
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page AAN Znez Canal Rewart Shacks Br. Public Lumber Deposit SAITA BAYER BAYER SDD um Why CAFIASPIRINA The report of the Suez Canal Company, issued recently in London produced we are told quite a shock on the British public, who felt it disclosed the real polic yof the National Government during the Abyssinian episode. Supporters of the League of Nations were also Next to LA PROVEEDORA said to have experienced much Ne wand Complete Assortment of Lumber surprise on learning that, while Messurements less than feet at professing to be in favour of security and denouncing Mus 25 per foot solini aggression in Africa, the need British government had made so handsome a profit out of the their Fascisation of Ethiopia, four million pounds borrowed warfare.
and the exploitation of her from the Rothschilds. These According to the report, Ita natives. This is the real rea shares are now valued at 72. ly paid 50. 000 pounds a week, son, well informed diplomatic 000. 000 pounds and have alrea during the period of hostilities, circles in London say, for the dy enriched he government to in dues for troop ships and sup proposed Peace Pact between the extent of forty millions in plies sent via the Canal. One Prime Minister Chamberlain dividends. There are 21 French of the British Directors of the and Mussolini.
men, one Dutchman and 10 Company, Sir lan Malcolm As a result of its financial Britishers on the Company admits Mussolini paid cash as manipulations, the Canal Com Directorate, but England conhe was not allowed credit. pany has been able to declare trols operations.
It is alleged that as Mussoli dividends totalling 600 franes ni raised most of the money for the year on Capital Stock, At it is said that one of Mus through British Bankers and compared with 540 on the sa solini chief objectives in his Financiers, these are now bring me shares for the previous Peace negotiations will be ing pressure on the Prime Mi year.
a transfer to Italy of some nister to recognize Italy coGreat Britain possesses for of England shares in the Canquest so as to enable them to ty four per cent of the shares, al Company and the abolition further exploit this field and which were purchased for her of canal tolls for Italian vesadvance additional amounts to by the Earl of Beaconsfield. sels, it is left to be seen if he the Italiars to carry through then Benjamin Disraeli, for will be able to accomplish this. For many years CAFIASPIRINA has been recognized as an unfailing remedy in colds, headache, influenza, and rheuBAYER matic complaints. You should insist on CAFIASPIRINA, not only because of its sure effect, but also because it does not harm the heart, stomach or kidneys.
The world famous Bayer Cross, which appears on every tablet, guarantees the excellence of om DW FIASPIRINA Re The Burial Scheme Statement Francisco Fonseca Ch.
MULE CARTS ARE BANNED Was We are as he RIO DE JANEIRO. Rio de manipulations of Associations such LAWYER NOTARY Janeiro is likely to become a Mr. Nation, necessitated payments totalling as our Burial Scheme, and who PUBLIC horseless and muleless city if a Editor ATLANTIC VOICE, 2. 955. These consisted of mem desire their labours to be crowned Dear Sir: new municipal ruling is obey.
Wars and dependents as the stat with success, cannot afford to igOffice: ed.
Not being thoroughly satisfied, ement also discloses.
nore local or cominunal idiosyn Adjoining to the City apparently, with his accomplish With reference to his fear of our crasies, however unimportant The horse and buggy Public Library or ments by means of the propagan funds disappearing by being en valuelees they may seem to others. ENGLISH SPOKEN pushed out by the automobile, da he has long been waging aga trusted to a one man bank, we can glad this letter, which leaving only the mule and eart, inst us and our Society, our friend assure him we have learnt our should have reached you for an FORMER JUDGE OF THE used primarily for the hauling An Interested One now lesson with respect to this and are earlier publication, was unavoidaLIMON DISTRICT COURT of coffee from the warehouse styles himself, is resorting we note not likely to suffer a second time. bly delayed, as it affords as the to the steamer.
to the use of the columns of your We do not forget Our good old opportunity of expressing our apThis conveyance, under the ournal whence he thinks, no Granny trite saying. Once bit preciation of much of what you HAITI RECEIVES new ruling, no longer will be doubt, he can with greater effect ten, twice shy.
considered it you duty, though paallowed in the central section hurl his venomous darts at us. In so far as our friend other infuf we know, to express in your INDEMNITY CHEQUE of the city. The regulations also We are sorry for this, as he but criticisms are concerned, most of article entitled Is Unification of prohibit stables within the city.
wastes his energy and your valuable which are destructive rather than Coloured Peoples Possible. in our The Dominican Republic, space, for as you very appropriately constructive in character, and as it own limited and insignificant way is reported to have paid Hairemind us in a recent Thought. is not our intention to initiate aj we have endeavoured to bring ab ti the sum of 250. 000 dollars as grievances of both countries.
the more we endeavour to harm lengthy newspaper corresponden out some of this same desirable a first instalment of the inThe balance of the indemothers, the greater hurt we bring ce or controversy. we have no unification, but have always exp menities aggregating 750. 000 nification is to be paid in anselves.
time for the one, and we have been rienced disappointments.
dollars for the killing of Hai nual amounts of 100. 000 dolIf An Interested One had not convinced the other never attains Appreciating your clemency, Mr. tians on Dominican territory. lars, and will be applied to allowed his mentality to become so its objetive. we merely express Editor, The payment was made short the relief of destitute refus clogged with venomous thoughts, our genuine surprise at your corrly after formal ratification, gees and families of the viche would not have so completely Lespondent endeavouring to impute PETER BLACKMAN, on the 28th. February, of the tims of the killings.
forgotten that as far back as the, to our statement a meaning which Promoter, Assn agreement which settles the 6th. November last, we gratuitously is entirely differente to that which informed the reading public by it carries. a simple statement of means of a statement in The Cen the cash we received and dispensed tral American Express that betwe during a particular period.
en the months of November 1936 Regarding the observations, Mr.
and October 1937 we dealt with 22 Editor, of your other correspondent death claims which absorbed the Observer. we will ask him to sum of 4, 180, 15 of which occur bear in mind the fact that those of red during the period to which our us who voluntarily issume respon offending statement refers and sabilities in connection with the (CUTTER RODEN)
Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby ECUADOR SEIZES OWNED MINE informed that THE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES QUITO, Ecuador The000. 000 sucres amounting to opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being Ecuadorean Army infantry, ba fifteen years taxes.
ttalion General Cordova has Although a new manager will Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English taken over the gold mine Por be appointed by the GovernTweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well tobelo, owned and operated by ment, the labor force and othdressed man.
the South American Developer personnel will remain unOur Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality ment Company, an Americant changed in order to facilitate firm, while the Government production, it was stated.
The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular made ready to take charge of The meeting at which arSuit. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
the nine operation.
rangements were completed for SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES Seizure of the property was the Government taking over ordered because of the com the mine was attended by the The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor pany failure to answer the Atorney General of the Repuand Cutter, have been secured Government demands for the blic, the Comptroller General, revision of its contract, inclu the members of the Cabinet and ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
ding advance payment of President Enriquez.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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