
Saturday February 19th. 1932 Miss Leonora Barker Weds in Jamaica Guillermo Niehaus Co.
HII LIMON, COSTA RICA Our New Market On the 19th of last month Mr.
Waldeck. She started her scholastic Clifford Buckanin and Miss Leo career under the tuition of Mr.
nora Barker were joined in Holy Gibson of Madre de Dios, and later Wedlock at the Parish Church in on attended the Siquirres School Kingston, Jamaica, by the Rev.
She left for Jamaica in July 1926 MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Bateman.
and continued her studies at the The Bride is from Costa Rica, Happy Grove Elementary School, Compro cacao Material de Tranvía the only daughter of Mr. Daniel Hector River. After passing a Pu Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo Barker and his wife Susan, as she pil Teacher Examination, she took is affectionately known in the disa commercial course as a student at Importación de mercadería en general.
trict of Waldeck, 28 Miles, while the St. John College. On concludsneeuesve 90000se: the Groom is the youngest son of ing her general studies, she turnMr. and Mrs. Thomas Buckanon of ed her attention to Nursing, and af Richmond, St. Mary, Jamaica.
ter going through the prescribed In a report of the marriage cecurriculum at Dr. Anderson Sani remony, the Gleaner of the 22nd.
tarium, graduated a General and January says, the Bride made a Maternity Nurse in 1933. She has resplendent picture as she leaned on held two appointments in the ser. is Werstoof much dis but by being placed in the rethe arm of Mr. Buckanon, the vice of the Island government.
satisfaction is being experiene frigerator so soon after being brother of the Groom, while going This is indeed gratifying and ed in connection with the allot butchered it commences to deup the aisle of the Church. She should be an incentive to parents ments in ouP new market, where teriorate by about mid day, if wore a gown of suede satin made on demurely attractive lines, and of pink and blue satin respectively to further their children educatio several of the old butchers have not sold earlier.
nally and otherwise.
The Train. bearers were the little her head dress was described as a The Atlantic Voice congratuIt is hoped a satisfactory adhad to give room to others willtiora of Orange Blossoms and se Misses Joyce Foster, Cicelyn Jack lates Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barkering to pay sixty colones rental justment of this situation will quins, from the back of which hung son and Esmine Howard, Mr. Geor, of Waldeck, and hopes Mrs. Bucka per mouth for a stall, plus thirty be had early so that none of our a lovely veil of shrimp tule beau se Hylton carried out the duties of non future will be one of onih. for the use of the refrigerator anticipated betterments will be tifully appliqued, while she carried Bestman After the ceremony These rentals were at first de lacking terrupted harmony and felicity, so a shower bouquet of Astors with the Church, a reception was held at that when the shadows of age come manded in advance, but on the Asparagus form. The Bridesmaids. Peace Haven. Central Road, Ken by, she and her life partner may arranged to make corrections on occupiers objecting tt has been cot.
BOOTH Misses Melvia and Enid Johnson, be of great comfort to them.
were charmingly attired in gowns Miss Barker is well known at the due dates.
The question of the refrigeraBESTS tor is also coming in for a great BAKED deal of discussion. Those having BERLIN BREAD experience in the matter, claim BUNS it is preferable to hang the meat BISCUITS CAKES Colonel Loria, our genial and termnied his name shall be in of the history of our city as he in the open than to shut it away, industrious Comandante is de delibly inscribed on the pages who filled our long felt want from o clock in the afternoon THE PEOPLE BAKERY regarding a proper roadway toto next morning, in the cold Box 179. Limón our Cemetery and thereby be storage. When hung in the open, becoming the Benefactor of all it is alleged, the meat gets firm, at The Roadway to The Cemetery Engineering Engagements other travel along this pathway The Weather and Its.
Better Information Desired three prisoners, maybe that man way otices have worked at 11 to the land of Shadows.
Valuations; Denouncements; Estimates; Land Day by day he can be seen, Levels; Hydrographic Measurements; with his subordinate Officers From fo Page shipmes to Duropean marSurveys; Projections for. Tramways, and short term prisoners, lining fered severely from the conti kets.
out the road bed as also the nuous wettings and the sour Although regular through Roads. Water Works, Buildings; Heliopraphic. cross sections to take care of grass on which they were com traffic has not yet been resuTracings, Mining: the floodwaters. Even the neces pelled to feed.
med, we are afforded daily con sary material for the first cour Most terrific of all however nections with all interior points PROPERTIES BOUGHT and SOLD se of rough fallast is being sechas it been on the Railway, for by the system of transfers Any of the above undertaken on Contract many which is being succesfully ured at very small cost by this away from occasioning washouts, slides, etc. the work maintained, hence the indefatigable worker, as he gaor Commission.
interRAFAEL ROIG thers it from the heaps left care men have not been able to per ruption is not having so serious lessly around after the repairs form efficient work to secure a an effect now on this part of the Member of the Faculty of Engineers of Costa Rica to our thorofares. Little by lit resumption of through traffic country as would otherwise haP. Box 523 San Jose, Telephones 2929, 3201 tle he goes on with the scanty Never before have we experien ve been the case, and for this ced so strange, uneven weather we must again express our sinmeans at his disposal. Today, in February and with variable cerest thanks to the Managelabour of two or intermittent cold. The ment of our Railway.
six none for with grim determination However, we should all get following few days but he never to accustomed to disappointments The Editor, an dthe public, and work theless consistently and persis tions but the weather has per me clear and remedy the obstruc of every kind in our arrangeDear Sir much good in th Vale of Tears, notice in your issue of It is, however, disappoint tently carries on and by the end sisted in hampering their ef and, regarding them as discithe 12th instant a statement ing that the Accountant omit of say a month he has effected forts, and judging from the plinary experiences, use them by the Costa Rica Burial ted to give the statement in the construction of a hundred tenacity of the showers, they as steps to higher attainments.
Scheme Association covering more detail, such as: Num meters over which light wheeled are to be sincerely thanked for their financial operations for ber of deaths for the year: traffic can operate. It is expec their zeal which has not only the year 1937.
Revenue derived from the ted that later on Mr. Sander enabled us to get to and from It has always been my de By giving these items son and Mr. Sheehy will be ap San Jose, but has brought some Francisco Fonseca Ch.
sire to see such statements would be in a better position proached for some of the Yas foodstuffs into our all but deLAWYER NOTARY made by the different socie to go into the accounts, and ballast to give a finishing sur Burial hearse; Assets and Liabilities; face to the work, and of a cerpleted market.
ties, especially the PUBLIC Schemes which have become congratulate the managing tainty they will donate a car rrialba westward have Banana producers, from Tuthe most attractive of the pre Body for the results of their load now and again, for its not been severely hit financially, also Office: sent day, and am delighted efforts for nearly ten years only human but a God given in on account of not being able to Adjoining to the City that the Costa Rica Burial of operations.
Public Library piration to help those who are have their fruit brought into Scheme Association has been sincerely hope the omisENGLISH SPOKEN seen strenuously helping them Limon for exportation, while the first to satisfy this desi sions will be corrected in a selves.
re. feel sure the other later issue.
Coffee growers have experienFORMER JUDGE OF THE Schemes will follow in like Yours very truly, ced certain set backs in conse LIMON DISTRICT COURT manner. Such statements are We are expecting that in an quence of the delays in their welcomed by their members OBSERVER other six months or so we shall have the pleasure of seeing Col onel Loria little hobby right LIMON MERCANTILE Co.
up at the old Yard Limit on the hill overlooking the resting pla MADURO LUMBER YARD ce of our fallen ones, and there by affording all concerned a Dealers in native lumber and produce MATINA y 24 MILLAS wonderful lesson in perseverP. 215 South of Post Office ance and assiduous application.
Los más surtidos Establecimientos de We congratulate the Colonel for COMPANIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
his thoughtfulness and concenLICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES trative ability, and hope he will Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO Háganos una visita.
be given much wider opportuAl sur del correo Apartado 215 nities for displaying them to Venta de maderas Compra de productos.
greater advantages.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
one Hop LEE LUNG


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