
TA Place Ethiopians Still Routtheltalians ku SALOMON CHIN bre Japanesse seek.
Poderosa Radio. Actividad artificial EDITOR COMPLIMENTED REVENUE ON INCREASE In 1937, the values of exportations EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ Mr. Nation, for the wonderful benefits both my of Costa Rican products who an inDear sir: family and myself hrve received at crease of more than two million dol RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ am writing to compliment you the skilful hands of the Chiroprac lars over those for the preceding for the reproduction of an article tor. If publicity where given the year appearing in your issue of January hundreds of cases of various wil Greater Banana production was 29th. alt, under caption Science of mients that have been cured by the principal cause, as the 1937 ex Abogados y Notarios Lawyers. Public Notaries Do Thought Review On Chiropratic. Chiropractic methods, the sick world portations exceeded those in 1936 SAN JOSE LIMON SAN JOSE LIMON and crve your indulgence in allow would be greatly benefitted. by over two million stems. More Oficina en Limón: Office in Limon adjoins doing re space in your valuable co It is good and interesting news than five million stems left the Contiguo a lo Municipa that of the Municipality lumns to make a few remarks, to read about Dr. Philip Sheppard, country, and the hope is entertain lidad (frente al Parque)
opposite the Park which may be of benefit to our a distinguished physician and sured that we might reach the seven a doubting Thomases, and those who geon, who has adopted Chiropractie million mark this year, but there seem to it endlessly siling and suf methods. The old world is fast spin is the fear that having regard to fering and yet skeptical about the ning onward, and Dr. Sheppard is prolonged unfavourable weather con wonderful possibilites of Chroprac only one of the many hundreds of ditions and limited shipments we tie on account of it being a knifeless prominent medical men who are to may be unable to do so.
and drugless treatment.
day practicing Chiropractic. May have to compliment you, Mr.
this and your recent publication Editor, because it is very seldom help to unveil the merits of ChiroFrom Erench Somaliland still co An Italiam who recently arrived Hela regular news papers, mes the news of Talins reverses in at Aden from Addis Ababa reports, anywhere, practic and clear away some of the Abyssinia. The latest in that four it is claimed that with the excepever use their columns to give pub selfishness, objections and skeptiWee. Le Ulicity to, or support anything away cisms. Chiropractic is God columns of Kalian Light Infantry at tion of Adowa all the province of sent, Takase were eut to pieces and in Tigre has been recaptured by the from the already beaten track, and and millions to. day all over the ESTRADA ny hundreds of Eritrean Oficers native warriors.
especially so in health matters. This earth are singing its praises, due Precios Economics and men fell wrisoners of wor; all clash between the Fascists and of course, should not be so when to the almost unbelievable results we stop to consider that nothing in obtained in almost every known ail Artículos del País their armaments were captured and Anti Fuscits took place, it is used to efficiently arm the hordes understood, in Addis Ababa during this world can be compared to the ment.
of Ethiopian warriors.
the mor. th of December, in conblessing of good health. Personally, Abarrotes y Licores All the Italians located in the sequence of the objection taken by shall always have a good word Thanking you Mr. Editor, LA IBERIA province of Minor and Chankora a number of anti fascists to the ad and many praises for Chiropractic am have been defented, while these remarks made by some of the Fasscattered around Chelaya, Kumbata cists Officers at a meeting, a riot Chabo Wallamo Maycha, are leav occurred and many arrests had to CONVOCATION From page ing in large groups. Owing to the be innde. It was subsequently reA GENERAL MEETING of the SHAREHOLDERS of the to have commenced negotia severity of the warfure and the in ported that a large number were AGRICULTURAL and BUILDING CORPORATION tions with the Administrator of creasing shortage of ioade all the ceretly executed as they were fuond of 28 MILES our Pacific Railway regarding work they started throughout the to be engaged in inciting revolts will be held at 12. 30 FEBRUARY 28th. Madre de cars for transporting the fish country have been stoprett by the among the soldiers.
Dios, to receive the Annual Report, to elect Officers for to different interior points Italinns. Thirty one merchants rot Due to the continued successes ensuing term and to decide life of Society.
Mr. Amano is also reporied bankrupt in Addis Abeba uring being achieved 1, the Ethiopians in Members unable to attend should submit nomina granted to have promised, il the month of November and the their attacks in the Northern Retions of Proxies in writing.
the concession, to bring Courts at Djibouti ure said to be gions, many thousands of Italian the Farquharson Gibb Nation price of our better quality fish busy with cases issued by the lo Askari troops have laid down their President cal traders. sist rahe talians for urms and placed themselves at the Secy Gerente down to around twenty cents failure to meet their financial disposal of Ras Seyoum.
per pound gations.
As we have not had any LABOUR HONOURS LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE thing locally on this matter, we avait further information As a proof of the popularity of assembled at their Theatre to do with much interest Mr. Allan, the Representative him honour and acclaim him for the parish of Portland in the great protector of the social, ecoSAN FRANCISCO (I. so que el radium natural.
nomic and cultural privileges of the Miss Hyacinthe Jackson El profesor Charles Lau En la producción de este Assembly of the Island of Jamai proletariat. Many speeches were exof La Junta, Linea Vieja, ritsem y sus asociados los radium artificial, estos docto ca, among his people, an overwhel changed, and an address which out will give courses at her doctores William Brubaker y res usan el metal, Lithium mins manifestation of appreciation lined his great activities, the cause home from the 7th. Fe Lewis Delsasso, gracias a uso que gracias al descargo de for his services in their interests of the spontaneous demonstration, bruary in Sewing, Em de un tubo que llevaba po esa enorme potencia electrica was exhibited by the labouring po was read and delivered to him along broidering, Painting, Shor tenciales de 000. 000 de vol es transformado en berlyllipulation of his parish in the Capital, with a beautiful silver Tea Set and thand, Typewriting and tios han llegado a producir um de propiedades radio acPort Antono.
carriage, entirel, subscribed to by Music.
radium artificial más podero tivas poderosas.
Thousands are reported to have the working men.
Facilities for VOTING BUY YOUR SUITS In consequence of the demand on our new for compulsory votings, it has been EASY PAYMENTS plan considered expedient to waive the has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havThe Terms make law which exacted that all should ing cured an immense number of persons who suf vote in their regular or permanent PRICES CHEAPER THAN SMOKES!
fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These places of abode.
SUITS MADE TO MEASURE, also now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from Formerly, a citizen who resided such complaints as in Cartago or San Jose at the time PANT SUIT CUTS at COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, of registration as a voter, and subse PRICES TERMS to PLEASE LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, quently removed to say Limon, would have to return to his former your POCKETS.
BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION place of abode in order to able to The LAST WORD in TAILORING!
vote. However, by the special faWORKMANSHIP FULLY GUARANTEED. cilities how granted, he can compCUBAN FLIERS HONORED ly with the compulsory requireHIGH GRADE ENGLISH SERGES TWEEDS ment by registering his vote wherHAVANA. The House of Re Menendez Alfredo Jimenez and Fe ever he may be located at the time PALM BEACH SUITINGS DRILLS presentatives has approved a bill ap liciano Risech, were advanced to by reason of his occupation; no one our Specialities.
propriationg 35. 000 dollars for the captaincies; the three mechanics will, therefore be able to give as the wives and families of the Cuban were made second lieutenants, and excuse for not voting tomorrow his Call for Full Details at.
goodwill fliers and crews who were the rank of first lieutenant was inability to find transportation back killed in the crash of three planes given Hugo de Lugo Vina, a jour to his former place of residence.
near Cali, Colombia, Dec. 29. Thenalist victim, for pension purposes.
bill also appropriated 110, 000 dol special issue of stamps has lars for a monument to the fllers. been ordered to commemorate their Mr. Jaime Gutiérrez on LIMON The aviators, Lieutenants Antonio death.
the Improve The large number of his JAPAN MAY LOSE 1940 OLYMPIC GAMES friends and well wishers locat.
ed on this side of the country LONDON Lord Burghley, except during the World War. If will be sincerely pleased to member of the International Olym for any reason, he added, Japan learn that Mr. Jaime Gutierrez pie Committee, states that the ques withdraws, precedence will probably the rejuvenating the well known Civil Engineer tion of holding the Olympic games be given to the claims of Helsingwho had the misfortune hormono preparation of in Tokyo in 1940 is creating wide fors and London, since they were being bitten by a snake while spread concern.
with Tokyo in the last choice, when FOR MEN, carrying out his professional decision affecting the venue Japan application was successful.
qaording to Dr Rich Woiss.
Ask for our illustrukd booklet duties in the Guanacaste region may be taken at the next meeting The fact that 1940 is the 2, 600th is making splendid progress to of the committee in Cairo in March anniversary of the Japanese Empire The most efficatious and modern tonic yet known ward recovery: he is no longer Lord Burghley said there has was the official reason for the acON SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES confined to bed.
been nothing like the situation, ceptance of Tokyo claim.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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