
ike Atlantic Vaice And China With Spain Our Water Problem After weeks and weeks of the According to a Shanghai remost terrible fighting during port, China has so intensified Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic which thousands of lives have her guerilla warfare in the vast been added to those previously territory lying between Hankow, Editor English Section: NATION sacrificied in this Spanish war Shanghai and Nanking, as to be fare, the important position oc successfully impeding Japan Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday February 26th 1938 No. 184 cupied by Teruel in the present from provisioning her troops at operations has been retaken by the front and in the garrisons.
117 the insurgent troops, they are The Island of Formosa was realso reported to have captured cently attacked by a number of an exceedingly large quantity of Chinese aircraft. The capital ammunition and other war ma Taihoku, and other important terial which the loyalists were localities including two airbases, Conditions connected with metery, which was given Mr. busting as possible. As it is said unable to remove on quitting were bombarded and an apprer water supply cannot be Chittenden by Mr. this condition will continue for the place. It is further claimed ciable amount of damage repor ore serious than they now are. Nation of this town some years some ten more days, nothing that more than 10. 000 prisoners ted. Japan is supposed to have yr several months we have ago, has been turned over to the like laundering can be attemptſ were taken, and 9, 000 bodies gi lost 40 of her war planes and a en suffering from a shortage, populace, and at all hours of the ed, and should a chimney of one ven interment. The victorious large store of gasoline as the re the point has now been day hundreds of men, women of our restaurants take fire, as forces are now pressing their of sult of the destruction of the ached when there is none at and children can be seen at the sometimes happens, what an aw fensive beyond the immediate bases s, to be had, in consequence of hydrants of the Company try ful catastrophe our city will he vicinity of the city, along its disastrious fire of supposed e breaking down of the Pump ing to secure a bucket or two up against. And on whom would southern and eastern sectors, ly mysterious origin is announthe Bomba. whence we for their daily requirements. rest the blame?
where the loyalists are said to ced to have destroyed more than ere accustomed to receive the Matters have reached such a The Supreme Government be concentrating heavily for an 300 buildings and occasioned ry scanty supply of a few buc stage that in order to avoid has, to a certain degree, relie other sanguinary encounter to many deaths in the city of Ibusts each day. We have not had fights around these watering ved our Municipal officers of prevent, if possible, this recentkicho, Japan. The homeless num y for several days.
places, the Police have had to responsability. His Excellency, loss from affecting their posi ber, it is estimated, nearly ale In keeping with the usual arrange these sufferers in lines the President of the Pepublic, tions along the Mediterranean thousand.
nerosity of the Fruit Compa as at Soup Kitchens, so that promised us an adequate supregion.
7, their small supply, located each one may get his or her supply: a Commission of Engineers short distance beyond the Ceply with as little hustling or To Page TO Return of the Olympians England Faced With Serious Political Crisis Theo anadian Destroye At Puntarenas According to special advices erful team from Mexico in their The resignation of Sir Antho binet aroused a most furious mons against the Prime Minis received from Panama, the mo last encounter for the Meet and dirigir Eden from the important position of Minister of Foreign ter tor ship Bocas del Toro is ex. so allowed the latter country to ffiars in the Chamberlain Ca tempest in the House of Com Eden told the House he could pected here during the latter secure the Championship.
entre o lo no longer cooperate with the part of today with the Excur Mexicans also ecured this cohace government of Chamberlain af tionists who left, under the ar veted position in Tennis, Boxcinta ter discovering he had capitu irangements made by Messrs. ing. and Fencing.
das to lated to Mussolini the honour of Nelson and Rogelio Gutierrez, Our Lady team of Basketbalintri Britain on his threateningly cal to visit the Olympic Games in lers did not live up to expectaDuring the forenoon yester several days, during which time ling on England to decide now Panama. It is quite probable tions; they lost all their engan vas py, four Destroyers of the Catheir Officers and men will be or never. He found he said Cham that some of those who partici gements except the last against au adian Navy arrived at the Pa visiting the country various berlain bad agreed to acknow pated in the Sports will also be El Salvador when they scored fic Port of Puntarenas on a points of interest, in addition to legde the conquest of Ethiopia, coming on her.
25 to 23 points.
isit of courtesy. They were met assisting at the functions being the freedom of the Rebels in We understand the vacation Panama carried the honours ad offiically welcomed by a arranged in their honour, and Spain, and to guarantee the in has been a very pleasant one in Wrestling, Weight lifting and mte, ommission specially appointed after the yshall have paid their dependence of Austria, and so notwithstanding certain unfor Equestrian events; Cuba in Swi y the government as also by respects to the President of the in view of the many hostile de tunate happenings which occur mming, Baseball and Shooting; Ir. Riddiford the Canadian Republic.
mostrations and threats directed red during and after the da de close Puerto Rico in Golf, Volley Ball ommercial Commissioner who We note it is also announced against Britain by this Italian of the games.
and Field and Track events; Ve rrived earlier by plane from that the Hon. Fox Adam, Dictator in consequence of the ide St Much elation was felt regard nezuela in Cycling, while Jamai anama, and by our resident Bri British Minister resident in Pa aggression in Abyssinia, as also ing the victory of our team in ca secured the Water Polo hola sh Consul, Mr. Cox nama, will be among the many his glorification regarding what their game of Football with nours. Mexico and Panama tied The Destroyers will, we under coming tomorrow from the sis he ferms his great victories in those from El Salvador to in Basketball. Although Jamailand, be remaining in port for ter Republic, the Spanish conflict, he could They, however, most unfortuna ca was only able to obtain a not be a party to such negotiately succumbed to the very pow (TO PAGE 3)
of good relations with por Toe por jesto sor UNITED FRUIT Co.
Italy, especially made as they Rare Mauritius Stamp Found In Holland do recto ulas tentar mor ARE table co SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Habana solamente Estos vapores no llevarán café.
VAPORES SALIDAS ANTIGUA Febrero 28 VERAGUA Marzo Salidas semanales de Limon para Cristóbal Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos con trasbordo en Cristóbal a los magníficos vapores de la Colombian Line que prestan servicio semanal hacia Nueva York, con conexión rapidísima.
Chamberlain endeavoured to prove the disloyalty of Eden, and to explain his manner of ap proaching friendly negotiations Amsterdam, The Netherlands. framed landscape made up of with Italy, during which he was An undamaged specimen of various stamps. The butcher snubbed and called Shameless. Mauritius onepenny Orange paid 14 florins for it. His Mau By this explanations he however postage stamp issued in 1847. ritius stamp already has been did appear to have surrendered one of the rarest stamps known bought by an Amsterdam dealto Mussolini, for he admitted to collectors. was discovered er for 000 florins. It will be agreement that the peace of in Nykirk among junk bought sent next to a London stamp Europe must be based on the by a local butcher.
auction, goodwill of the four leading na The stamp was included in a tions. Germany, Italy, France and England Viscount Cranbourne, AssisROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO tant to Eden has also resigned.
He claims Eden was perfectly (Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
in order and had acted in pertect rectitude because the initiation of negotiations with Italy was a perfect Surrender, especially in view of the many disloyal acts Italy had commited against all agreements. He 17 cited the case of considerable contingents of soldiers and war material being sent to Spain im mediately after the Gentleman Agreement of January 1937 had been signed.
Major Clement Atlee of the Labour Party, commented most PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: adversely on the negotiations of the Prime Minister and referred Vapor COSTA RICA Marzo to Mussolini failures to comply with other Agreements parOficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 ticularly that regarding his acAgentes ED. JANIN Cº ceptation of the terms for the FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cía.
Llevando café solamente para Londres TILAPA Marzo 11 ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
Agentes para Limón Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la UNITED FRUIT COMPANY en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San Jose TELEFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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