
RECORD IN BIRTHS OF TWINS Is Unification of Coloured Peoples Possible record percentage of twin births was set by mothers in LUIS WA CHONG New York City during 1937, the Health Department announ There appears, in our last, ed the formulation of such an result. Why can there not be ced with something pretty close GUACIMO GUAPIL week issue, an article from Association; others assail Haile ia sigle strong chain of mu to pride.
the pen of our very promising Selassie for having adopted the tual support and comfort among Thomas Duffield, registrar correspondent, Mr. Edwin Hor advice of the great white Race the numerous adherents here of records for the department, Cantina, Licores Exde, exhorting greater unity a of not allowing himself, as Head of this great humanitarian As showed that 992 sets of twins tranjeros y del pais.
Tienda bien surtida.
mong the peoples of his Race, of the Abyssinian people, to be sociation originated by Old Man were included in the 101, 988 Abarrotes en gener if Ethiopia is to be saved and captured and subjugated by the Howatt, rather than the many live births recorded during the the dignity of black Africans Italian hordez. Nore of th. se with each trying to sever the year. That is to say that one respected by the other Races, Precios sin competeng however, are willing to go to throat of the other.
father in every ninety eight dur Poor Mr. Horde, we sympa Abyssinia and lend their aid in If we give a look at the nu ing 1937 got twice what he was thize with him because we feel formulating plans for the ame merous Lodges and what are looking for.
that his Lamentation, like that lioration of the difficult, humicalled Fraternal Societies of The previous high records was ing 1937. That this figure is over Jeruslen, will ever exist. liating and unpleasant expe this City, we find the same dir 96 per cent, reached in 1912, divisible by three indica The harmonious unification of riences through which the Race fferentiation. Why should there when 1, 330 sets of twins appear number of still births marr the peoples of colour will, in is passing. No, they prefer to be so many Samaritan Lodges? ed. Other good years for twins, the completion of sets. The our opinion, never be secured stand aside to ridicule and un Only because of the ins. inct according to the Health Depart. vious year thirtly seven tri ment statistics, were: 1932, children were born; in 1935, until the arrival of that period, justly criticize thet mistakes ot of being separate.
995 sets and. 91 of the total and in 1934, 18.
yet hidden in the womb of ti others.
me, when the Lion and Why should there also be so deliveries: 1936. 883 sets and From 1927 to 1931, New the If we look at the actions of the 90 per cent; 1916, 1, 230 setsers averaged sets of tripl Lamb shall, by the touch of Dithe many Burial Aid Societies many Mechanic Lodges of vine inspiration, lay down and operating around us, we same class about us? Why not and. 90 per cent; 1913. 1, 230 a year. From 1931 to 1995 sleep together, the time when that same spirit of separateness amalgamate and form one Bo sets and 89 per cent 1914, 1, 232 averaged only five annus Christ shall have sets and. 88 per cent; 1915, 1, 218 The banner year since 1923 subjugated exhibited.
dy whereby greater benefits all enemies under His feet.
could accrue to members when and. 87 per cent, and 1933, 884 the matter of successful tri Instead of each group exsets and. 86 per cent.
Looking around us in births was 1930, when twe the ercising their reasoning sickness and distress overtake powThere were twenty nine tri sets of live triplets entered small compass of this Republic, ers and moving toward unifica his organizations and invites coplet babies born in the city dur independent life.
then? The white man institutes do we not see many Braache tion, which would produce of tht Universal Negro Imgreater benefits to all concern nizer and knowing the psycho operation; bue being an OrgaTERRORISM IN PALESTINE provement Association, yet ed, cliques are formed the mo logical weakness of the black there is no Unity among the ment a mistake in the manipu man, he establishes districts or different groups. Each endeavlations of a Director or other jurisdictions for the better grou our to separately solve their high Officer is discovered, and By Joseph Levy Palestine discussed the polit own problems regardless of the rather than have the offending ping together of his Lodges and situation at a gathering repr material and which by which members would be support one removed, they cause disin better supported in timez Jerusalem. The state of entative of all Jewish com would be obtained by co operategration to set in, with separa calamity through co operation. ly becomes more of public security in Palestine dai nal bodies. Chaim Weizma tion and co ordination. With tenes in hatred and malice the The Negro cannot, aggravated told them that he had defin cach fostering their own idea however, Neither the military courts nor assurance that the British dissentions arise which must see such co ordinating projects, British experts from India have ernment stands by the Ro eventually lead to disintegra Miss Hyacinthe Jackson he cannot understand that in yet succeeded in improving the Commission proposal toe tion of the Race and the ulti of La Junta, Linea Vieja, stead of isolating a Lodge of cituation. Shooting, bomb throw blish a Jewish Palestinian Su matc destruction of all idea of will give courses at har say thirty or fifty members whoing, ambushing and terrorism in The meeting was asked to Unification. There seem to be home from the 7th. Fecan only subscribe a very small all forms continue throughout Mr. Weizmann, who goes to. no tolerance, no reasoning pow bruary in Sewing.
amount each week to help a the country.
Emdon, full authority to repudi to lead forgiveness and broidering, Painting, Shor fallen one, if co ordination were This state of affairs is not due any suggestion that the Je reconciliation. Marcus Garvey thand, Typewriting and adopted an exceedingly larger solely to the Arab Jewish poli accept a minority status in is abused by some for having Music.
sum would be obtained and the tical conflict. Italy is now be undivided Palestine and that the inspiration which prompt member succoured in a more dig lieved to be fanning the flames carry on negotiations on nified manner. No, he prefers of Arab lawlessness. Many Arabs basis of partition.
to remain separate, to isolate are frankly admitting this. We Arabs, on the other hand, himself, and suffer privation are fighting Zionism in Palestine, determined to fight partition and penury, then dub as Cro which is supported by Britaia. every means at their commal oks, Gangsters and Rogues, all they say, What do we care who who venture to propose such backs us so long as it helps us LIMON. COSTA RICA amalgamations, though unable to attain our goal?
Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Importación if requested, to cite the comThat the Italians are supportImparts and Experts mission of a single roguishing Arab terrorism in Palestine LAWYER NOTARY trick. His one and only reason is not surprising, but what is PUBLIC is Exportacion the report that for making such assertions is his surprising Office: th Lumber Deposit Depósito de Madera delight in being separaie. He France, Britain closest ally in forgets that deep down all are European affairs, is not doing Adjoining to the City Public Library Compra de Cacao en one. He judges only in accord all she might to prevent activi.
ENGLISH SPOKEN le with the surface of things. Howties of the Arab terrorists who grano Cocoa Purchased are said to be operating in Syever rough and turbulent be ria, over which France still ex FORMER JUDGE OF THE the surface of the seas all will ercises a mandate.
LIMON DISTRICT COURT be found calm and harmonious Meanwhile, Jewish leaders in ti a few fathoms below. So should it be with the human Race, for down below we are one and MAN DIES AS RESULT OF DEFICIENT COMMUNICATION should not be separated. The Negro, however, as a Race, I, the undersigned, George in any way connected with Almust be separate; must be bo Some time ago it was suggested tunate sufferer, he remula Davis, Pastor of the Penticostal timan Dabney or his beliefs, as isterous: must be disunited by this Journal that the Gov without first aid until the Baptist Union Church, wish it am made to appear accordand disintegrated must to be known by the Public thating to an unfounded article pube ernment afford residents along day night when he arrived by have suffered at the hands of blished by the Diario de Costa ed and disintegrated: must be our Coasts greater protection, and succumbed at a. Saty the Authorities by their break Rica in January last. My So disrespected and scorned by by instituting schedules and ta day soon after seeing the the other Races who realize riffs for the itineraries of the tor.
ing into my church and removi ciety was inscribed in this coun 26 ing my lamps and other fixtu. try long before Dabney started that Unity produces strenga, launches plying between this The Atlantic Voice sym res, as a consequence of the his operations here and for respect and admiration. Port and Sixaola and, if neces thises sincerely with the rord vile propaganda circulated by which he was deported.
Yes, Mr. Horde, we sympa sary. Colorado. Nothing, how ing widow and daughters my enemies that my church is thize with your sentiments, but ever, has been done to assist their sad misfortune.
a branch of the cult known as BE IT THEREFORE UNDER you too will soon be dubbed a these thrifty settlers who help Pocomia or Pocomania. This is STOOD crook, and accused of having our City with the supplies they a most cruel defamation.
your own axe to grind for the regularly send our market.
My Church is a duly register that anyone heard or found de purpose of keeping from you BOOTH case those who may be convinced of which should open the eyes of ed Religious Organization under signating my denomination has just occurred, as the Laws of this country and Pocomia or Pocomania will be the correctness and force of our Governor BESTS to the urgent denominated prosecuted under the laws of your reasonings and be dispos need for remedying the present BAKED the Republic for slandering the to follow your lead. The state of affairs. most respectBERLIN BREAD The Penticostal Baptist good intent of my Religious As Negro cannot unite. We deplo able and energetic resident of BUNS Union.
sociation for the purpose of de re having to assert it, but it is Cahuita, James Whittaker by BISCUITS CAKES with Headquarters at Oregon in preciating and damaging its an undisputable fact; hence you name, became seriously ill on the United States of America. aims and objects toward the spi will stand alone your efforts Wednesday of last week, and as THE PEOPLE BAKERY It has no association whatever ritual uplift of mankind.
toward his unification till the there was no launch or other Box 179 with Pocomia Pocomania. Limón.
of God be fully established in means of communication to pro Nor am or my membership George DAVIS the minds of all man kind. vide medical aid for the unforALLAN SIME No Association with Pocomia or Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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