
REVELACIONES NTERESANTES or LiForu and humble, and cannot put cation and lifting of the peo SALOMON CHIN IJO DE UN MOTOR DE BOXCO PANAMA OLYMPIC STAMPS ALLAN SIME FOR DEVELOPMENT OF From Page inely by and accept these words: Am my brother with it. What am most con things because we found them keeper? must be added: Am IRENE DUNNE LUCE EN cerned about and dissatisfied so? Should we not rouse the my child keeper? so serwith are (1) the irresponsi public conscience against such ious has the situation becoLA PICARA PURITANA, PETA SOLUMBIA bility of most of the fathers an iniquity? These fathers me.
UN VASTIDO DE CUENTAS of illegitimate children, and may be bad enough, they do And what is the result?
DE CASCINA OBTENIDA DE roaming (2) the ruin of young girls something however small; but Hordes of children 27 LITROS DE LECHE.
between the ages of fifteen what about the hundreds, who the city and country sides, a and twenty.
refuse to shoulder any res menace to society See the Are you satisfied with the ſponsibility toward their off crowds of boys growing up situation as it is today, rela spring, who go around infes outside the discipline and intive to these two questions, Ling the country side and town fluence of school, church or dear reader? am not, and with their children and whose a good home. See the hunam sure (even the men will irresponsibility is only equa dreds of children, unkempt, agree) that you are not. Can lled by their viciousness? Can dirty, fifthy. mouthed, iddle, CARY GRANT anything be done about the nothing be done about them? already becoming vicious, se ESCAPO DE SU se? If so, just what?
And this leads to the second and ask yourself whether CASA ALO313 AROS No doubt it is due to the problem. Because nothing is such things are not a blot and CON UN CIRCO.
fact that our laws are man done, we have the pitiable a reflection on us. Are we samade, but as far back as can tragedy of young girls being tisfied? By a long stretch. No.
remember, man has seen to the victims. How many Fellow women, the call is to it that his sex get off very young girls, intelligent us this time, to do somethlightly where the mainten and ambitious, with a promi ing. What will we do? Let us ance of his child is concerned. sing future, fall victim to this form After School Care ComARENA Look at the amount which rapacity and have their lives mittees which will take an the Court sometimes orders blighted, let those who know interest in the girls who lea(and this is important) a man teachers, ministers and so ve school, train them to be who can afford it to pay for cial workers tell. Morality useful, and wherever possi 19 the upkeen of his child; this cannot be legislated for. Qui ble find them employment.
is after he has been taken to te true! It is an evolutionary This would be a step forward Court. have heard of cases process that must come from and, fellow women, we can where a man in good circums within. True again! But can do it.
LEO tances is ordered to pay as nothing be done to restrict RALPH BELLAMY EL PERRO Mc CAREY low as 6 a week because this social blot? Isn it possiDEMUESTRA EN MÁS INTELIGENTE DIRECTOR, OG the mother of his child is poor ble, during the process of edu LA PICARA LA PICARA PURITANAM QUE SE HA VISTO, PURITANALS APARECE EN LA FICARA SER UN GRAN PURITANA.
her case properly. What can ple to better economic stanANTIGUO PROBAILARIN 6 a week do? How can it dars to inflict a heavy fine Wee. Le feed and clothe a child? But on the father of a child whose don you see that the men mother is below twenty one?
ESTRADA made these laws to protect You may not agree with me.
Precios Economics themselves. What are the wo If so, suggest a better plan, Artículos del País men. the intelligent ones, of but something must be done The 000, 20 stamps and 20. tif; 350. 064 of two cents printcourse. going to do about to save these girls from such Abarrotes y Licores 001 philatelic sheets commemo ed in green with a baseball it? Are we content to sit sup irresponsible fathers. To the rative of the Fourth Central motif; 200. 064 of eight cents LA IBERIA American and Caribbean Olym in light brown with a boxing pic Games which were late in motif, and 50, 064 of fifteen arriving on the Isthmus, has cents in blue with a soccer been almost sold out, we und motif.
From Page All the stamps are for air LIMON. COSTA RICA The is ue is divided into mail service. The philatelic Importación ague which is affiliated with five series. 200, 064 stamp sheets cidery one stamp from Imports and Exports the British Labor Party. of one cent denomina io print each of the series.
y The meeting was non politi ed in red with a basketball mo Exportacion cal, the speakers expressing the Lumber Deposit view that British Guiana Depósito de Madera too big to be developed by coCompra de Cacao en lonial funds and that developEDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ grano Cocoa Purchased ment by the Imperial governnent would ease the populaRODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ tion problem of the West Indies. The meeting drew persons in AUSTRALIAN GAMES MAKE NEW RECORDS all walks of life, the speakers Abogados y Notarios Lawyers. Public Notaries SAN JOSE. LIMON including the Anglican SAN JOSE. LIMON BishOficina en Limón: Office in Limon adjoins op of Guiana, Dean Hughes, Contiguo a la Municipa that of the Municipality No less than twenty. one Em ders in a effort to refresh him and representatives of the Brit lidad (frente al Parque)
opposite the Park pire Athletic Records are reported when the race official, who was folish Guiana Teachers Associabroken in the events which took lowing by motor and witnessed the tion and Labor Union.
place in the Empire Games held incident, warned Stanford that he recently in Sydney, Australia. could be disqualified for it. StanAlthough creating a new record ford misinterpreted the official BLINDNESS DISAPPEARING FROM MADRE DE DIOS in his race in New Zealand, Cum remark to mean he had been order IN CHILD LIFE berbatch, the Trinidadian, got clied out of the race and so stopped.
It was expected that this Village lity, or impossibility, of the Unitiminnted from both the 220 and 100 The event was won by a South would have been very busy last cation of the Coloured people, and yards sprints by being outplaced in African in Empire record time of Monday, as notices had been serv right here we see a justification of the preliminarics. Noel Stanford, hours, 30 min. 48. seconds. LONDON. In ten years time ed and advertisements made for a his argument. In order to bring the also of Trinidad, writhdrew from Australia won the team title, at there will be no such thing as Convocation of the members of people who have their moneys inthe Marathon Race after nearly the close of the Games, with a to blindness in child life, apart from the Agricultural Corporation of vested in this concern together, acompleting the fifteen miles run tal or 144 points to her credit. Ca accidents. This is the startling, but these Districts in connection with nother call will have to be made, and was in 4th. pasition, on the nada came second with 128, al welcome, belief expressed by Ophits Annual Assembly, but strange It is to be hoped they will, in fubelief he had been disqualified. though she won seven individual thalmic Experts following public to say very few of the interested ture, manifest a greater spirit of On Stanford passing the 14th. championships while Australia on tion of figures which show that in parties came out. Our people do co operation with those who dimile spectator is saia to have ly scored one.
Sergland and Wales blindness in not seem interested in anything rect this effort at Unity among thrown some water over his shoulchildren is being wiped out. that tends to their uplift.
people of colour.
Of a total blind population of In the last issue of this Journal, 59, 378, there are now only 924 the Editor stressed on the possibiCorrespondent under the age of sixteen. This num LIMON MERCANTILE Co. ber was, formerly, 60 per cent hig MADURO LUMBER YARD her, and the steady decline over a period of years is attributed to bet Dealers in native lumber and produce ter medical and midwifery serviP. 215 South of Post Office There is, on the other hand, a the rejuvenating serious increase in blindness among hormone preparation COMPAÑIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON. persons over the age of 40, the rea FOR MEN, son for which is not known. StaDepósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO according to Dr. Rich. Woiss.
tistics shew 18, 396 blind persons Al sur del correo Ask for our illustrated bookkt Apartado 215 between the ages of fifty and sixVenta de maderas Compra de productos. ty. five, and 7, 263 between forty The most efficatious and modern tonic yet known and fifty.
ON SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Este documeno es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
was If enfeebled by age.
Virilinets ces.

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