
ike Atlantic Vaice What of the Prestige of Britain President Cortes Visits Limon WIRELESS NEWS Regarding The International Muddle Recent, events, in the political affairs of the Old World have caused the hundred per cent Britisher to feel that his proud boast of being a Britisher is no longer a symbola Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone honour. am a Roman Citizen. was the awe inspiring atferance Editor English Section: NATION heard when Rome was at her Zenith, when possessed of that world power she was to lose eventually. Spain also had her Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday March 191h 1938 187 time, while France enjoyed a period of dominance during the Napoleonic Tegime; but as a consequence of the victories at Trafalgar and Waterloo, Britain obtained her predominant position in world wide matters which her Statesmen have well, and with dignity, upheld until the present generation. At this time, however, there seem to be no one capable of so upholding that dignity as to demand the respect of nations, hence the No official visit of a Presi Pacheco Lara; the Minister of to Banano River to the point dismay among her scattered millions.
dent of the Republic has Hacienda, don Francisco de where the present Pump is During the past five decades, what Britisher resident in ever given the inhabitants of Gutierrez, the Director of being operated under the vian alien country wouud have thought of changing his patiothis Čity such pleasure and Public Works, don Max Ef gilance of the Northern Rail nality except, perhaps, the mercenary who considered Gola satisfaction as did that of Pre finger: Engineer don Federico way Company with Mr. Luis more important than Country. Today, however, those whose sident Leon Cortes Castro on Gutierrez, and others, our Carballo directly in charge. proud boast had been am a British Subject are sceptieat Monday last; he came for the Chief Executive arrived short From here the party travelled and much ashamed of the stigma cast on them. Therefore, rath.
purpose of personally inspectly before the noon hour and by tramcar to the head of the er than quietly endure the insults of mad headed bankrupt ing the site from which our after being joined by our Gov stream whence the water will dictators, would be of any other nationality.
proposed Water Supply will ernor, the Members of the Mu be taken. Mr. Much gave emanate and the projected nicipal Board, the Engineers, lengthy explanation of the rea The Diplomats of Old Albion, who once commanded reroute over which the pipes according to whose recom son which led him and his as spect, seem to have fallen into cecadence and to have given will travel mendations the work is to be sociates to select this as the place to Rome and Berlin. Mussolini makes tools of them in Accompanied by the Minis carried out, and a few other most fitting route for a suphis aggression in Abyssinia, and aided by Hitler, he fools thema ter of Fomento, don Ricardo close adherents, he proceeded ply by gravitation. After caretoo in his Spanish activities. British shipping has been disresfully listening to the argupected and a trocities committed on her Seamen. Even the Jaments pro and con. don Leon panese, emboldened by these examples, have sunt her ships accepted those adduced by and outraged her diplomatic Corps, in pursuance of their preMr. Munch and decided that fessed mission to drive the White man out of the Yellow man orders should be given at on country and trade. And now the latest. after guarantecing MOSCOW. The four So Capone, one time Chicago ce for the necessary material the independence of Austria and Checoslovakia, Hitler has viet Explorers rescued on Fe Gang Chief, who a month ago and that the preliminary subjugated the sovereignty of the one and threatens that of the 17 bruary the nineteenth from a was placed in Alcatraz prison work should be immediately drifting ice floe in the Artic hospital because of being taken in hand preparatory Ocean have been acclaimed mentally ill. has been ret for the arrival of the mateheroes on their reaching Le urned to the prison yard. The rial.
ningrade aboard the Ice Bre paper said Capone was told On their return to the City, The most serious anxiety, choslovakia should that naaker Yermak. Army planes he would be expected to resu the President and his party escorted the ship into har me routine, which included were conducted to the Pier still prevails throughout the tion be subjected to any act bour all boarded the circles of Europe. of aggression. Franc? haz alwork in the prison laundry. where they German ship Caribia and Germany has completed her so expressed her willingness SHANGHAI. Scrap iron were suitably entertained as occupation of Austria where to fulfill her obligation in from the junk heaps of China guests of the Captain. Visits the activities so characteristic that respect.
In view of the serious me is being shot back at the Chi CAIRO. Young King Fa were later on paid to the Go of the Nazi regime have alrea nace which threatens their nese from Japanese guns, rouk of Egypt formally ope bernacion, the Customs and dy begun Russia has sent an urgent very existence, all the small Helpless under the bayonets ned the International Olym other places of interest, amid of the Jap soldiers, the Chi pic Committee nine day con a most enthusiastic demons call to all nations, including nations are preparing to pro States of America, tect themselves, even peace.
nese Coolies collect it and ference on the 11th. instant, tration by our citizens. Our the dispatch it by boat loads to Count Henri de Ballet Latour distinguished visitors were ac to come together and imme ful Switzerland has now con the munition plants in Japan of Belgium, President of the corded a banquet by the Ham diately formulate and initiate sidered it necessary to fall to be converted into shells. Committee, replied to the burg America Steamship Com collective action to safeguard into line, The ruins of the homes, King welcome and hailed pany aboard the same ship, themselves against the Fascist Hitler is reported to have shops and factories in the con the spread of Olympic ideas where don Leon slept. The aggression. In the meantime rent 30, 000 fully equipped men quered area of Shanghai are to another Continent.
party left for San Jose ear she has reiterated her deci to assist Mussolini and Gena the principal source of suply the following morning sion to go to the help of Che TO PAGE 11 ply. Since the Chinese withIt can now be stated that drew from this Zone last Noour proposed Water Supply vember systematic removal NEW YORK Richard has taken definite form, and of all junk metals have been Whitney. five times Presid our city should therefore, ent of ehe New York Stock within a reasonable period.
Exchange and one of Wall be blessed with a permanent 12 SAN FRANCISCO The Street leaders and spokes and sufficient quantity of this SERVICIO DE VAPORES ats 19 Examiner states that All (To Page most necessary of communal requirements. Don Leon has distinctly assured us that this Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva Yerk so is one of the projects he pur con escala en Habana solamento poses having the satisfaction Estos vapores no llevarán café.
of accomplishing during his term of Office.
QUIRIGUA Marzo 28 Selects Captain fc7 1939 Tour Salidas semanales de Limón para Cristóbal Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y AmeriBy way of Kingston, Jamaiconos con trasbordo en Cristóbal a los magníficos Yapoca, we get the information res de la Colombian Line que prestan servicio semanol PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE PORT LIMON: that at a recent meeting of hacia Nueva York, con conexión rapidisimo.
the Delegates of the four leading cricket centres in the EL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PUERTOS EUROWest Indies, Mr. Rolfe Grant, PEOS INCLUYENDO LONDRES Para EUROPA via CRISTOBAL: a brother of Mr. Grant who captained the West InSAN JOSE Marzo 24 dians in their Australian tour, has been selected to captain ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
the team who will be selected to represent those Islands Llevando café solamente para Londres MARZO 30 in the Mother Country next TUCURINCA 25 de Marzo Sear Mr. Lacy, the well known and energetic ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
Secretary of the Jamaica Cricket Board has been selAgentes para Limón HAPAG ected as Assistant Manager.
The matches preparatory to Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la the selection of the team will AGENCIA COSTA RICA UNITED FRUIT COMPANY be held in Trinidad.
Messrs. Nethersole en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 and DaCosta representTELEFONO 1 6 ed the Jamaica Board at the conference.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. UNITED FRUIT Co.

    FranceGermanyHitlerLeón CortésMussoliniNazismPresidentes de Costa RicaSpain

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