
More Attempts At Robbery Interesting Briefs LIMON TRADING COMPANY Chinese VictoLIMON MERCANTILE Co.
IN MEMORIAM ries Reported MADURO LUMBER YARD In loving and unfading memory of our Dealers in native lumber and produce Chinese Victories Reported darling Mother and Wife 215 South of Post Office From Shanghai comes the SUSAN FREDERICKS report that as the result of COMPANIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
their counter attacks the Chiwho departed this life on the 23rd March 1937 nese troops operating in the Days of sadness still come o er us.
Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO areas adjacent the Yellow Secret tears for ever flow; Al sur del correo Apartado 215 River plate securd brilliant Till mem ry fades and life departs, Venta de maderas You ll live forever in our hearts.
Compra de productos. victories in three localities.
It is claimed they have reTime may soothe the keeness of our grief captured Linfeng in the proBut memory turns back every leaf.
vince of Sheni 200 kilometers CHILDREN AND HUSBAND.
to the North of the Yellow River thus cuting railway This branch of criminology, meges, her money was stolen communication between Taiappears to be proceeding al ¡Cne Mrs. Carr now reports yuang and Chaotsun.
As a ongnert avenues with the something similar. She states result if this successful atack Police Department being un an attempt was made to enter the Japanese were reported able to detect the criminals. ber room during last week, retiring to the North in the Studies are reported to be, ed the British with a request The perpetrators seem also but as she was awake and direction of Chaocheng. Along under way for the constructo be allowed to participate to feel so free to carry on detected the peculiarness of the Hona front, Chihsie si tion of a wide motor expressin all Anglo Italian Peace their nefarious practises that the atmosphere and her feel tuate 96 kilometers from the highway from Rome to Ber Talks.
they are now supposed to be ings, she became suspicious River and Tingyn, 120 kilo lin. Details of the plan have indulging in underhand tricks and made a noise to awaken meters, were also said to ha not been disclosed, but it is in which narcotics and thejher neighbours. On opening ve been retaken.
believed the route would be It is also said that the Egypart of Black Magic are belie her doors and windows she The Chinese are supposed via the Brenner Pass and tian Premier delivered notes ved by the unlettered to be observed two men who quic to have actually advanced as through the Aystrian Tyrol, to the British and Italian Emthe prime factors.
kly decamped far north as Chang Te. connecting with the German bassies in Cairo, strongly opWith respect to the instan Greater Police vigilance It is further stated that the network south of Munich. posing any interference by ce last reported in these co should be arranged in order Chinese were successful in Italy with the Suez Canal lumns, the victim says she to rid the community of the their attack to the South of and her apartment were cov many vagrants who stroll Lini Responding to a Patrol rights.
which lies east of ered with a white powder and around with no visible means Shangtung on the railway bet a thousand British appeal, while she was apparently of support.
troops and eight Royal Air ween Tientsin and Pukow.
Force Planes battled an Arab stupitied by the efects of soThe Japanese allege they band recently near Safad in BOOTH have obtained brilliant res the Galilean Section, JerusaBEST ults in their operations in the lem. 32 Arabs are said to haBAKED south of the same region.
BERLIN ve been killed. The band is The Chinese have been con supposed to have been BREAD the BUNS tructing additional defence remnant of a much larger one BISCUITS CAKES works at all the forts along which the British had a few the Yellow River and concen days previously engaged and LUMBER YARD rating numerous planes at routed.
CHE PEOPLE BAKERY Tungkwan, across the River Box 179 Limón from the southwestern point The Egyptian government We have opened a Lumber Yard of Shansi Province.
is believed to have approach where we carry in stock a complete assortment of all kinds of Native FROM PAGE 7)Lumber. Special sizes to order. men during its most critical years, has been indicted for We also have Portland Ceinent, Roof Grand Larceny in the First Degree. He is charged with ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenusing the funds of an estate of which he was co Trustee in Confident that their coun ed by and the pensions given tine and all other building materials.
an an effort to save his Bro try will soon regain her co government employees assign kerage Firm from the Bank lonies, the Nazi Jurists of Gered to the Colonial Service.
SEND IN YOUR ORDERS rupey since petitioned for. At many are stated to be busy At the annual Spring Fair, the request of the District At drafting laws for the govern which opened recently at LIMON TRADING COMPANY torney the accused is is being The Civil Service Committee said to have been devoted to ment of overseas possessions. Leipzig, special attention held in 10, 000 Bail.
Limon Division of the Academy for German new appliances for the extrac Wanno malenomenantuan Rama MOSCOW Soviet newsLaw is compiling a code to re tion of edible oils from tropipapers indicate that the death gulate working conditions, cal plants, in view of the shor penalty to which eighteen of rights and privileges, as well tage of fats now being expeThe Case of the Westfalia After Death Sale the victims of Russia latests as the duties to be perform cienced in Germany. purge trial had been sentenced, was carried into effect on This rather troublesome law, ter to the Full Court which the 15th. Although the time sult has now entered another met on the 12th. instant and and place for such executions phase. It will be remembered decided that the case should are always a mystery, if the that several months ago our be returned to the First Court usual practise was adhered to Criminal Judge, Lic. don Vi of Appeals for better adjudica they were carried out within FORT OF SPAIN. com gistered as the Trinidad and cente Decanti, absolved Fran tion, as their decisions in de a few hours after the appeals pany with a share capital of Tobago Bicycle Insurance Co.
cis am all blame in the deal termining the sentence seem for mercy had been rejected. 50. 000 divided into 10, 000 Ltd.
bus Indicted the other parties to have been erroneous. The three spared from facing ordinary shares of five dollars With the increasing numconcerned Perry and Polthe firing squad are Chris each, has been formed and re ber of evelists on the roads son. The case then lagged for The accused parties tian Nakovsky, former Ambas gistered for the purpose of of the Island, the Company have many more months when, af the sympatl:y of sador to France, sentenced to insuring bicycles against loss hopes to extend benefits to the public tee Francis at the instance of for the annoyances, expenses Bessonoff, former member of and third party benefits 20 years imprisonment; damage as well as providing numerous users of these high Lic. Albino Villalobos, had and anxieties caused them by the Soviet Trade Delegation owners to ways who, unlike motorists, with accused them of falsification so many months of waiting in to Berlin, 15 years, and Dr. for accident and death to cy: cially in cases of damage to compensation are not now protected finanof documents they were ad this unfortunate and unplea Plengeff, Heart Specialist, clists.
judged srulty and sentenced to sant Suit.
their vehicles through aceiThe Company has been re Idents.
eight months confinement San Lucas.
SUMMARUSTRALIKSTERENDELET TRAITELIHERRAMIENTASTERLENTANTUM Boh cocused appealed from Nos permitimos tlariar cu ctención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back this sentense, and apparently de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: feeling perfectly confident of Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before victory, Mr. Villalobos did not dentro de los primeros 10 días take part in the proceedings be the 10th of the month.
de cada mes.
fore the appellate Court where Be so good as to comply with this request and do not the unexpected happened. Per Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, o step which ty and Polson were completely de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
exonerated, which meant the reversing of the sentence ELECTRICA the lower Court. Mr. Villalobos thereupon carried the mat 7100U INDUSTASIMAMISHWA MAHTUNUTTHANDEL Wireless News. Nazis Prepare to Govern Colonies Bicycle Insurance Co Inaugurated 25 years.
in of COMPAÑIA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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