
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26th. 1933THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page The Great Speech of Hitler Hitler On The Road to Westfalia Why CAFIASPIRINA?
acom the dis uld how his non Policy easure should sing a The road to Westfalia is in an ES awful state of disrepair, as due to the recent heavy rainfalls and con tinuous traffic, the old ruts have It would Much uneasines was manı with Austria, he said but little become worse and new ones o demand sted throughout the principal though he glaringly pointed out brought into existence.
et les bossible outcome of the speech pan and her aggression in Chi Governor, don Ricardo Alvarado, entres of Europe regarding the his good intentions toward JaIt is time our young and active their du Herr Hitler before the Reich na; he also similarly expressed initiate the repairs to this the The excellent reputation that ag relative to the policy which himself regarding Italy medal only driveway that can be utilized CAFIASPIRINA enjoys the mation is country would pursue foring in Spain.
for an outing outside of the city, world over is sufficient proof oratory he year. This great Signific were re where terrible stenches are now sties that ame off pn Sunday last in the marks of its excellent quality.
regarding the protecl encountered as the result of un CAFIASPIRINA can be denmense edifice of the Opera tion of his nationals scattered flushed sewerage conveniences. pended on in colds, headache, portunity roll where a wonderful as in Checoeslavian States. the The rains were really a blessing in influenza, and rheumatic comhas humbly of citizens of all clas keynote of his Agreement with disguise as the waters flushed our plaints, and has no harmful efs had gathered to listen to the Austria and Hungary. His re drainage systems and relieved what fect on heart, stomach or kidneys.
dol of Nazism.
marks regarding his good inten may have produced serious conseThe world famous Bayer Cross, On his taking his stand Hit tions toward France and Enquences. It, however, the dry weath which appears on every tablet, er bles or was given an enthusiastic gland were very pointed, except er continues for a fortnight or so guarantees its excellence.
vation and all high Officers of in so far as the return of the we shall all have to abandon the Therefore insist on ne Army, Navy and Air Forces African Colonies are concerned.
city for the Beaches to obtain the CAFIASPIRINA.
ccorded him the Nazi salute.
Instead of calming misappre essential draughts of uncontamina his was repeated at the close hensions, this speech has in ted fresh air; and even though, if the historic speech.
creased the fears of war espe in some localities along the shore Throughout his address Hit cially in view of the political this might be slightly touched er emphasized on four princ upheaval in England which is with malaria, it will be far less al items on which the hearts very strongly regarded as a vic dangerous than being compelled South nd minds of all good Germans tory of his. However, in a most to inhale typhoid and other per re also fixed. He repeated the important address before an ex nicious germs from a foul sewerwhch of aim of the Fatherland for the traordinary session of the Ausdi age system. Don Ricardo will theeturn of all pre war Colonies, trian Federal Diet held in Vie refore be doing well by his people BAYER kcept Tsing. Tao in China in na last Thursday night, Chan it he starts patching the Ame worst hich the nation was no longer cellor Schuschnigg asserted mpany ruts on this roadway toward the aterested not having any terri most emphatically that his a cost of which be secured an ament brial ambitions in Eastern Chi greement with the German Dic mount under his Detalle collecFiona a. He reiterated his desire to tator had in no way lowered the, tions from residents in the disssist the Spanish rebels along honour of his country nor did trict es te rith Italy. He expressed propo it in any manner jeojardize taxes Road maintenance does not neals for the protection of the Austria independence which cessarily mean placing the entire clared nall groups of Germans resi Hitler had sworn to protect and length of roadway under reconsent in adjacent countries who respect, it had but he declared truction at one and the same time.
re bound, he said, to live in a brought to a close a period du If it be done bit by bit, the worst of the had (FROM PAGE 7)
cate of subjugation to inferior ring which both nations the 800, 500 and 5, 000 meter places first, just as the appropriaations. He insisted on the eco been fighting each other and single championship place, she events.
y law tion become available, the whole of nevertheless has come sixth Costa Rica having been select comic recuperation of the coun had introduced the means will soon be placed in proper peace which it is hoped would shape and don Ricardo and his competed. Panama being first Tournament, attention will now among the ton countries which ed as the seat forthe Fifth Regarding his recent alliance long endure.
Municipal Officers will then have and Costa Rica eighth, their be directed toward making eveearned our most grateful thanks points being 25, 106 and 17 res ry preparation for the event in for their care and attention.
pectively. The Jamaicans excell keeping with the country sport ed in the flat races by winning ing reputation.
borte visions um DU AFIASPIRINA Avance Jue to Return of the Olympians.
England Faced with Serious Political Crisis Have a Smile Our Water Problem. a apore our Tienda MIL COLORES SALOMON CHIN swed Father. Do you think you thing tizens vithdrawal of volunteers from sttaed in office, and accused can support my daughter on Six Spain. How many promises he Chamberlain of treasoning ty dollars a month. FROM PAGE 7)
electioneering type never inulfilled any? His appeal was away the honour of England. Suitor. Well thank you, Sir, was sent by the Department of tended to be fulfilled. We have energetie; and in forceful lan In consequence of this Bri that will certainly help a bit. Public Works to investigate and noted that up to the present, guage he said Chamberlain had tish crisis much activity is seen X report on the entire scheme. his promises have been faithpainfully surrendered to a Ban in the French Cabinet and notes Customer What has becorne Such report was several fully regarded in connection to krupt Dictator. Continuing the have been exchanged calling of that salesman you had here month ago submitted to the with other localities. Why not be Major declared such an agree the attention of the British Ca recently?
Chief of the Department, but so where Limon is concerned?
ment would have a most serious binet to the fact that they both Proprietor Oh, had to sack up to this not a stone has Can it be that the lamentable effect on the political views of are conjointly responsible for him. Bride came in with her been turned in an effort to alle state of affairs through which the United States which were the safety of the Checoeslavian husband to buy a book for read viate the intense sufferings of our City is passing has not been decidedly against Fascism. States. Paris fears a Crisis also, ing while on their honeymoon the residents of this unfortunate forcibly called to his attention The aged Liberal Leader, meantime Hitler and Mussolini trip, and what do you think the city.
by our Municipal Authorities?
Lloyd George sent out a call are smiling.
stupid fellow offered her With sewerage system If they have not, the sooner that Eden be immediately re in Travels with a Donkey. blocked for lack of water with they do so the better for their which to do the necessary flush responsability in case of an out.
ings, it is exceedingly fortunate break of fire or some contagious no epidemic has yet broken out. disease.
How disastrous this would be for the country with its principal gateway quarantined and isolated fram those to whom we must dispose of our products. It Ilis, we think, up to don Leon Cor Wee. Le (CUTTER RODEN)
tes, with this usual progressive ESTRADA Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby activity, to see why the Director informed that of Public Works has not initiaPrecios Economics THE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES ted the task of giving Limon a Artículos del País proper supply of water. He opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being should not allow the residents Abarrotes y Licores WELL DRESSED.
of the City to conjecture his Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English words were only of the usual LA IBERIA Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well dressed man.
Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular Suit. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
the rejwenaling SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES hormone preparation The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor FOR MEN, and Cutter, have been secured davrding to Dr. Rich Weiss Ask for our illustrated booklit ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
The most efficatious and modern tonic yet known ON SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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