
38 THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The Atlantic Voice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Editor Englloh Section: NATION The troubles of the world are all due to the fact that the vast majority of people have not yet learnt the great Truth that deep down we are all one.
Until we know this Truth, we find it difficult to believe we are all members of one another; and that if we harm others, we ourselves are blest. On this common. ground we meet, Soul touching Soul, in perfect fellowship.
HAMBLIN Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday February 121h 1938 No. 182 117 Keen Contests at Tomorrow Elections OUR NEW VICAR APOSTOLIC Our Weather Troubles British Ultimatum to Espanish Insurgents Hare in Limon atome 35 su much greater interest has been Residents throughout our Vica. when he was transferred to Hon.
ente manifested throughout the Repub riate will, we are confident, expe duras to take charge of the SemiDuring the past week we expe through service has not been re lic in this mid. term, or as we rience the greatest satisfaction on nary and College then newly estabin Tegucigalpa. He came ienced our most serious difficul sumed, and the rains are still fall may say Bi. Election, than in any learning that His Holiness the Polished pe as been pleased to select the back a couple of years ago and was que les as a result of the persistenting.
of those during the recently past Rev. Juan Odendahl, Rector of the last year appointed Recior of our years.
acce mins throughout the Zone.
We are each day running out of Railway communication with the additional articles connected with There are no less than six Par Seminary in San Jose, as the suc Seminary in place of the Rev. Fr.
cessor to our late and much telov Trapp.
para nterior remained interrupted and our food supplies which come to tidos, or sets of Candidates, contesLike our late Eishop Monseñor erias hough, thanks to the untiring ef us from interior points and for ing the vacancies in San Jose, and led Bishop Wollgarten. The impor orts of Mr. Sheehy and his staff of which we must necessarily depend sults may be obtained. In Cartago by cable from Rome on Thursday, and a member of the Order of Pau was received Odendahl is a native of Germany it is said some very surprising re tant communication villing workers, we were not com on a continued reilway service.
there are, we understand, three par Our new Vicario is neither alinos.
Sletely cut off from the remainder The passengers who left here on On behalf of the entire communithe country as on previous oc Wednesday forenoon did not arrive ties and the campaign is regarded stranger to Costa Rica nor Limon, asions, transfers of both passen in San Jose until around n.
as the fiercest experienced during as he has been labouring in they we extend our most sincere and a number of years, apart, of course, Republic for more than twenty respectful congratulations to our fers and a certain class of freight the following day, as due to additio Jeing effected as frequently as con nal slides which occurred after the from the Presidential ones. Guana years, except for a short period new Spiritual Head.
ditions would permit, caste is, however, the Province in the com departure of the train, there was a munity is now feeling the effects delay of many hours at the Chiri which the Political fever runs higof the unfortunate dislocated ser qui section, near Peralta. The Com hest although there are but two con BRITAIN FORTIFYING WEST AFRICAN COAST vice. No shipment of Bananas from pany Management are, however, testing parties. So fierce has been the Pacific plantations could, of doing everything possible to mini the campaign and threatening the LONDON. Fortification of the shorter Mediterranean one be mecourse, be made last week end, and mise the inconvenience, despite the attitude of the supporters of the res it does not seem likely that any can difficulties under which they have pective parties, that the local po planned by the naval authorities as naced at any time.
lice force had to be re. inforе Britain West African Coast is being be expected this week cither, as up to carry on The route to Australia and the to the time of writing our righted and a further additional number a means of making safer the al Far East, via Cape Town, has beof men have been sent to. on ternative sea route from Great Bricomes increasingly popular since hand for any emergency tomorrow. tain to the Far East, should the To Page matters usual extremely quiet, so, apparently, as the real fight is not The announcement has been made reported the matter, were said to with respect to our Representative WIRELESS NEWS rom London that the British gw have en greatly startled, but they but rather as to which of the noal nment has delivered an ultima nevertheless heartily indicated their minated candidates should be clect MOSVOW The Russian di tions, has, it is said, been solv tum to the nationalists or insurgent approval of his action ed his Suplente or Assistant.
rigible V6 speeding into the ed War Department and ciime party in Spain to the effect Chat The re inforced worship patrol Artic on a desperate mercy villan experts have, after many al any further attacks on pritisli ship is in the meantime under distinct OUR AIR MAIL TARIFF flight, crashed against the top months of re earch, developer ping would be followed by severe instructions, it is said to sink at of a mountain instantly killing wateren propellant which reprisals.
sight any submarine travelling in FURTHER REDUCED thirteen men including several is alleged to work as well after As this statement was so much a submerged manner in the Weststronger than anything Britain had em Biediterranean, and to fire on outstarling Soviet Scientists soaking in moisture as before, eithe been known to address to any of the all incurgent Spanish warplanes ob By a Decree issued by the gov Six others, who were more bellicose Powers in these ti served menacing neutral shipping. ernment a few days ago, a new ta passengers or members of the mes, the members present in the The Patrol is now being main riff has been arranged in conneccrew, were so critically injur WASHINGTON America House of Commons when the For tained by more than seventy war tion with our International Aired they were not expected to Armed forces now in North Je cign Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, ships.
Mail Service.
survive any length of time. China areas controlled by Ja This tariff becomes effective on The V6 was classified as one pan will be reduced next the 15th. instant and while retain of Russia swiftest and most month The State Department ing the present basic weight of five modern airships; it was com has announced the forthcoming grammes, provides for a general low pletely destroyed. Those aboard withdrawal from Tientsin of ering of the existing rates.
the ill fated ship were menthe 15tt. Infantry, compris The following are some of the bers of an expeditioa hastily. ing 808 mer This, coupled SERVICIO DE VAPORES new rates Canal Zone, Panama and organized to rescue four Soviel with the Navy withdrawal of Nicaragua, 0. 30; United States, Cu Scientists marooned on an ice 1, 400 Marines sent to China last Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York 11, Mexico, Venezuela, Honduras. floe near the North Pole.
con escala en Habana solamente ro inforcements, Guatemala, 0. 50; Trinidad and EuEstos vapores no llevarán café.
cuts the American armed forces rope, 0. 55; Canada, 0. 60; CoNEW YORK The problem there more than fifty per ceni lombia, Peru, Puerto Rico, Haiti, which has for more than 600 It, also means that for the first VAPORES SALIDAS 0. 65; Jamaica, 0. 70.
TALAMANCA Febrero 14 years given a soldier his grea time in 36 years there will be test worry, the keeping his QUIRIGUA Febrero 21 powder dry under all condi To Page Japaness Seek Fishing Salidas semanales de Limón para Cristóbal Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y AmeriConcession ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO canos con trasbordo en Cristóbal o los magnificos vapores de la Colombian Line que preston servicio semanal According to an announce(Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
hacia Nueva York, con conexian rapidisimo.
ment in the Panamanian Press, EL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PUERTOS EUROthe Japanese who have been PEOS INCLUYENDO LONDRES forced out of the fishing business there by reason of die re SAN JOSE Febrero 10 cent Executive Decree reseryLIMON ing for Panamanian nationals Febrero 17 the right to commercial fishing in territorial waters of wiat ELDERS FYFFES, LTD. Republic, plan to transier their activites to the Pacific coast Llevando café solamente para Londres of this country. with Puntare.
MATINA Febrero 11 nas as their headquarters.
Mr. Amano, the nead of ALVARADO CIA. Sucs. a large business in Panaina PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: Agentes para Liman City and owner of one of ihe largest Japanese fishin: vessels Vapor VENEUELA Febrero 19 Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la which operated in Panamanian Vapor COSTA RICA Marzo UNITED FRUIT COMPANY jurisdiction is said to have addressed a petition to President Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José Cortes requesting a concession Agentes ED. JANIN Cº 06 TELEFONO 1 6 for the este Slishment of FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG a fishing base at Puntarenas, and Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia. To Page 11Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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