
VINS CHUNG any GUME Licores del wurtida senga Compe LIMON TRADING COMPANY on sets sere 31. Na 3o THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE aben Easter Races at Cahuita After what is said to have possible they will then toke pla threatened a deadlock in connec se in Puerto Rico tion with the selection of the The choice of Costa Rica is LUMBER YARD much It has been definitely decided site for the Fifth Central Ame said to have produced Olympic surprise in Olympic circles in to construct the Government rican and Caribbean 1942. view of the We have opened a Lumber Yard supposed priority Hospital on the Baseball Plaza Games to take place in in front of the Railway Track Costa Rica has been awarded claims of Colombia, Puerto Ri where we carry in stock a complete going toward the Crossing.
It the honour co and Venezuela, was at first suggested that the Should Costa Rica, for Panama has already promisassortment of all kinds of Native Institution should be placed on reason notify her inability toed to give every co operation Lumber. Special sizes to order.
che plot of land on which stands arrange for the games, they will to this country in order to ma the Rum House. but the Minis be held in Barranquilla, Colom ke the event the success it We also have Portland Cement, Roof ter of Finance, our far visioned bia, and if this also proves im should be.
man of business, objected for ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenmany reasons, but primarily because the Quarters for the CusCONVOCATION tine and all other building materials.
toms Guards, which are so con GENERAL MEETING of the SHAREHOLDERS of the veniently located near the whar SEND IN YOUR ORDERS AGRICULTURAL and BUILDING CORPORATION ves and Customs Offices, would of 28 MILES also have to be demolished and will be held at 12. 30 FEBRUARY 28th, Madre de re constructed some other Dios, to receive the Annual Report, to elect Officers for spot more remote, thus occasion Limon Division ing additional expenses, apart cnsuing term and to decide life of Society.
Members unable to attend should submit nominafrom the fact that the Bondtions of Proxies in writing House for Rum, etc. is under special contract with the DeZ. Farquharson Gibb Nation OUR THANKS TO COLONEL LORIA partment of Licores and the President Secy.
Gerente Bank of Costa Rica and will not expire before the year 1940.
Colonel Loria and his Assis On behalf of the entire popu Officers, lace of our City, we beg to com Ishall in no way deprive our In order that this decision o 19 tant and subordinate Te amare directing all their energy to pliment Colonel Loria for his unice 1L ward giviug us a roadway our thoughtfulness and activity, in people of their accustomed restel Cemetery directing his efforts toward the creation, the Plaza in front of Day by day a squad of priso realization of a project which the Cuartel is to be thoroughly improved and conditioned. Gal has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havners can be seen, under proper has been under discussion for leries for the accommodation of ing cured an immense number of persons who sufguard, at the seat of operations the last quarter century. We are players and spectators are to be fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These cutting down trees, clearing the certainly, proud of so energeerected and the ground properly route lining out drains now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from and tic and interested an official enclosed so that a small fec can cross drains, and making prepa and sincerely hope he will be be collected at times, as is done such complaints as ration for the round ridging and permitted to perpetuate his na in San José, to assist the dirCOSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, macadamization as soon as theme in the proyection of this ferent Clubs in meeting their LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, he necessary material has been se Calle to our city of the Dead.
expenses. The Plaza will, ir BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION cured. During the coming week, short, be converied into a regu the excavating of the hill at the lar Stadium with up to date acRailway oid yard Limit will JOSE ACHION NG commodations. It has also been TO be commenced, and the earth Comerciante Detallista decided to have the Plaza at taken out utilized in timing the Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale Cieneguita so conditioned as to swampy ground to the East of ria, Articulos de Ferreteria y make it suitable for practice it. There are, however, two Eléctricos; todo se encuentra games, etc. The Hospital Plaza Our next Race Meet has The Committee in charge of small old houses which will is to be beautified with gardens been fixed for Easter Monday matters is en este establecimiento.
doing soon have to be demolished and and lawns for the recreation of the 18th. April, and according possible to make the day a meeverything carried further inland so as to PRECIOS DE SITUACION employees and promenades for LIMON Cahuita.
Leave a clear route for the road to the Programme which is al morable one for old convalescents way.
These projects will indeed add ready out, there will be seven Pienic will be held at night Famous Yankee much to the ac ornment of the events. One for Uutrieds and when the City, so we hope nothing unto another for Maidens with each will be in attendance. Two Laward will occur to hinder their carrying a Purse for C120. Two unches will leave Limon at realization, Purses, valued at C200 und a. on the day of the Event; C120 respectively, will be of one of them will return the fered horses of 54 inches. There same evening, leaving Cahuita will be two other events each at o clock, while the other for C200, open to any horse, will start on her return trip at and a final Pack rece for a The The above named Society riod, the amount for the last the next day.
al which the winner will be a charge for the Round Tip has had their Thanksgiving Anni six months being 1, 705. For warded Forty colones.
versary on Friday the 18th, and 31 Death Claims, of which 23 been fixed at the very teasonwell might they be grateful for were dependents and only There is every indication that able rate of Four Colonel the blessings bestowed on members, the sum of 632 the Meet will be a success, as them. Mr. Angus, as Chair wie dispensch. After meeting it is expected that not less than VERLEY man, officiated in his usual bri all these obligations there is on six horses from Limon will be Secretary. lliant manner, throughout the deposit nthe Bank C4. 012. 74, NEW ZEALAND While competing long but interesting program a property purchased, valued Trinidad team of three were me.
at 4. 000, furniture and other on their way to Australia to Members and visitors were assets C1, 098. 20, showing a cash take part in the Empire Games BUY YOUR SUITS much elated with the entire value to the Society of which opened January 31st, at on our new transactions, and the Report 110. 95.
Sydney, Cumberbatch, for the three years operations The meeting was most har the Colony Sprint Entry, broEASY PAYMENTS plan was certainly a thrill, as it di monious and showers of bles ke the Empire Games record The Terms make splayed that sound guidance sings were thrown on the heads for the 100 yards. He did so at and integrity of purpose can do of Messrs. Smith, Peter an invitation Meet arranged by PRICES CHEAPER THAN SMOKES!
in a few chort years.
Muir and the other Directors. the Wellington Ainateur AthSUITS MADE TO MEASURE, also By the Report we heard that All departed feeling the great letic Association. Many of New PANT SUIT CUTS at C11. 331. 47 were paid out in lest happinese that suc pro Zealand best athletes, apart Sick Dues during the entire pe gress had been attained.
PRICES TERMS to PLEASE from those taking part in the games at present, competed.
Starting from scratch, Cum The LAST WORD in TAILORING!
berbatch did the 100 yards in WORKMANSHIP FULLY GUARANTEED. 4 seconds, thus beating the time of Sweeney HIGH GRADE ENGLISH SERGES TWEEDS vho won the British Empire Games PALM BEACH SUITINGS DRILLS MATINA y 24 MILLAS championship in 1937.
our Specialities.
The world record for this distance is held by Wykoff Call for Full Details at.
Los más surtidos Establecimientos de of the who turned in LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES a time of 2 seconds. Háganos una visita.
Stanford, one of the other Trinidadians, won the hall miLIMON le in minutes and seconds, Anniversary of Local Branch Jca. Burial Scheme rinida dian is months being C1. 705. For Breaks Sprint Record Hop LEE LUNG HOP JACK ORANE STORE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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