
Página THE ATLANTO VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 12th. 1938 Unemployment and Birth Control SELLING OUT d 21 2, 500 YARDS al al ta in al JACK ORANE STORE Ol A New Daily foi Jamaica n on Warning to Our Bathers comAs the resployment problem are too often the causes of unem reduction in the number of manual loom, though somewhat distantly ployment workers so as to wipe out the tra BELOW COST PRICE: at present, on our local horizon Another cause of unemployment gedy of unemployment, while leap and may contegur mat ho dic is the invention of machinery. ing the benefits of machinery to cepued lay the candles, we take the tractor clears up a piece of land in be enjoyed by a smaller population oprostunity of reproducing the fol. one day, which it would have taken living in greater comfort?
lowing from the Jamaica Publie ten men to clear in ten days. Wher While on the subject of Unemploy Opinion of the 5th Februnry. one man does 100 men world with ment and Birth Control it will not the help of machinery, 99 have to Le out of place to mention that PETER PAN PRINTS, Unemployment and Birth Control, remain unemployed the men who amplays labour in ZEPHYRS, It is the unskilled lal tur that bulk gets it cherpest when here by Varma, forms the bulk of unempoymentre more hands than he needs. To BATISTES, What are the caures of unplUnfortunately that is the class prohim unemployment and increase of ment? When there are lots during a larte number of children population of the labouring classes COTTON PIQUES.
them the number of hands availa husband and wife working for ere blessings. He can easily reduce bile, Liere is unemployment Thero or 20. per week between wages when he has three men look are o figures available to the both on them have half a dozening for one job, for it is human nachidren. On the number of unemployed (as is the or more ture that in order to get the job me of many other civilised councher and, a professiona man carn and keep it, each of the three will tries. but everybody feels that ing 500 pounds sterling or more a try to beat the other two in accep!
numbers are rising. Even exact po year is reeing that he does not haveing low wages, LIMON It has bzen the once in other caun pulution figures are not available more than or children. Is it not as no census lus been taken since cruel to withhold the Birth Con trics. and Jamaica can be an 1911ind the ligures arrived at frontrol knowledge from those who zure exception. that employers of laBUY EARLY. the statistic of the Registrar of swelling the ranks of the unemploy bour have opposed Birth Control Births and Deaths on dthe Immigra ed? Nobody suggests that it should on one plea or another, without dis tion Office do no tshow the exact be forced on any class, but is should closing the real reason that they and correct population of Jamaica be available to those who need it want cheap lebour which will not and want it.
remain the case if the poor begin at the present time.
This little, however, is quite apI will quote Mr. Harold Cox from to practise Birth Control.
parent: that there is chronie unem the article. The Root Problem that may mention that in some coun The first issue of the Ja new venture will be assured the World has to Face.
tries Birth Control is being ployment with poor prospects op maica Standard. a new daily the necessary backing and In order to secure a balance be posed and permanent measures to permanent relief measures. Works Journal launched in that Is. should she be also fortunate in by the Corporation and alre Govorn tween production and consumption, relieve unemployment are not taken ment have to come to an end any are we to so back to hand latour so that the war. lords can have land by an influential Syndica securing fair wisdom in the ad time there is want of money, so with all the misery and poverty easy and cheap cannon. fodder inte, saw light on Saturday the ministration, there is no reason even those who are empleyed it involved, or are we to try and 26th. February. We have been why the Standard should not works carried out as a result of secure in the coming generation a TO page 10)
fortunate in obtaining a few meet with much success.
copies, and the local clamour We are also in receipt of Pu loans will get out of their jobs for it is, we gather, so great blic Opinion another Contem when that scheme comes to an end Banana, the chief export of Jathat it is expected to have a most porary from that Island; it is maica and the leading industry of successful career. It is no easy a fearless and delightfully got task of course, to launch together Weekly. Such an outthe island, has suffered from the While a man was bathing last, sons of all classes indulge in this a daily paper, especial spoken Journal is worthy of su ravages of Panama Disense and Leof Spot disease. Loss of bana the Balneario al Puntarenas, he was nng for protection against these fie and influential opposition, week cad outside the enclosure of refreshing pastime, and as the railly in the face of determined pport. Some Journals when is not a loss to the planter alone attacked by a shark and suffered res of the deep blue have been may be expected from the exist matters or rather when as frankly dealing with public but to the whole island. Labourers the loss of one of his legs. completely smashed and swept a ing Gleaner. The Standard menting on the opinions who work on the plantations, eutof ting and carrying and loading, auto those who indulge in Leths at our occurrence has yet happened here. or a very entrancing appearan sulting And offensive; This should be a great lesson to way, it is most fortunate no such has nevertheless, come out und the public, make themselves in matically go out of employment.
not shattered Balneario. Scores of perSugar, the next biggest industry, ce, and win, we are sure, im so this little Weekly. Although has come under quota and so the prove with every issue.
frank and fearless in reference manufacture has to be reduced.
is It is said much diitsis to community affairs, she LIMON MERCANTILE Co.
Tieduction of manufacture means tion had existed for quite some never rude in her criticisms: dearse in the growing and cutting MADURO LUMBER YARD time between the Management she rather criticises constructiof cancs and the result is more of the Gleaner and their Ad vely.
hands going off their jobs.
Dealers in native lumber and produce The tourist industry We wish both ventures long brings a vertisers, and this gave rise to 215 South of Post Office the Standard.
coase and prosperous careers.
litle money to the island but many quently be supposed that people do not get employment out of it.
Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO 11 living conditions today were Al sur del correo as they were 50 years ago, that is, Apartado 215 Venta de maderas if the standard of living was much Compra de productos.
lower, the cost of living would be Another effort is being made, much less. One man in each family we note, to locate the famed Co could work and support the rest co Island Treasure. Permission BOOTH of the family. Some of the luxuries to undertake the search has BEST of yesterday have become necesbeen accorded Mr. North Ameri BAKED sities of today and so the cost of BERLIN liam Canham, a North Ameri.
living is rising every day. The reThis was at first only conducted, one to the conclusion that they are can; he left for the Island, last BREAD suit is that every mouth that is to against our commercial houses, and the work of professional Rogues.
BUNS Thursday night accompanied by be fed, every body that is to be resulted in a pair of alleged thieBISCUITS CAKES clothed has to contribute to the fa ves being chased to carth, who are the Club House next door when, Officials. It is understood that The latest at the Park Hotel andl a military Guard and several mily expenses. People have to start yet before the Judicial Depan within the space of fifteen minu under the terms of the conces.
the batile of live, the struggle for ment for conviction or otherwise. tes in broad daylight around twel sion the government will, should THE PEOPLE BAKERY existence, while much the detention, however Ive hundred colones were scooped, the treasure be uneatbed, rePO Box 179. Limón The hands available for work to of these there seem to be still gives one a shock; and the worst is ceive twenty. five per ceas of day are many more than was the Band of Rougues in operation who Our Police do not seem to have yet ease 20 years ago, after leaving a know from just what spots to make located a trail which might lead its value.
24 to 26 shillings per 100 margin for the increase of popular their hauls.
to the enpture of the criminals, pounds.
Within the past fortnight or so 30 These lightfooted gentlerden secm great demand has unexpec Too rápid increase of population me five burglaies have been com also to be how resorting to the tedly arisen in the London mar The Radio Industry has so and the higher cost of living forc mitted, and the cleverness with use of anaesthetics in their docket for Costa Rican Honey greatly develop 41 that world ing much younger people to work which they have been executed lastunel visits.
which is being quoted at from wide industrial centres are alarmed to find there are no leas than 69. 700. 000 machines throNos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso ughout the universe.
We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina From Mexico City comes the This bill must be paid at our office before advice that a new political pardentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
ty has been inaugurated there de cada mes.
under the name of the MexiBe so good as to comply with this request and do nos Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step woich can Revolutionry Front. It is de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
believed that these will support General Rafeel Sanchez Tapia as a candidate for the Prezideacy of the Republic when the elections take place liext year.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
It may the Briefs from Here and There Local Robbery Wave younger. Since COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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