
1938 THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: NATION Be not deceived, God is not mocked; whatsoever o man soweth, that shall he also reap. When people and nations realize that all life is one, thot to injure others is to iniure themselves; that self indulgence, because it is selfish, is harmful to others and will, in turn, be injurious to themselves, that they can bring blessings to themselves only by serving the common good, then they will be ready to apply the one remedy. UNITY THROUGH LOVE.
Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday March 12th 1938 186 117 The Unrest In Europe GERMANY THREATENS WAR and the Socialistic Leader, Leon a plebiscite for next Sunday to crs of his forces in the vicinity Work on Cemetery Roadway Progresses וח por dia An Unfounded Rumour The crisis which arose in Brit, the Italian and German Dicta with Premier Chamberiain unA late advice from Viena sta ned Von Ribbentrop, on his leish politics as a consequence of Lors were commenced as arrang til he knows just what his po tes that during last Thursday aving London for Berlin, that ON the resignation of Sir Anthony ed, but already a break has oc sition wil be in Austria and Cen night a special Envoy arriving any foreign intervention in Eden from the Foreign Minis curred in so far as that with tral Europe. Italy is believed to from Berlin, notified Chancel Austria would compel action Siry has hardly been overcome Germany is concerned, conse be strongly behind the Aus lor Sebuschnigg that unless he by Great Britain, there is the when we find France faced with quence, not only it is alleged trian Premier in his efforts to immediately cancelled the ins greater fear that conditions an even worse condition. the on the Nazi Repreentative de curtail the influence of the tructions for tomorrow Ple have now reached a point when со outcome of the determined op siring that the question of the Nazis and this is a further rea biscite, German troops would an outbreak may momentarily position of the Socialistic and return of the German Colonies son why it is said Hitler is not be on the march against Aus occur. Perchance ere we relea Communistic Parties to the ef should take precedence, but in now inclined to make any politria.
se this issue, we may find the Ports of the government to review of the great concern which tical commitments.
As it is further reported that world plunged into another and Slieve the economic difficulties the happenings in Austria bave Although officially denied.
the British Prime Minister war more destructive war.
of the nation. The Cabinet of produced in Germany. Chancelj it is known that Mussolini has been numb pero pro Blum, has accepted the task of definitely decide the question of the Austrian frontier as a nh inaugurating a new one.
of his country political inde precaution against an emergen Notwithstanding the transfer of the embankment through The much criticised Peace pendence, Hitler feels he should cy.
of Colonel Loria, who projected the swamp leading to the gateTalks between the British and not pursue the negotiations Opinions are not much more the scheme of occupying his way of the Cemetery.
optimistic regarding the peace short term prisoners on the cons ene So that this work may be negotiations with Italy in view truction of this most necessa properly completed and a plea it is stated, of England perry roadway, we note our 2nd. sant walkway secured, it is nosistence that the matter of the Comandante, Colonel Pantoja, ted our Governor has issued a withdrawal from Spain of the is still interested and determin Detalle on all residents of the Due, no doubt, to the seve as his successor. Inasmuch (TO PAGE 9) ed to carry the work to a pro town. This is a move in the be ral changes which have taken every resident in the Province per conclusion. He may be right direction, as a properly de place among our officials re has the greatest regard for don seen, daily, directing his men asphalted street to our Cemechos cently, there was a persistent Juanito and sincerely apprecia how to accomplish the task. tery is not only a long felt want rumour during the latter part ties all he has done for us, we He has obtained the necessary but kill be a real adornment of last week that our most af are nevertheless satisfied with an fable and energetic Governor don Ricardo and feel sure don from the Officials of ever poor, should begrudge At last we had also demitted office. On Juanito would iot enjoy being afforded, the Railway Company, as also giving at least a day labour. our making enquiry we, howe placed in a position from though only at stated hours. a two tramway cars, which he is or its equivalent in cash, so as Tver found this was not little water in our service pi using to convey the so, which a good man had been material to fuly complete the thonghtful and that don Ricardo had no ousted without sufficient rea pęs. Being satisfied their me escavated from the hill at the ness of Colonel Loria and Pan intention of resigning his posison. Under ordinary circumstan chanics were not capable of co old yard limit for the makingtoja.
tion. He is still, we are glad ces it would be our greatest ping with the work required to to inform our readers, dispens pleasure to once more have place their Pumpin proper Company supply is also com. have a greatly improved serviing the responsible duties at don Juanito occupying a posi working condition, the Munici pleted and ready for service ce to fall back on as the Comtached to his dual position.
tion among us whereby he could pal Board very wisely solicited though every now and then a pany is always ready and wilWe note it was also said continue his well known inte the aid of the Northern Rail pipe bursts as the result of the ling to assist in all communal that our lately retired Legisla rest in favor of our general way Company, who sent their high pressure of the flow com beterments.
tive Representative, don Juani progress.
skilled workers to supervise the ing in contact with a flaw in We further understand that to Romagosa, had been chosen setting up of the machine which the casting: this is of course our City Fathers have ordered has resulted in alleviating our customary in new constructions a new motor for the Pump.
ra distresing experiences of the of the kind. These inconvenien which on arrival will be in past two months.
ces are, however, being quickly stalled on the same site as the The work of installing the overcome, and soon we shall Company as Our Water Problem quantity of tramway rails and to our City: no resident howues are UNITED FRUIT Co.
The Queen Mary Sister Ship SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Habana solamente Estos vapores no llevarán café.
VAPORES SALIDAS TALAMANCA Marzo 21 QUIRIGUA Marzo 28 Salidas semanales de Limon para Cristóbal Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Americonos con trasbordo en Cristóbal a los magníficos vapores de la Colombian Line que prestan servicio semanal hacia Nueva York, con conexión rapidisimo.
EL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS INCLUYENDO LONDRES TIVIVES Marzo 17 SAN JOSE Marzo 24 Compagnie Generale TRANSATLANTIQUE EL VAPOR 19 It has been announced that the sister ship to the Cunard. White Star Liner, Queen Mary, will be named the Queen Elizabeth and will be launched on the 27th. ptember next.
This Super Liner, now under construction on the Clyde, will the largest in the world. Her length is 1, 032 feet or 14 more than the Queen Mary, while her registered tonnage is expected to be about 86, 000 or 5, 000 in excess of that of her sister ship Several improvements have, it is said, been incorporated in her design. Her contract speed will be higher than that of the Queen Mary and there will be accommodation for a larger number of passengers is her boilers and machinery will occupy less space. She will have two sets of turbines and 12 main boilers, with nearly 200, 000 The most striking difference in the appearance of the two ships, will CUBA ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
Llevando café solamente para Londres PATIA Marzo 25 ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
Agentes poro Limon SO saldrá de LIMON el 16 DE MARZO próximo poro Cristóbal, Cartagena, Puerto Colombio, Curazao, Puerto Cabello, La Guayra, Trinidad, Antillas Menores, Le Havre y demás puertos de Europa, acep tando pocajeros y cargo para las puertos citados.
Gorantizamos a los señores Exportadores una rópida entrega de sus productos a los puertos europeos de destino.
Para más informes dirigirse o nuestras oficinas Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la UNITED FRUIT COMPANY en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en Sap José TELEFONO 1 56 SOCIEDAD ANONIMA TOURNON Agentes, San José be that while the. Qucen Mary carces three funnels, the Elizabeth will have only two, The keel of the 552, as the new ship is now called, was laid on December 6th. 1936, and her cost will, it is esmtimated, be 5, 750. 000 pounds sterling FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
Sub Agentes, Limón y Puntorenos Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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