
193: AN Dr. Jiménez Guier Another Milestone MON TRADING COMPANY onun a LIMON TRADING COMPANY Concordia Lodgeberth White Ethiopia Crown and Sceptre in Rome CIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENTAI.
SURGERY Medical College of Virginia (Medical College of Virginia The Grim Reaper hastaLUMBER YARD ken from us another of our and Atianta Sonthern College and Atlanta Southern College old residents. Mrs. Ethlyn Brock, mother of Pull Pull Ofree sus servicios en fecha Offers his services to the puWe have opened a Lumber Yard Shortly after the death of próxima al estimable publico blic of Port Limon in near her mother, Mrs Julia Garcia de Limón.
where we carry in stock a complete future.
Rowe, some six months or so 690.
ago, she began to fail in 200.
assortment of all kinds of Native health necessitating a trip to San Jose where she underLumber. Special sizes to order.
WIRELESS NEWS went a major operation. AlWe also have Portland Cernent, Roof gal though the operation was TOKYO. The Lower highly successful one from a ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenw Hose of the Japanese Diet scientific point of view, her Was has passed the supplementary LUIS WA CHONG constitution was unable to tine and all other building materials.
Budget calling for appropria withstand the ravages made toins fotalling 1, 356. 000 do GUACIMO y GUAPILES on it, so on returning here SEND IN YOUR ORDERS els. Har to cover the cost of the she gradually got weaker Chinese conflict during unti Ithe end came last Wedthe In current year.
nesday night.
Cantina, Licores ExThe funeral was attended tranjeros y del pais.
SAN SALVADOR Hos by members of the Catholic Limon Division Tienda bien surtida. Church to which she belonged women pital an dthree private resiwaweze on?
Abarrotes en general dences are reported destroyed Cruher to wich she belongedi, members of by earthquakes which have Precios sin competencia been occurring in Western Sal with which vador since last her husband is connected and Saturday, No casualties have been men sed when she was told those of the St. Anthony Bu he rial Aid Society and numbers tioned.
had been sent to the Sachsen of other old friends of the Shortly after his recent ar of an ancient Royalty are to be hausen Saxony Camp.
Rome community. The deseased lea rival in Rome from Abyssinia, placed on dispaly in LONDON Britain, arming is Colonial Museum.
at top speed the while she NEW YOR. The luxuriuos Llewellyn Brock, two daugh reported to have presented Mus ves a sorrowing husband, Mr Marshall Rodolfo Graziani We are told that on receiving dickers for peace with Euro first class lounge of the Cu ters, Mrs. Luther Henry and solini with the jewel encrusted the gifts, the Italian Dictator pe Dictators, will spend mo nard Liner Berengaria was Mrs Jasper Francis, and one Crown of Ethiopia and the Em congratulated Graziani on his re than 600. 000. 000 dollars swept by a fire of underter son away in Panama, to all peror Sceptre, which are said African cempaign especially for this year on her Navy, exclumined origin. Firemen estimat of whom the Atlantic Voice to have fallen in the hands of his victories along the Southsive of her vast constructioned the damage at more than takes this medium of express the Italians when they enteredern front.
programme which may inclu 10, 000 dollars. There were de battleships of over 35, 000 150 passengers aboard at the their sad bereavement.
ing its deepest sympathy in Addis Ababa. These emblems tons. Debails of the building time, but no casualties occurr programme hinge on current ed.
informal diseussions with AThe Banana Contracts ap merican and Freneh Naval CANBERRA, Australia Joe. What your brother As is generally known for dent and his Minister of Pu Experts regarding Japan te Premier Lyons announces Agriculture fusal to disclose her naval that Australia will support doing now William? see him some time prior to the recent blic Wosks and building programme. the British Italian friendship quite often around the com election campaign the United but as no decision has yet ben Fruit Company had been en reached, no information of talks, a speeial assuranse nay mercial part of the city.
BERLIN. Pastor Martin Nie ing been receiver from Prime William Yes, he frequents deavouring to obtain a modi an official nature has been dis moeller, rallying point of Pro Minister Chamberlain that the the district quite often, he is fication of the Banana Conces closed. In the meantime, the sion in so far as it referred Company has advised the pro testant opposition to Nazi United Kingdom adhered to now a Joiner.
to the Pacific region.
to The Iducers in that Zone not. efforts dominate Joe That a kind of a carthe the Foreign Policy enunciatChurch, has been sent to we do any more plantings for a ed at the Imperial Conferen penter, isn it?
proposals, as submitted, Concentration Camp by the ce in London last year, William No. Whenever here not however, favourably the present as it is with great German Secret Polic despite which involves support of the sees two fellows having a drink regarded by the President and difficulty she now transports his having been set free by League of Nations and Collec he makes it his duty to his Executive Council, and so from the estuaries the fifty join the Court. His wile collaptive security.
it was decided to hold the major sixty, thousand stems sup them.
tter in abeyance pending the pied her weekly.
result of the elections.
The entire country anxious CACAO embarcado en LIMON Fobrero 1938 The matter has again been ly awaits the terms of the taken up; it is now receiving new proposals.
the attention of the PresiTecha VAPOR Embarcadores Consignatario DESTINO Sacos Kilos to FEB HAMBURGO 3 The Coming of Japanese Automobiles PHRUGIA SAN BLAS COLOMBIA SAN JOSE CORDILLERA COLOMBIA HAMBURGO 14 100 400 900 400 67 200 200 800 100 765 200 19 17 Permission has been request for a saving of more than ted for the importation here fifty per cent in gasoline, of Japanese Automobiles. The while the machinery is said cost of these cars will, we to be more durable than thoare told, be no higher tan two se of either European or Ame hundred dollars, and will af Trican manufacture, VENEZUELA LIMON Agencias Unidas Orden Karl Kitzing Ed. Janin Co.
Cia. Bananera Mosquero Limon Trading Co.
Orden Karl Kitzing td Janing Co.
Karl Katring Bananera Niehaus Co. Niehaus Co. Niehaus Co. Delius Co.
Hummel von Storren CH. Donder Cia. Bananera Cia. Choco.
Agencias Unidas Gill Rockets G, Niehaus Co.
Orden Limon Trading Co.
Limon Trading Co.
Karl Kitzing 24 SESOSTRIS 7000 28000 14000 27668 14676 14000 14000 21000 6917 68550 14000 14000 3288 24581 18987 39650 7000 10300 17500 YOKOHAMA HAMBURGO 200 50 500 200 JOE LOUIS to visit Jamaica 21. SAN BENITO COLOMBIA PERU YOKOHAMA GENOVA HAMBURGO 565 100 150 250 TOTAL 4917 46212 On being congratulated by, to visit Jamaica before he whips Jamaicans resident in York the German.
for the victory he recently ob Should this desire of the tained in his bout with Mann, Champion materialize what on Joe is reported to have made lovation will be accorded him in the statement that he intends the Isla of Sprnigs.
Resumen CO 2965 sacos. HAPAG. 1682 sacos. 400 sacos THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE Embarcadores Sacos Kilos DESTINO Sacos Kitos Cia. Bananera Gno. Niebads Co.
Limon Trad. Co.
Karl Kitsing Agencias Unidas Eduardo Janin Co. Von Scorren 1000 1180 BIT 1150 300 400 50 691 70 122100 22167 90300 20987 9800 3258 HAMBURGO COLOMBIA ΠΑΡΟΝ GENOVA PERU 2417 900 1380 100 900 163872 629 93100 5000 18987 has obtained its rapid and great popularity by having cured an immense number of persons who suffered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from such complaints as COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION TOTAL 4947 340219 TOTAL 4947 346212 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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