
Saturday February 19th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page Monument in Honour of Edison Burial Scheme had Bad Year For Intense UNIFICATION These are CAFIASPIRINA days. BAYER)
mwa FIASPIRINA pend on yourselves, unite and xations among the member The Puntarenas Customs House An immense electrical tower has city of 5, 200 watts. During daytime The Editor.
Heen constructed at Meulo Park, light will be diffused by means of Dear Sir New Jersey, in memory of the the sun rays. At a distance of note there is a complete great Electrical Wizard. Thomas Al 10 feet from the bose the Tower financial statement of the va Edison. It was unveiled on the will be fitted with a powerful organ Burial Scheme 11th. instant, New Jersey Day. from which the air will be filled Costa Rica Association in last week The Tower is a structure of con with continual music.
crete and steel standing on a base The site on which this significant issue of your Journal, and as ment measuring 24 feet in diame monument stands is the spot where a much interested member ter and rising to a height of 135 Edison work. bench stood, and am pleased to see the Sociefeet. The structure is to be crown is a present to the State of New ty has been gracious enough ed with an electric bulb 14 and 12 Jersey by Mr. William Slocum Barn to put in print what no one dare to ask at any feet in height, and 12 ft. at its slow, President of the Thomas Edi would however greatest width and 14 at its neck. son Foundation.
meeting. There is, The weight of this phenominal bulb This electric Beacon is estimated much information that could is six tons and carries four of 1, 000 to last throughout the ages tike the be given that would be of watts each, four of 200 and four Egyptian Temples, interest to the membership.
of 100 thus giving a lighting capaIt is a pity the Accountant did not strike a Balance and bring along the Cash balances of the previous year, so we could know the financial value of the Society.
Since the Promoter condescended Dear Mr. Editor:At the first sign of a cold. sneezing, headance of others are yet immature to give a report, he might ha ache or catarrh. take CAFIASPIRINA!
Kindly allow me the necessa. child like. And as it is with ve given in detail the revery space in your valued Jour individuals so it is with nations disbursements nue and of CAFIASPIRINA is an unfailing remedy in nal for the following.
and races. Race that does not the Society. take it that the colds, headache, influenza and rheumaticpains.
If any man of colour conti or cannot or will not depend word Occurrences means The world famous Bayer Cross, shown on nues, at such a time as this, to upon itself is not matured, is the amount of deaths occurr every tablet, guarantees the purity, harm1 neglect the constant plea for a still a childlike race. Whether ing during the year. Why united participation in and sup you are a Costa Rican citizen did he not give same so we lessness and efficacy of port of the struggle for our ra or a British subject whether you could see and esteem his incial independence through Ethio are Spanish, French, Dutch or come from such occurrences?
pia, such a one is doing so to native African, your colour is He says the Hearse cost the fatal injury of his race: for never forgotten by others and with spare parts 1, 833 33 co fourteen million similar instan you are consequently treated lones, but he does not say ces of neglect will amass a bur with less courtesy and conside from what source the purdensome obstacle which not ration.
chase money has been deriveven the wretched conseque:ces Take up the challenge, de ed; whether it was from Ta of slavery could outweigh, as also an affliction of a more sevexact fro mthe world the res ship, loans, or withdrawals cre retribution on the genera pect, the consideration, the ma from his surplis funds. How 33 tions yet to come.
terial good to which all normal could the Accountant strike Puntarenas, the Pacific Seamands of the Costomes DepartThere are certain changes human beings are entitled. Give a balance without such infor Port of the Republic, has been nent.
which must Those who have had the pritake place in a up the ol way of acting singly, mation. No wonder, poor ie growing so rapidly, from a com man life as he advances in the way of weakness, and unite llow, he was not tempted to mercial standpoint, that it has vilege of seeing the plans and years, and one of the most im so that hence forth the Blacks, try to do so. May ask been deemed necessary by the specifications for this building orta these the change wherever located, shall speak, ha Exceutive to have a million co say it will be, by far, the most are the earnings from dependence on some one shall shout, as with one loud of the Hearse? What is his lon edifice constructed there to elegant, imposing and commoelse to dependence on one sell voice that must be heard. In this revenue from his entertain accommodate the increasing de dious of our Custome Houses lor in a word. Independence. way only oppression be ments, for which he has an Along with the necessity there fought, can full manhood and item also is often the desire for self de womanhood be secured and each He has paid out 833 colones, pendence, and those who are so obtain his rightful place on this a pretty large item for Se From Page crimes of violence. The Con7 disposed are matured to that ex earth.
cretarial work, etc. fully Asiatic waters. The progamme gress Party refused for several tent, while those who are satis With thanks, yours truly.
ten per cent. pretty large includes naval bases at Kron months to form governments in fied with the continued assistEDWIN HORDE itemn also for Almanacas, stadt, near Leningrad, at Kam the six provinces where they without a revenue coming chatsky in the north from the sale of them for a and at Vladivovstok on Pacific, won majorities in the first elec 09050 the tion under the New India Conssmall Society. He shews two Sea of Japan.
withdrawals from his Resertitution however their Leaders ve Fund to make good his finally decided to assume podeficit. May ask in what NEW DELHI, India. Con wer when the Provincial ParBank is this Reserve deposit troversy has again flared bet liaments met. The present cried? If it is kept in the Trea ween the British Administra sis is the first test between the surer home, you will agree tion and the Nationalistic India Congress Party and the BriMr. Promoter, its a dange Congress Party. Two Labinets tish Governors regarding the Next to LA PROVEEDORA rous thing to indulge in. We in Congress Party controlled special powers reserved to the Ne wand Complete Assortment of Lumber have two responsible Banks Provinces have resigned, and latter in the new Constitution.
Messurements less than feet at here now, no one man Bank; political observers predict that hence much funds should the Ministers in the other four WASHINGTON The Uni 25 per foot not be kept in trunks where provinces where the Nationa ted States Navy bas clamped thieves break through and lists are in power would also a lid of secrecy on its warship steal. For the safety of your quit. The Cabinets in Bisar and building progress therreby recharacter, Mr. Promoter, the United Provinces resigned versing a publicity policy of 13 your Trustees ought to safe under orders from the working years standing. Whether the guard your Reserves in a Committee of the Congress Par purpose is to keep certain daIn our elections on Sunday Several protests have been re believe the report of a robbe to liberate several political pri not stated; it was merely exBank. Remember no one will ty when the Governors refused ta from foreign Powers was last, a total of 88, 820 votes were ported lodged with the Executicast throughout the Republic. ve regarding various alleged inry.
soners. British authorities snia plained that the new policy of this amount am hoping that the year the prisoners to whom amnesty was in the interest of the puthe winning fringments of the laws and re 1938 will be a more prospe had been denied, were guilty of blic welfare.
Party Partido Republicano Nagulations governing the day rous one, but if you conticional got 55, 000; the remain activities, these will, in due nue having such deficits our ing 33, 811 being split among the course, be investigated by the Society will soon be banother Partidos, with the Commu National Junta in charge of the krupt.
nists coming in for 10, 359. electioneering matters. may however say that Spoilt votes accounted for 3, 000.
had you instructed our ACcountant to strike a balance and give us an idea of our LIMON, COSTA RICA assets and liabilities, you Importación would find that there is reaImports and Exports lly no y the deficit because Hearse being an asset of this Exportacion year achievement, your aphormone proparation Lamber Deposit parent deficit would work Depósito de Madera FOR WOMEN out as a loan from some deCompra de Cacao en according to Dr. Rich Weiss partment. However thankAsk forour illustrated book ing you for your consideragrano Cocoa Purchased tion.
FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES An Interested One can for Almanacs, WIRELESS NEWS.
Lumber Deposit SAITA The Voting At Sunday Elections ALLAN SIME If prematurely aged, use Fertilinets.
the rejuvenating Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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