
31 THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Ike Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Editor English Secbon CINATION Limón, Costa Rica, Saturdy Pebruary 19th 1938 Suffering awokens us, brings us expansion of soul, makes us throw our inward powers outward to grip and wrestle and overcome and transcend.
Pain reaches us only because we are not whole, not in harmony, not organized. But there comes a time when we can thank God for suffering, when we can laugh at our difficulties, when we can run toward life hurdles with laughter and with song.
Year IV No. 183 The Weather and Its Effects in the WAR Zones Our Vicar Apostolic to be continue day and night Cosecrated on 25th. April on rain still The government forces in a drive to terminate the warhampering everything. The Ca Spain are yet holding their fare in six months. This is cao crop has been entirely rui own in spite of the fact that however regarded in governFollowing on the information Juan Odendahl, as our Vicar ned. We expected a fairly good Generalisimo Franco, being ment circles as merely an atgiven in our last issue regard Apostolic, in succession to our one at Easter, but the blossoms, so disgusted that Teruel has tempt to bolster the morale ing the selection of the Rev. Fr. late and much beloved Monseñor for this have all been washed not been recaptured, is now of the insurgent troops which Wollgarten, we now understand off and late bearings blighted. personally directing the of has suffered much lately in fensive. Much activity has consequence of the successes that it is being arranged for TheBanana crop has also sufhis consecration to the high and fered, as the fruit cannot pro front where the government.
been reported on the Madrid of the loyalists.
holy office to take place on the perly mature and as most of Another British ship has claims having checked an in been sunk in the Mediterra25th of April next, in conjune the plantations are now surgent sortie to the north nean, and in an attempt to tion with that of Monseño: Vic lowlying swampy lands, the west of the city, and to have put an end to this piracy, as tor Sanabria, as Bishop of drains being continually floo subjected their lines in the it is called, vigilance by the Diocese of Alajuela. ded, sodden waterlogged fruit arama sector to heavy fire French and Britisa war crafts is produced which will as soon from their batteries As on former occasions the with has been doubled. Italy now as affected by the spring ceremony of consecration will sun, much effectiveness.
agrees there is piracy in these take place in the Cathedral in show the yellow streak and be Insurgent dispatches from waters, but claims she has San Jose with Monseñor Carlos subjected ultimately to the dis Salamanca, on the other hand, nothing whatever to do with Chiarlo, our Nuncio Apostolic, couraging decision Outside state that the attacks by the it. The Italian hydroplane officiating and assisted, in all Vegetables too have suffered government forces, which we Igno. while on her way most probability, by the Bishops from tremendously root re with the object of regain from Spain with Italian Ofthe neighbouring Republics of crops have become sour. ing lost ground, had been re ficers struck a hurricane off Panama and Nicaragua The effect of these incessant pelled; and that their own Majorca and became a total It is hoped that all who inay connection with our live stock. raidseffected in the Serena fensive against the city of rains has been very marked in cavalry had succeeded in se wreck with all aboard her.
curing fresh territory in the Another and intensive ofdesire to assist at this most so. It will take at least three lemn ceremony from this Diocesector southwest of Madrid Teruel has been launched by months before the animals can se will be given the opoortunity regain their strength which suf learn that General Franco is still in progress, it is reported From Hendaye, France, we the insurgents, the fighting is of doing so as on the two previous occasions. To Page 11 supposed to be massing appro TO PAGES as. Our Electioneering Campaign WIRELESS NEWS UNITED FRUIT Co.
man. HONOLULU The Philip red to handle cargo destinca Mc for uses in warfare. The Norwe As a consequence of all the drink. This condition was, of up their adherents, the ordinary pine Commissioner, Paul Canteens being under lock and course occasioned by the Elec resident would not have known Nutt, left Hawai on the 16th gian Consulate in San Francis, seal during Saturday, Sunday tions which were held on Sun there was anything of such im instant on his journey to Was co is said to be negotiating an hington to report to President agreement.
and Monday last, the city had day, but had it not been for the port ance going on.
Rosevelt on his recent Shan MOSCOW. Soviet Naval a most sad appearance, and on sight of the many automobiles, 1903 votes were cast in this ghai visit, where he was sent Architects have been ordered everyside could be heard expres decorated with the colours of Province, and of these the Nasions denoting the desire for a the different Partidos, picking to survey United States inte to plan a naval building protional Republican Party, the rests in the Sino. Japanese gramme to provide Russia with one now in power, secured 876.
war areas.
the world largest battle fleet.
The National Independents came OAKLAND, Cali. Twenty Soviet Officials said the orders in for 555 and the Communists! Live seamen held up the depar had been issued because of Jafor 472. Don Rafael Eduarte and ture of a Norwegian ship on pan refusal to reveal to the Lic. don Daniel Zeledón, are the 16th. instant, when each United States, Great Britain therefore the favoured ones for SERVICIO DE VAPORES demanded a bonus to and France her plans regarding Limon.
handle a cargo of war imple battleships larger Wan 35. 000, Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York Throughout the entire counments bound for Japan. The tons. The new Russia a program con escala en Habana solamente try the Presidential or National men demanded five Estos vapores no llevarán café.
hundred me is based on the Anglo. Ras Republican Party, received the dollars each. The ship Cap sian Treaty permitting Russia overwhelming majority of votes tain refused to pay, but VAPORES the to build a fleet large enough SALIDAS by which 18 Deputies have beer crew contended that under Nor to defend Soviet interests in them.
QUIRIGUA returned The Indepen Febrero 21 To Page dents got three and the Comwegian law they are not requi ANTIGUA Febrero 28 munists one Mr. Manuel Mora.
The government therefore still Salidas semanales de Limon para Cristóbal has the majority in Congress Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Ameri which means that Lic. don Leon ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO canos con trosbordo en Cristóbal a los magníficos vapo Cortes and his Executive will res de la Colombian Line que prestan servicio semanal be in a position to carry on their (Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
hacia Nueva York, con conexión rapidísima.
projects for the benefit of the EL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PUERTOS EUROcountry progress.
PEOS INCLUYENDO LONDRES The Municipal Boards will re main pretty much as they are LIMON Febrero 17 in all the Provinces for the next SAN BENITO Febrero 24 two years when the Presidential term of Don Leon Cortes will ELDERS be completed. FYFFES, LTD.
As a mark of the strictest loLlevando café solamente para Londres yalty to the Constitution SAMALA.
Febrero 25 garding equility of treatment and impartiality of all goF. ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
vernment officers in the contest, our honest President is PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: Agentes para Limón sued the Nelson Call of honour Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la to all his subordinates am Febrero 19 expecting every employee of the UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Vapor COSTA RICA Marzo government to do his duty in en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José this election, as honestly and in Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 partially, with strict adherence Agentes ED. JANIN Cº to the Constitution of the counFRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG TELEFONO 1 6 try, as have done mine. We Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cía.
are proud of him.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceItalyLeón CortésManuel MoraPresidentes de Costa RicaSovietSpain

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