
our where work.
According to the information te 16 will be remembered that, he has arranged for the ereccion leased by leading Russian newspa during the administration of of the building as a donation to LUMBER YARD pers, the death penalty awaits Ni don Ricardo Jiménez Mr. Ce the community.
kolai Bucharin and twenty others cil Vernor Lindo proposed the The Atlantic Voice congrawho once figured prominently the Soviet Regime but are now the construction of a suitable edifitulates don Cecilio for this ge We have opened a Lumber Yard accused in a trial which commence to house the school children nerous and noble sentiment, but where we carry in stock a complete sed last Wednesday at Moscow be of the township of Juan Viñas, would beg to remind him that a fore a Military Tribunal and which but due to a disagreement which Limon deserves some public promises, it is said to be one of the arose between them on assortment of all kinds of Native nal demostration of his charitable most sensational of the recent seLumber. Special sizes to order.
ries of trials of Russia fallen lead ters of formality, the very kindness in such direction. We are offer was withdrawn. His spi bedly in need of an Asylum We also have Portland Cement, RoofThe main charges against the ac rit of philanthropy having ho for the waifs and strays now cused are Treason and Murder with wever been revived ve note on our streets, which the deaths of Maxim Gorky.
ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenthe famous writer; Wacheslauff tine and all other building materials.
Menzhinsky, one time head of the CENTENARY OF BAPTIST DENOMINATION OF JAMAICA Secret Police, and Valerian Kudisheff. Chieff of the first Five Year SEND IN YOUR ORDERS Plan, are supposed to be included.
The deaths of these prominent personages were previoulsy laid to na 1938 marks the hundredth tional Institutions for our people tural causes.
year of the establishment of his throughout the Island, freat Religious Organization in In short, throughout the enLimon Division the Island of Jamaica and as a tire century the Baptists have menanaman THE NICARAGUAN CANAL result the Baptist Union there made great contributions to our have organized a Body designat people progress The Jamaica UNPLEASANTNESS REPENTED When all hope seam failing. ed the Jamaica Baptist Union Baptist Union therefore plans to something usually erups up Centenary Committee. compos hold gigantic CENTENARY CEwhich revives in us the thoughted of the undermentioned gen LEBRATIONS throughout JaAn indiscretion with regard, has always been our aim not of the providence of Divina Ca tlemen as their Standing Commi maica during August 1938. These to the parties concerned, as it to bring about anything other ttee Revs. Gillette, Span celebrations will, in the main, to a recent publication on our than good to all through these Plain Talk is the nuthority ish Town. Chairman. review our progress during the Lottery Winnings, has been columns; never to cause our pa for stating that the great Aine Greeves Riversdale. Secreta past 100 years, and lay a founpointed out to us by a certain trons anything but happy reco rican nation is determined ry. Wilson Coore, Hector (dation for our future prosperity.
to gentleman. Wa therefore take lections.
Invitations to attend and or construct the Nicaraguan Canal, River; Orr, Guys Hill; this means of expressing We re assert that never was and has, in recognitioa of the Beverly. Linstead: Saw help are being sent to the Bapregret if we have been the cauany evil intended thereby.
yers, Jones Pen; Brown. tist World Alliance, of which good services they rendered in se of bringing inconveniences Oracabesa; Ivan Parsons, Ste Dr. George Truett is President, the construction of the Parawart Town; Dr. Stevenson, and Dr. Rushbrooke is Semanian Waterway, decided that Kingston: Dr. Oswald Ander cretary: the Baptist Missionary AMONG THOSE WHO TRAVEL of the 60. 000 workinen who zon, Cross Roads: Dr. Phi Society of London; the Baptist will be needed from the West Hips, Cross Roads: Mr. Leo Union of Great Britain and IrelIndies for this immense under Brown, Foreign Correspondent, and; Baptists throughout the Mr. Simeon Richards goes to This is certainly a well meri his Island home, Jamaica, on ted rest, as after labouring in drafted from Jamaica and gis taking, about 43. 009 will be 101 Orange Street, Kingston. Canada, Central America a vacation of a couple months. other spheres, Mr. Richards was ven a minimum wage of thirty inauguration of a new era in tions of all kinds, Newspapers The year 1938 marked the and the West Indies; OrganizaHis wife and children go with called by the late Mr. Galbrai three cents per hour for ordina the life of the community of Ja and News Agencies, as well as him, the to assist in establishing the ry labour and 48 for skilled maica as well as in other parts prominent individuals of the vaPenshurst Plantation, of the British Empire. In the rious countries.
he has worked untiringly until This would certainly be aj years immediately preceding and Your support is solicited, now in the fullest confidence great relief to us here in view succeeding that LUIS WA CHONG great event, contribution to our Centenary of his employers.
of the threatening outlook of Baptist Pioneers made the great Fund will be gratefully receivGUACIMO GUAPILES From the inception of this unemployment.
est contribution to the weifare ed. Subscriptions are also being Journal he has been our Agent of the unfortunate members of asked for our publication Liat Penshurst; we therefore, taINSTALLATION CEREMONY the then Jamaican community. berty and Progress 1. 25)
Cantina, Licores Exwishing ke keen pleasure in It was our Baptist Pioneers per copy. We also ask that tranjeros y del país. him and his family a very happy who braved the wrath of the you help to give this matter the Tienda bien surtida. and profitable stay among his Among the many functions powers that be including go greatest possible publicity. We Abarrotes en general own, so he may be fully rejuve connected with the various vernment, the Plantocracy and confidently rely on your supnated to resume his labours Fraternal and other Organi the Established Church and port. Sgd. Leo Brown, Precios sin competencia among us.
sations operating around us, fought strenuously for the liber Foreign Correspondent.
which had to be postponedation of the slaves. It was our an account of the heavy rains Baptist Pioneers who instituted was that for the Installation Land Settlement Schemes for ED NOTE. The above speaks of the Officers of the Costa those same people after a gene for itself, and all Baptists and Rica Burial Scheme Associa rous British government had sympathizers in Costa Rica, of tion who had been elected for made liberal financial compen such great movements toward the term which commenced sation to the erstwhile slave the uplift and progress of civiin January owners and nothing to the ex lizing centres, are expected to (FROM PAGE 7)
MOSCOW. Commissar of War, The interesting ceremony slaves. It was our Baptist Pio do their best through the Bapmited to the Lower House a spe Klement Evoroshillt declaring came off on Monday night neers who established Educa tis Headquarters in Limon.
cial military budget calling for Soviet Russia is more exposed than of the week previous in the appropriations of 4, 850. 000. 000 Yen any other country to the danger spacious Hall of the Society when the following were into meet costs of the China war of war, said the Red Army is ducted. Messrs. Bond Preduring the present year.
ready to use Poison Gas. We can sident Burial Dept; McNeil, BUY YOUR SUITS not, he asserted, restrict our che President Sick Dept; ANKARA, Turkey The Bal mical detachments to antigas de Goulbourne, Vice Pres. Buon our new Fan Entente countries, Greece, fence, for the Fascist countries rial Dept; Mrs. Cecilia White, EASY PAYMENTS plan Yugoslavia, Rumania and Turkey, having violated the 1925 conven Vice Pres. Sick Dept: Mrs. The Terms make have decided to recognize Italy tion regarding the use of gas in Carnegie, Rec. Secy; Miss conquest of Ethiopia. An announ warfare, we were forced to train Brown, Asst. Secy; Mr.
cement to this effect was made chomical troops. If the enemy Wade, Financial Secy; Mrs. SUITS MADE TO MEASURE, also at the conclusion of the countries spreads has behind our frontiers, Blackman, Treasurer: Mrs. PANT SUIT CUTS at conference on Balkan affairs, we will pour bucketsful on the Carnegie, Treasurer Sick and heads of those gentlemen.
Juvenile Depts; Mr. Knight, PRICES TERMS to PLEASE Guard.
There was quite a large and Toile enthusiastic gathering to witThe LAST WORD in TAILORING!
ness the ceremony which was WORKMANSHIP FULLY GUARANTEED. carried out by the AssociaHIGH GRADE ENGLISH SERGES TWEEDS tion Promoter and his staff in their usual impressive man PALM BEACH SUITINGS DRILLS MATINA y 24. MILLAS ner.
our Specialities.
The newly installed Officers all re iterated their deterCall for Full Details at.
Los más surtidos Establecimientos de mination to give the AssociaLICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES tion the best of their ability, and each promised to faithHáganos una visita.
fully dispense the duties connected with his or her indiLIMON vidual office.
HOP LEE LUNG JACK ORANE STORE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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