
1935 To Study for Priesthood HOP LEE LUNG Why CFIASPIRINA. What of the Pristi.
nole OM DW AFIASPIRINA Austria now a German Province It is with the greatest pleMATINA y 24 MILLAS asure we note the ambition of, one of the youngsters of our city, Mr. Roberto Evans, Los más surtidos Establecimientos de son of our esteemed fellow ci tizens, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES Evans.
The excellent reputation that Haganos una visita.
The young gentleman has CAFIASPIRINA enjoys the been granted a Scholarship, world over is sufficient proof or Beca, and goes to San Joof its excellent quality.
se at an early date for higher studies with a view of enterCAFIASPIRINA can be deing the Seminary for trainpended on in colds, headache, ing for the Priesthood. He cainfluenza, and rheumatic com From Page rries the highest recommenplaints, and has no harmful efother; AND NOTHING IS DONE. What has become of Briton dations of our acting fect on heart, stomach or kidneys.
Vicar The world famous Bayer Cross, word of honour? Where is the Prestige, the dignity of the BritApostolic, Father Acosta, as ish Empire?
also those of the other Priests which appears on every tablet, Is it possible that the Statesmen now responsible for Bri attached to the Diocese.
guarantees its excellence.
The ton Diplomatic conduct, dannot see they are outwitted by ATLANTIC VOICE Therefore insist on Mussolini and Hitler? By their inertia toward the Coloured sincerely congratulates Mr CAFIASPIRINA.
reque Races in Abyssinia, do they not realize they have created a Roberto who is setting the Ereat feeling of apathy in the breasts of millions of Coloured youths of Limon a great lesPea Britishers, and that in case of a declaration of war, their Em son of ambitious intentions pire might not be able to rely on the loyalty of these millions toward the living of lives full of true moral rectitude, and except something very unusual were done, and that early, to redevoted to the spiritual and Egyp gain their confidence. If the services of these were again requi.
red they could only, under present conditions, be brought togeneral uplift of their fellow men Es gether by force of conscription, and it is well known that conThere is no reason, as we y op seripted soldiers are not near as zealous as those whose actions have hitherto mentioned, why BAYER e by are prompted by patriotic feelings.
more of our youths could not Canal II, by the help of Mussolini and Hitler, Franco be allowed also go in for Medicine, Law, to win out in his present conflict, what will be the position oi and Engineering Spain greatest Ally, France, when besieged by him and by May the pleasure of Mr.
Portugal on the one side; by Italy on the South, and by Ger and Mrs. Evans, in the succmany on the East, after. Hitler had consolidated himself with esses of their son, be eternally Austria, Checoslovakia and Yugoslavia.
blessed After Japan shall have been permitted to whip China into line of a United States of Asia, will Russia be able to withstand ritory, while Russia has stated them with, even, the help of Poland, who, by the way, is deher readiness to comply with manding annexation of Liberia in Africa? In all these activiher teaty obligations for the KES ties can there not be observed a superiority of diplomatie gedefence of Chechoslovakia nius over that of the British Statesman? And is it not natural should she be attacked. Hence, for the American Statesmen, noting the fracaso, to decline to The Dictator of Germany, being thus confronted, and sen all Europe is in a state of preRY interfere in the muddle, thus completing the loss of Britain Chancellor Adolf Hitler, has ding his men secretly across paredness for war. Italy is of Prestige.
given the greatest shock ima the border to strategic points, course, on the side of Germany It would appear as if this is the opportune moment for ginable to Europe. in fact to he suddenly pounced on the and as a consequence Hitler Britain to strike; by her dolng so not only would Ethiopia be the entire world.
country with thousands of his has declared there is no power saved, but the many millions of her Negro subjects would As is well known he has al native troops, demanding the on earth that can either undo wholeheartedly fight for her; the Independence of Austria and In the Balkan States would be safeguarded Spain would be saved ways expressed his opinion re arrest of the Premier and the what he has done, or overthrow garding the need for the expan resignation of the President him and his plans so, as we and be able to materially assist France in facing Germany and sion of German territory, but This was quickly accomplished stated in our last issue, there, Italy. The United States would then see the necessity of joinnot even his closest friends, nor by the aid of his Nazi emissa is no telling when a great Euing China and Russia in their smashing of the Japanese ag.
his most ardent adherents con ries and, Austria is now decla ropean conflagdation may 00gression and so protect her commercial trade in the Pacific. If jectured the idea of his blood red annexed to the Reich. cur.
on the other hand, Chamberlain is to be allowed to await his Jess conquest of the neighbour This rapid and unexpected The Nazis have already com Five Year Programme of preparedness, we fear British Prestige ing country of Austria. He military blow has caused Fran menced their oppression of the British honour will be for ever Tost.
sign some short time ago demanded ce to call out her reserves and Catholics and jews The be.
that certain important State to man her fortresses along her heads of the Church have been Fair, Offices in the regime of presi frontiers with Germany. It placed under arrest; this has at dent Miklas should be held by has also caused Britain to bring naturally, produced much Nazi partidarios; but Premier out a million volunteers for uneasiness at the Vatican, and ed to From the Voice of Ethiopia sjries were set afire.
Schuschnigg protested and de her aircraft services, and Che the Pope has requested Mussoli tra issue for the 5th. instant it The Italian Garrison at Ko cided to test the feeling of his choslovakia to mobilize her ni to interfene on behalf of tople is gleaned that a number of bosha in the Province of Ro countrymen by taking a ple men and declare her determi the Church Dignitaries. Prin shor Italians who were on their seires is also stated to have biscite. As may be imagined Hination of resisting any aggres ce Staremberg has also been expe way to reinforce the garrison been completely destroyed tler was greatly annoyed at sion on her sovereignty and ter arrested.
at Gallabat near the Sudan and the important position frontier. were entirely mas occupied by Dedjazmach Banattack by Ethiopian The reported recapture of Warriors. The troops had been Wambera is regarded as of left at a spot presumed to be great importance to the Abyssafe from the Ethiopians to sian cause, Wambera is locatund await the coming of the re ed on the borders of the AbCu mainder of the men. Their bai, or Blue Nile, and is well movements were however known for its rich gold Beardiscovered and the attack ma ing soil. CUTTER RODEN)
de with the reported result. From Djibouti it is announOur prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby large number of lorriesced that all the hospitals in informed that filled with cases of benzine Addis Ababa and other places which had set out from Tes are full to capacity as the reTHE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES senei in Eritrea for Gallabat sult of the fighting which has opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being were also surprised and the been occurring in the neighWELL DRESSED.
entire escort killed. The lor bourhood of that city.
Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English Tereeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well dressed man.
Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality We note it is reported that The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular among those who died recenSuit. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
tly in the San Juan Hospital, San Jose, was Maria Castro SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES Arce, of Cairo. Her unfortuante death occurred on the The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor 8th, instant. She was 26 years De venta en todas and Cutter, have been secured of age, and a daughter of Aqui partes leo Castro Cascante and FranENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
cisca Arce Alvarado.
given and The Ethiopian Activities Co sacred as the result the stars gîu and his forces.
Tienda MIL COLORES 700 od he rists e Recent Death Dolordecabeza?
Pastillas Orientales Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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