
AN ECHO OF THE LOTTERY SUCCESSES Banco Nacional de Costa Rica The lot of a Newspaperman tune, as they claim it would if indeed a hard one. If he pu cause their creditors to demand blishes happenings which affect payments of their accounts certain class of people, he is Such threats will never tend to accosted, abused and exposed deter newsmen doing their du.
BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE perchance, to the fate of Ste ty in connection with the disphen. If items, which may af semination of information of UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK rect another class, be ommitea public interest. We would howhe is ostracised by others, and ever advise such parties that is ofrece al público unfortunately, those who are the Honesty the best Policy offers the public greatest kickers are hardly ever and that when an opportunity los servicios de su the services of its the ones to willingly spend is afforded one ot pay his just dollar in support of a News debts, it should be a pleasure to sman efforts.
the honestminded to do so, as SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Headed by Mr. Bob Rose, the such an act will never fail to Tailors and other winners in be productive of greater bles the National Lottery drawing, sings, hence newsmen should EN LA IN THE recently, were very offensive not be abused for carrying out in their remarks regarding the their duty.
CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON publication of their good for para toda clase de all kinds of bank ECUADOR WARNS UNITED STATES servicio bancario service rendered QUITO, Ecuador. Warning attention to special provisions that Ecuador will not tolerate of its contract with the South bombers are expected to arrive, United States diplomatic inter American Development whch HAWAII AS GIBRALTAR OF PACIFIC before next winter, many of vention in the case of the South eliminate the possibility of diwhich will replace obsolete American Development Compa plomatic intervention.
Honolulu, The United Sta concentrating on air defense.
ny, an American gold mining types.
Meanwhile, the South AmeDevelopment New airport and fighting base concern which was sentenced rican company tes army and navy are rapidly The navy recent mass flight to pay a fine of 50. 000 sueres still is facing a Government completing a twenty year pro of twenty planes from San Die projects under construction in gram designed to make Hawaii go to Honolulu was regarded clude the army 18, 000, 000 on a charge of violating Ecua proposal for the modification of the Gibraltar of the Pacific. as a significant test of aerial Hickham Field. The airport ex dorean currency laws, was gi its contract and advance payAssignment of new ultramo defense cooperation between pectedly will be completed by ven by the Government when ment of 000. 000 Sucres retaxes.
dern fighting aircraft and naval Hawaii and the mainland. 1940. Typical of last year pro it granted, as a gesture of cour presenting fifteen year forces to the islands combined Army plans envisage main jects was the development of tesy, a request by the United President Enriquez declared with record breaking military tenance of 250 planes here. or an underground storage muni States Charge Affaird; here that the demand for advance appropriations which totalled these 225 are expected to be tions depot costing 1, 580, 000. to extend the period for pay payment of taxes is not due to 33, 000, 000 last year indicate provided by the end of 1938.
ment of the fine.
financial embarrassment of the that Hawaii is scheduled to be Recently 18 new bombers arriv Although the American rep Government but that such a come a compact insular arsenal. ed from California, bringing the resentatives petition was ae demand was authorized by law.
At present, authorities are total to 42 to date. Twenty four cepted, the Government called BRIEFS FROM HERE AND THERE ju 39 DI TO th He our CALL FOR RACIAL RIGHTS The new Airport at Colorado was FINANCIAL EXXPERT HERE FROM CHILE inaugurated last Saturday. The Minister of Education, Mr. Alejandro It is noted that the Executive ced, such as those on imported Dear Mr. Editor: rextension of knowledge, devel Aguilar Machado, attended Council has engaged the servi edibles used principially in the May beg sufficient space for opment of the ability to think and formerly instituted this ces of a Financial Expert, Dr. diet of the working man, as well the folowing: These are essential, preparatory important addition to our Alvaro Rencoret Bravo of Chi as on certain lines of clothing.
The rights of our Race are for community duties whose pro means of communication.
le, who has arrived in the coun On the other hand, if citizens those of all human beings. The per performance result in the im try.
who earn from four hundred right to good living conditions, provement of personal rights Since Friday of last week Dr. Bravo will, we the Teachers attached to our tand devote special undes lones per month and upward good homes, clean surroundings, and privileges attention get cheajer food and In attempting to perform our public schools have been bu to matters of finance resulting they could very well give one proper and adequate food and clothing clothing. The right to work racial duties, Ethiopia represents sy enrolling the students who and rest, with an opportunity the most u gent need. Let us notare coming forward for matri from internal taxation with the per cent to the upkeep of appro for education and some enter forget the injustice done her by culations in the new year view of revising and modifying piations. The rates on real esta tainment the Italian hordes. We have a work. Schools the system now in force. There te valuations can also afford adre open on There are natural rights clear duty to perform. a vig March Ist.
are many items on which the rajustment.
such as those of life and liberty. orous and unfailing assistance Examinations for the enrol tes now charged could be redu There are also rights which may to Ethiopia. Here is an oppor ment of new Teachers combe acquired according to one tunity for securing the rights of imenced in San Jose during activities in one community.
people. Rights which are last week when no less than Then there are personal rights, united with duty; rights which 97 presented themselves to community rights and racial are the reward for duties well secure their certificates of Trabajos de Ingeniería, Peritazgos, Denunrights. Can these various rights done. The duties of self improve proficiency.
be justly with held?
ment, community improvement Rights and Duties go togeth and racial betterment.
Our Cricket Board of Con er. He who would deserve the With my thanks, Mr. Editor, trol has been called to action orie must perform the other Edwin HORDE to decide what is to be doThey are united. Recognition of ne during this year. The tran rights often follow the proper sactions of the last Season haperformance of duty, while inve left some very peculiar telligent and vigorous perioropinions regarding local Cric mance of duty will insure rights ket. It is hoped that during as the workers come to be those COMERCIANTE this one, if there is to be any, por toás de 20 años who decide the question of com the sport will be conducted Establecido en la Provincia pensation or rights. Duis is Vende al letal, Vinos y Lion more dignified lines which Me hago cargo de dichos trabajos por contrato more constructive aggressivethe grand old game cores extranjeros y del pals, merits ness than mere passive obedio comisión, BEISCELANEA so much.
a barrotes en general.
Establecimiento squina Our anxieties experienced Ingeniero RAFAEL ROIG The first daty which a man Norte del Mercado.
et relief last Saturday af should seek to perform is that Entre a Ternoon when we saw the to himself. Self discipline, an change of engines attached (Miembro de la Facultad de Ingeniería de Costa Rica)
o the Railroad main passenger service and realized Apartado 523 SAN JOSE. Teléfonos 2929 3201 that thrcugh traffic had been re established with San José. It is our fervent hope that normal cnditions will be experienced for a lengthened appreciable number of Cattle and it is expected the neces the rejuvenating period.
breeders to have the importsary project to obtain the re hormone preparation duty reduced from the pre duction will be one of the FOR WOMEN With the view of intensify sent rate of Forty colones tofirst to be placed before the Occording to Dr Rich Weios.
ing the importation of cattle one of Thirty.
Ask for our illudraled boola.
from our neighbouring RepuNew Congress in May. This The suggestion is supposed indicates we are still blic of Nicaragua, it is said to be meeting with much syming, short with our supply of runnFOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES a move is being made by an pathy in legislative circles butchers stock.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
cios, Presupuestos, Nivelaciones, Levantamientos Hidrográficos, Medida de fincas, Trazado de tranvías, Caminos, Cañerías, Construcciones, Compra y venta de Propiedades, Copias heliográficas, Minas.
Edgar Young If prematurely aged, ise MAI


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