
Page CHE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday February 19th. 1938 British Sovereigns to Visit Paris News from Guacimo COSTA RICA SODA WATCK FACTORY the opFábrica de Hielo Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
LA FLORIDA Fábrica de Hielo Cleigy Urged to Defer Marriage In the WAR Zones.
its It has been officially announced strengthening the bonds of friendOn Friday the 11th. Instant, Da of an exceedingly quiet disposition Uhat Their Majesties King George ship and cordiality which have been vid Baker, an old resident of this hence his passing is profundly reVI and Queen Mary have accepted existing between these two nations the invitation of the President of during the past score of years, and district, passed to the Great Beyond gretted throughout the Section in He had been ailing for a few weeks, which he resided for more than thir the French Republike to visit Paris, which cannot be regarded with anyThe time fixed for this significant thing like favour by European Dic LIMON He was a hard working man and ty years.
He is survived by three daughtrip is from the 8th June to the tatars.
ters and a few grand children, none 1st of Jaly of the current year.
Miss Hyacinthe Jackson of whom, unfortunately, were with His Majesty will take of La Junta, Linea Viejo, him when he breathed his last. The portunity, it is stated, while in the will give courses at her remains have been laid to rest in country of his great Ally, to unveil Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX home from the 7th. FeLa Africa Cemetery.
the monument erected at Villers bruary in Sewing, EmBretoneaux, by the Dominion of broidering, Painting, Shor We are still experiencing copious Australia in honour of those from ABOGADO thand, Typewriting and showers of rain almost daily, but this Loyal Unit in the CommonMusic.
wealth of Nations, who made the y NOTARIO PUBLICO glad to say no damage has been done to our crops or roadways.
preme sacrifice in the greatest Tra Kedy the world has witnessed.
Oficina: Altos PasThere is no need to comment on cual Ingianna the greater stimulus which such a visit will, at this time, promote in Venta de Leche y Maderas LONDON With From page much classes are being ordained and ing toward the Italian terriof great income Irom few ordinants have any priva with the attacking forces suf tory near Axum.
fering heavy casualties.
To Lessen Unemployment endowments reduced by the te means. the memorial said, THE AUSTRO GERMAN It would truly be a blessing passage of the Tithe Act, the adding that with ministers coIN CHINA ALLIANCE if there were more men of the Church of England is seeking ming from a different social charitable disposition of Johnto economize by requiring class. difficulties were being The Japanese advance on The greatest alarm has been Rockefeller in this wicked young, ministers to remain an increased because this class is the city of Suchow has been aroused throughout Europe in world married for five years or mo accu. omed to early marriachecked from the south, but consequence of the underst As an aid to the unempioy re after they are ordained. ges Keifeng is said to be in dar anding recently come to bet nent problem of the United Six leading Anglo. Catholic The laymen took a firm stand ger. fierce battle has been ween the Australian Chance States of America, we find this laymen, headed by Lord liali against the consolidation of raging along the Central Chi llor and Hitler, and which Magnate of Industry deciding to fax, Lord President of the livings in order to provide eler na front where eight Japane may, it is feared result in a erect three skyscrapers in New Council, who recently went to eymen with more adequate in se armies are being re infor military alliance. Mussolini is York. Each building is to have Germany to find out what come, urging that the remedy ced for a drive to eliminate supposed to be unfavourably fifteen stories and to cost about Reichsfuehrer Hitler really is for the priest to live in a cot the Hunghai railroad corridor disposed to it, though it is cur million dollars. The first wanted, have signed a memo toge with his humble parishiowhich separates Japan con rumoured he is willing to gi of these structures will be rial to the Archbishop of Canners.
quered areas in north and ve Hitler a free hand in known as The Associated Press terbury urging that Ma far central China. The laps claim that direction in return to Building where this world wide larger proportion of permanen candidate for holy orders be They suggested that every that as a result of the main being allowed to proceed al news Agency will oceupy fourtly unmarried clergy is urgen urged to promise that he engagement their forces hadong more aggressive knes for floors under a long term conuly needed if the Church crossed the Hwai River.
of would not marry for at least the acquisition of greater te tract. Work on this edilice is to England is to fulfill herinission; five years after ordination unThe Chinese Communist rritory in Africa.
start immediately and lo be Army is reported. though Some observers are of the completed by autumn at home and abroad.
less with the permission of of the unofficially to have gained a opinion that this new The appeal made no attempt his Bishop.
move present year The oners will victory in the vicinity of Pa may cause a war in Europe. be taken in hand when the first to justify a rule of celibacy ex At the end of the five otingfu and to have captured 150. 000 German soldiers and is nearing completion in order cept on grounds of economy: years. it was explained, he the towns of Tinchsien and 80. 000 Austrians are suppos that there may be a continuity desire that the Roman Catho embrace either the vocation of The signers said they had no would resume his freedom to Wabgtu on the railroad to led to be concentrated along of employment for the men en Hankow the frontiers of both lic discipline be coun gaged on the project.
enforced, marriage of that of celibacy. It tries and notwithstanding but observed that for missio is by this means, without any FROM ETHIOPIA Germany denial, it is persisnaries this avoided an enor violent change, that the gratently reported that whole LUIS WA CHONG mous expenditure involved in dual evolution of a body of unNews from Djibouti state German divisions are bing the increase of salary on mar mareled clergy is contemplathat 4, 800 wounded Italians rushed across Bavaria toward GUACIMO y GUAPILES riage, an increase with each ted.
had been returned to Italy as the Austrian border.
child born, the passage money The proposals of the six the result of the more recent From London we see the home and education of the chil laymen were referred for dewarfare. It is also reported announcement that an effort Cantina, Licores Exdren, the pension to widows. tailed study to the Commisthat roving bands of Ethio is now being made to bring etc. which hamper tranjeros y del país.
pian warriors have ben inflict about a military alliance betmaay, sion on the Selection, Testing Tienda bien surtida.
though not all, of our missio and Training of Candidates for ing serious slaughter among ween Germany, Italy, Austhe Italian troops.
Abarrotes en general mary societies tria and Hungary. The annothe Ministry Fewer sons of the wealthier The Tigre Chiefs are under uncement is causing, it is said, stood to be driving everyth England Precios sin competencia and France much ing before them and proceed serious consideration.
THE LUCKY ONES. Tienda MIL COLORES It is pleasing to note that the of the lucky winners, he came in Second Prize in connection with for two pieces.
the last Lottery drawing fell to Li It is hoped this is the beginning mon. The ticket was among those of another fortunate cycle for our sold by Mr. Brothertons and City when, as in the years gone it is yet more pleasing to know by, the Major and other large priit was split up among several of zes will, on countless occasions, fall the young men employed in the to some one or other of our resiedjoining tailoring establishment, dents.
Mr. Brotherton Assistant was one (CUTTER RODEN)
Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby informed that THE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being WELL DRESSED.
Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well dressed man.
Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Tjes, Belts, to match your particular Suit. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor and Cutter, have been secured ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
HOTEL TIMES SQUARE 000 habitaciones confortables y modernas. Facilidades especiales para turistas y familias.
Servicio cortés y esmerado Precio desde 2. 90 (dálares)
para una persona y desde 3, 50 para os.
Escribanos por deatlles y por nuestro Folleto ilustrado HOTEL TIMES SQUARE 43rd. Street. West of Broadway New York, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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