
UT United Fruit Company Annual Report Dr. Jiménez Guier passengers and 066. 758 tons tions there are 657 hectareas. Sad Case of Drowning TORE he year 1937 seem to have immense quantity of fruit, in Jamaica 939 The muscovado na most prosperous one addition to other merehandise, sugar manufactured in Cuba CIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENTAL the United Fruit Company, the Company boasts the owners in keeping with the Quota unSURGERY her shareholders.
hip of 85 steamers with a to dor the International Agree (Medical College of Vircinia (Medical College of Virginia tal of 394 708 tons. She also ment was 830 447 sacks as and Alanta Southern College and Atlanta Southern College the annual report recently has under charter nine boats compared with the production Fosed, disclose that in Lawith a tonnage of 17. 507. of 736 552 sacks in 1936.
Ofrece sus servicios en fecha Offers his services to the puAmerican countries, this which give her a gross tonnage 10. 528 hectareas are dedicated próxima al estimable público blic of Port Limon in near at Company has invested de Limón.
huge sum of 267 811 790 displacement of 412. 215. The to the cultivation of Cacao in 444 round this Republic, 687 in PanaDars and proposes an addi se ships made DOOOOO.
hal expenditure, during the trips, coverning 10 315 300 kil ma and 650 in other parts, In 310 Coconuts and other cultivafrent year, of 516. 952, lometers, they carried rt from the 143. 517 reof general cargo, aport fining unspent from the apsuch from In pastures, roads and priations of the past period, the fruit and other products like holdings, there are 62. 041 hectareas. The lands under pro Not so long ago a youngster, his case was considerad Is there is the magnificent of the Company.
al of 10. 659 770 to be. duction of all kinds aggregate was drowned at Cieneguita, lost one when taken to the pensed during must hospital.
1938. She The 267. 811 790 invested re are 115. 173 hectareas of the memory of which in these countries, 40, 412 in these Latin American coun improved or forest lands and still be fresh in the minds of the Jones family of whom the The unfortunate lad motJetaress under Barana culti tries is distributed in the fol 21. 705 controlled by rentels.
unfortunate lad was a mom her resides in Panama and up.
kion; 38. 549 in Sugar Canes lowing manner. Landed pro to a fortnight ago was ber Ind 162 in Coconuts. She 31. 776. 370 71; perties here The Railroads owned and ad to see him and her other rey 23. 493. 534, 48; ministered cover 343 kilome Fried into the United States Buildings It is therefore with regret latives. He was under the ring last year 57. 846 216 Cultivations 33, 34, 923, 25; ters, while those operated un we have to mention another care of his maternal grandms of Bananas as Machinery and other utilities against der leases occupy 487; she 988 963 the previous year. 22. 458 196. 71: Railroads and also owny 680 kilometers of sad case. Last Wednesday af parent, Mrs. Orinthia Fisher ternoon the upper part of The ATLANTIC VOICE tas In order to transport this Tramways 41. 792, 861 68: tramways. To efficiently manithe city was thrown into great kes this means of expressing!
Wharves, Launches, etc.
pulate her traffic these excitement when it became its deep sympathy to the dis 214. 261. 80; Sugar Estates roads, the Company stocks 254 known that a lad belonging tressed family.
and Refineries locomotives and 490 coaches to the Fisher family had been 18, 593, 142, 07; Steamers and freight cars.
drowned in the Reservoir. It 92 141 697. 99; Live Stock of the ten million dollars ap appears thatin company Francisco Fonseca Ch. 997. 801. 30. Her cultiva propriated for this year im with another small fellow, tions are distributed thus provements, it is to be hoped the youngster went up to the LAWYER NOTARY 15 In Colombia 569 hectareas that no unfavorable legislatitank of the Water Works PUBLIC LIMON Costa Rica 462: Guatemala ve discussions will occur to in where they both played arOffice: 737; Honduras 16. 760; Ja terfere with the fair allotments ound. Young Fisher then clim Adjoining to the City QUE maica 260; Panama 839. which might be be on to the big tank and had proportioned Public Library obra Fábrica de Hielo the misfortune of falling in10 and in minor areas 811. The this country to materially help to it. His companion lost no ENGLISH SPOKEN Cane cultivations in Cuba oc in furthering our prosperity time in summoning help, but y Refrescos cupy 37. 609 hectareas and in he was too far gone when FORMER JUDGE OF THE LIMIOX DISTRICT COURT Criteria OCASION ue per on OS.
COSTA RICA SODA WATCR FACTORY ara tom ibir rriba sobre falto le los taken out.
Every effort to in FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
The Roadway to our Cemetery Races at Cahuita once Regarding The Inte.
to to La Se vende muy barata y en buenos términos de pago artico finco de 100 hectáreas de terreno cultivadas asi: 12 hecLA FLORIDA hace táreas de Cacao y resto montaña virgen con una casa. Soil Situada en Santa Rosa de Limon.
prove Εύα President Cortes must cer The hill is now being tackledi Fábrica de Hielo Informes tainly have been pleasingly from both ends with twoi enis Venta de Leche ROTHE ROIG impressed wtih the thought tramcars going all the while, Ful fulness of our ex Comandan so more men SAN JOSE are constantly Maderas te, Col. Arturo Loria, and his needed to replace those whose el pe 100 varas Norte de La Tribuno second in Command, Col. term of indenture may have: Ismael Pantoya, for institut expired.
bisa int this means of exercise for nidos a Jater date when the Caribthose unfortunates who fall Very soon Col. Pantova bean Syndicate could bring within the grip of the law, dream will have materialized er la The Sponsors of the Sportthering is anticipated for the up their animals and help to and at the same time giving and beautiful driveway the above township seem day vacation.
with ornamental make our day a grand success our City a piece of roadway provided in eo be expecting a great Meet Is is a pity the Estrada hor Wont Mr. Tom Armstrong and which while adding to its trees to shade the boulevard in Easter Monday, 18th April. ses do not chime in and by his colleagues recognize the adornment, provides a pleas and Lang y Lang to perfume sent They appear to be expecting postponing their meeting to necessity?
ant prominade for those who the atmosphere where Il Limon to visit then when must of necessity visit the there was nothing save Vicihey will show us how sucCity of our Dead ous smelling swamps and crab essfully they can conduct a As the work was instituted wells. We congratulate Col.
Race Meet. The event is ded conjointly with our 2nd Co Pantova and his subordinate ake place over their Course FROM PAGE ever, if he will be able to sur mandante, now that don Ar officers.
The Caribbean Race Track eral Franco in Spain, conse vive until then the opposition turo has been removed ale The big Launch The Escupe quently France is most an to which his foreign policy is Cartago, Col. Pantoya is most de Fuego has been engaged to xious to openly give all the subjected and which gets energetically pushing the le comfortably convey all who help she can to the govern fiercer each day. It is alrea dream to a realization. As the anay wish to make the day ment party and to go into ac dy hinted that he will be law de Vagos is being rigidly Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON ir puting. The Launch will lea tual occupation of a part of compelled to demit office and enforced, the ranks of this ve here at a. on the 18th the Spanish territory incluid that his predecessor, Baldwin, army of workers gets bigger and start from Cahuita on the ing the Balearic Islands near will be brought back as also and bigger every day, As soon ABOGADO return trip at a. the next Gibraltar so as to protect the Eden. The Minister of War is as any one is seen loiterin; day. The Launch Moderno freedom of the Mediterranean, known to be opposed to the around the city aimlessly and y NOTARIO PUBLICO ha salso been engaged to but she awaits the decision of manner in which internatio without occupation, he is tabring back all those who the British government which nal matters are being handled: ken to the quarry and placed cual Ingianna di must return the same day: Premier Chamberlain says he The discord between Poland to fill a car or two with the She will leave Cahuita at a will announce during the com and Lithuania proceeds, earth being excavated from Oficina: Altos Pasbout p. An immense ga ing week. Its doubtful, how though it is hoped they will the hill to fill in the swamps.
be able to come to an amicable solution of the trouble.
The Nationalists are continuing their offensive in the most intensive manner with the hope, it is alleged of bring ing matters to a decisive point within the next few weeks, LIMON, COSTA RICA Barcelona has been subjected Next to LA PROVEEDORA to the most horrible aerial MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Messurements less than feet at bombings since the whole pe riod of the struggle. In the All Compro cacao Material de Tranvía Ne wand Complete Assortment of Lumber. coriza sector they are report Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo ed to have suffered more than 0. 25 per foot 4, 000 casualties in their recent Importación de mercadería en general. ti.
Soveposrs02006069099GOLSOS. COPS0987990058.
SU Lumbei Deposit SAITA Guillermo Niehaus Co.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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