
1938 ETHIOPIANS STILL ADVANCING From the New Times y Ethio was also large, but a considera pian News of 28th February ble quantity of arms, machine we glean that reports coming Francisco Fonseca Ch.
guns, field artillery, rifles and direct from Ethiopia announce ammunition were LAWYER NOTARY captured violent opposition and fighting from the enemy PUBLIC are still waging in the Northern From Djibouti we are also and Northwestern regions of Office: informed that two hospital ships the Empire. Flying and motori Adjoining to the City have embarked for Italy with zed columns of the Italian arPublic Library a cargo of dead, dying, and my have endeavoured to recap ENGLISH SPOKEN serious cases caused by the re tured the Posts lost some cent fighting at Addis Ababa. months ago, but despite their FORMER JUDGE OF THE The Duke of Aosta is said almost ceaseless activities and LIMON DISTRICT COURT to have taken possession of all the infamous use of poison gas the Banks in Dire dawa, Harrar and incendiary bombs their at and Djigig It is supposed that tempts have never been crown se have sworn to help the Mussolini gave the Duke the ed with but scant success as mo thiopians regain their comple Viceryship so as to get him re often than not, a position te independence. They insist to spend his personal wealta which they might be able to that far reaching events which in the effort to pacify the war regain becomes their last rest will divide the Italians into ring tribesmen.
ing place after a few hours oc two hostile camps, will very The Italians taken prisoners cupation.
soon take place and result in by Liji Mamu and Dejaz GaThe hostility of the popula the immediate evacuation of ssassa Balo after the routing tion, the prodigious training of Ethiopia.
decided to fight alongside the the Ethiopian Warriors, and of the garrison at Godjam have the discipline and system they The following are the losses natives and help them hold ute have acquired after a long and reported to be sustained by the city against the invaders.
hard campaign, have all culmi Italians in the Northern and of the Italian Army Nothwestern regions of Ethio despatch from Aden ге.
nated in upsetting the plans pia. senior and four ju ports that the entire stock of Suicides among the Italians nior officers (transport and ra petrol and benzine stored at have become a frigutful departments. 993 men Akaki for the Italian lorries mi some months ans and Askaris, killed; and planes have been destroyed that is why say the deserters one senior officer made priso and that the Fascist forces sta assured we have preferred to offer ner: 83 wounded men captur tioned there narrowly escaped and our lives to serve a just cause ed; 43 lorries destroyed. The annihilation by the timely arri mate to rather than aies as beasts. The number of Ethiopians killed val of reinforcements.
the ad reasons aldal RE These are CAFIASPIRINA days!
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CAFIASPIRINA is an unfailing remedy in colds, headache, influenza and rheumaticpains.
The world famous Bayer Cross, shown on every tablet, guarantees the purity, harmlessness and efficacy of ta A BAYER R סקדחס epide dio past, Ita FIASPIRINA of Po Contes Tienda MIL In the Fighting Zones COLORES re Many changes of a more or, is stated to have gained them not (CUTTER A, RODEN)
less serious nature have taken some advantage, while the inol place in the Spanish confliet. surgents have succeeded in cap Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby who informed that the bottom and another setturing the important cit yof Bel pable smashed the blockade which the chiteto the Southwest of ZoraTHE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES insurgents Irad establisched a goza. Barcelona, Madrd, and long the coasts. Their fleet was other important localities conopened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being ye WELL DRESSED.
completely routed, one of their trolled by the loyalists were Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English best battleships being sent to again subpected to heavy aerial choud the botom and another was set bombardments during the past Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well TE dressed man.
on fire. The recapture of Te few days.
ruel by the insurgents was said After having been repulsed in cir Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality to have been due to a lack of their effort to cross the Yellow The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular ammunition among the defen River in the vicinity of Cheng Suit. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
ding troops as a consequence of chow, the Japanese forces are le the blockade, now that this has reported to have fought their SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES been shattered by the victory way into a position for assaults of the loyalists of the coast against both the strongholds of The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor near Valencia, an entire change the Chinese Communist Armies and Cutter, have been secured should be seen in the future ac and the Lunghai Railway. The ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
tivities of the forces of the gov Japs asserted they had gained ernment.
control of virtually all of the Fighting of a most intense Shansi Province, one of the nature is being waged in the richest in China. They are sup Central and Aragon Fronts, posed to be now in a position to with but uncertain results as, make an effective drive across yet. The government counter the River into the heart of the attacks to the north of Madrid! Red Territory.
Figures can lie. exclaimed the Professor most seriously, We glean from one of the of cigarettes for distribution For instance, if one man builds San Jose Dailies that the Spa among his soldiers. The eigaa house in 12 days, 12 men will niards domiciled in this coun rretes are of local manufactubuild it in one.
try and affiliated with the ba re from native tobacci.
Correct, shouted an interestionalists have arranged It is understood that consigBE ted student, therefore pursu through their Patriotic Commi ments of other products, such ing the hypothesis, 288 menttee, to send General Franco as Coffee, will be also be sent will build it in one hour: twenty five thousand packets in the near future.
17, 280 in one minute and 036, 809 in one second.
He swallowed it.
RESTABLECERAN LA PENA From Page Hungary has declared her in While the Professor was still DE MUERTE EN MEXICO Alien Volunters should be detention of denouncing all her gasping, the smart one conti When asked what he thought finitely agreed on before oth existing peace Treaties and of nued Again, if one ship can of civilization, the Duke of México, IPS. El er conclusionis be reached; as initiating a programme of recross the Atlantic in six days, Windsor showed what a good señor Ignacio Lizaraga, Presi also her rcfusal to grant a loan arming, while the Premier of six ships should be able to sense of humour he possessed; dente de la Secunda Comisión for the stabilization of Italy Chechoslovakia has stated that cross it in one. As can belie his reply was It not a bad de Justici ade In Cámara de finances and the denial given his government though, willing ve either where the truth idea. When are they going to Diputados, informó que el dic the request for a number of to reach an understanding with claimed for figures?
start it?
tamen rendido por dicha comi shares in the Suez Canal Com Germany on a basis of absolute sión, con relación a las refor pany.
equality, would if necessary deShe Although knowing my Número fatal. No se ría mas del Código Penal en el Dis Prime Minister Chamberlain fend its sovereignty and boun sentiments on the subject, did de las supersticiones. Un tio trito Federal, sera dado a Co has assured his Parliament that daries to the uttermost.
Mr. Binks insult you by effer mío de setenta y siete años, con nocer en las próximas sesiones he would be pursuing his ar Thus all things point to ing you a drink?
currió a una comida donde ha del Congreso; y, abogará por la mament programme despite the more acute and tense situation He Yes, my dear, he actua bia trece personas.
reimplantación de la pena de Peace Talks, as he was neither in the international affairs of lly did so. murió enseguida? muerte en la República como biased toward Fascism nor dia! Europe, with no one having the SheAnd now did you re. No; murió trece años más la mejor manera de reprimir la he intend to accept Peace at remotest idea of what may hap sent his audacity?
ola de criminalidad actual.
any Price.
pen from one day to the other.
The Lighter Products for Spanish side of life Insurgents The Unrest in Europa.
10 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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