporter, Ras Gabre Amelia de Alvarez García 390 CORPORATION of 28 MILES Mariam said the expert ma Himmel y von Storren.
300 are hereby advised of and Invited to a nipulations of the captured Calzada y Ruiz.
58 GENERAL MEETING to be held at the usual place in machine guns won the most Karl Kitzing: 4, 043 distinguished Ethiopian hon Herbert Knohr.
305 MADRE DE DIOS AT 12. 30 FEBRUARY ours for Ras Fitaurari Bali.
Gabriel Ramos 700 28th. trustworthy survey, reCuracao Trading Co.
50 cently undertaken throughout United Fruit y Co.
150 to Receive the Annual Report of the Society Transacthe country. discloses that the Ed. Janin y Co.
750 tions, to elect Officers for the ensuing year and to decide economic conditions of Ethiothe life of the Society.
pia can hardly be worse. ExTOTAL SACOS: 81, 101 Those who cannot attend must send on time in writing portations, which were in the DESTINO. EUROPA: the nomination of their Proxies.
year 1934, wo th 000. 000 LONDRES 5, 513 HAMBURGO. FARQUHARSON NATION in coffee, hide and skins alo34, 241 ANTWERP President ne, have dwindled to virtually 5, 250 Gerente. GIBB, Secretary.
nothing as the natives pursuing HAVRE 1, 900 AMSTERDAM their policy of passive resis.
1, 400 ROTTERDAM 250 tance against the Italians will MARSEILLES 462 not continue their agricultural TRIESTE 100 pursuits. Imports have increasGENOVA 1, 043 ed and the cost of living has DANZIG 300 Along with those of the The adjacent countries, in regulate this have failed, as the soared immensely. Attempts to POLAND 96 Panama Canal, the Engineers terested in the of the United States Army of the Nicaraguan Canal, ha prices fixed officially more of DESTINO: AMERICAS.
are studying plans for the ve been invited by the United ten than not do not allow mer COLOMBIA 11, 400 extension and improvement States government to a conchants any profit so they genCHILE 912 of Panama important water ference at which their claims erally close their business. Ex PERU 1, 035 way.
will be discussed. When these port and Import restrictions SALVADOR. 30 No decision has yet been have been decided, finally, excercised through a multipliSAN FRANCISCO 7, 690 announced, but it is under the cost and efficiency of the city of State controls have had, NEW YORK 900 stood that the project inclu respective schemes will doub we are told, a strangling efNEW ORLEANS.
1, 725 des the construction of three tless be compared, and the fect on trades of every kind.
4, 702 new Locks, with two chamb one which shews the greater HELSINKI. ers each, at Gatun, Pedro Mi benefits will be given the The Spanish Confliet AUSTRALIA 75 guel and Miraflores. These preference. It is, however, ARGENTINA 75 Locks are to be much wider felt that this latest move will The government forces are than the existing ones which give the death blow to the defeating the nationalists in TOTAL SACOS: 81, 101 carry a width of 110 feet. The long pending Nicaraguan every engagement. Teruel still Total 1937. 81. 101 sacos. 2, 128, 065 Kilos.
improvements are estimated Scheme.
remains in the control of the 4, 691, 529 lbs.
to cost 140. 000. 000.
loyal soldiers and these are or ganizing a formidable offensive Rico Pobre in all sections, many important townships have been captured from the insurgents.
Britain has sent eight more LIMON, COSTA RICA warships to the Mediterranean Importación Si en el Hospital no hay Suero Antitetánico o pedo boats of Franco in sinking to combat the piracy of the tor Imports and Exports y lo que se necesite en caso de aecidente y Sl the End onion. She asExportacion USTED desgraciadamente es la víctima, serts that, as a rebel, Franco USTED ESTA EN PELIGRO Lumber Deposit has no right to be blockading Depósito de Madera Spanish Ports against international trade. The Destroyers Compra de Cacao en have orders to give the depth grano Cocoa Purchased y ayude al Hospital y al Asilo para bien de todos. bomb to any suspicious torpe10 Page 10 Este documento es propiedad de la Bioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotece Death to the Nicaraguan Canal ALLAN SIME Ud. está en peligro Compre LOTERIA NACIONAL


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