
The Atlantic Vaice THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Help ye one another. If we open our hands and give then our consciousness opens, and we become receptive to Divine blessing.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: NATION There he who scattereth and yet increaseth: and there is he who with holdeth more than is meat but it tendeth to roverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.
Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday March 26th 1938 188 The Resurrection of Limon Regarding The Interna.
tional Complications by don Leon Wireless News The recent visit of our most energetic and capable Presidena Lic. Leon Cortes Castro has already borne much fruit for the betterment of our beautiful city, the principal gateway of cur picturesque country, so meritoriously regarded as the Switzerland of the New World. Indeed, from the time of don Rafael Yglesias, whose name must ever be associated with the history of Limon, there has never been a President who has proven himself so alive to the interests of this Province as has con Leon. As a consequence of his visits, we are assured many improvements. We are to be provided with an adequate supply of good water at a cost of something like eight hundred thousand colones. We are assured the construction of a market, worthy the principal gateway of the Republic, for a sum around 200. 000 colones.
Following on his visit with which our indefatigable Limonense don Paco Gutiérrez, Minister of Finance, and our very sympathetic Minister of Public Works and Agriculture, Engineer don Ricardo Pacheco Lara, were associated, we have also been assured the erection of our Hospital at a cost of about a million colones. It has now been definitely decided that this institution is to be located on thd Rafael Yglesias Plaza, instead of on that of the Base Ball, as was recently stated. The buildings in connection therewith will be a wonderful adornment to our City, while the open spaces on the plaza will be converted into shadey promenades for the convalescents. An upto date stadium will be erected on the present Base Ball Plaza where all our games of sport will take place. This visit has also assured us of the completion of the road way to Moin via Portette, the belt to be completed by connecting with that leading to the Cemetery. It is authoritatively stated that this important driveway is to be asphalted.
It will consequently be seen that due to the rectitude of mind of our far visioned President, the dawn of that Easter Day which will place our City of Limon on a par with all of the country other important cities, is fast approaching; and this must certainly be most gratifying to those who supported his election campaign and secured him such and overwhelming victory. Don Leen administration has followed the PATH OF BLESSEDNESS so he has been enabled, by Divine providence, to carry out bis good intentions for the best interests of his beloved country, thereby attracting the goodwill and affection of not only his close adherents but also those who, quite mistakenly, were once his political opponents. Truly applicable to don Leon are the following lines of John Burroughs, The waters know their own and draw The brooks that spring in yonder height So flows the good with equal Law Unto the Soul of pure delight.
The anxiously awaited decia an assurance that Italy had no withdrawn from Spain and a rations, regarding the policy political, territorial or economi atisfactory assurance given the British government inten cal pretentions regarding eith that no new ones would be sent ded to pursue in the face of er Spaia or the Balearic Is into the country.
exiding internation condi lands.
In view therefore of the ontions, were given last Thursday He nevertheles declared thatnouncement that the Italian beffe a crowded Parliamen Italy had been given to under Dictator says he can only protary Session, by Premier Cham stand that before the conversa mise the withdrawal of the berlain. Although said to have tions could be concluded, et men after General Franco het been one of the most impor would be absolutely necessary been assured victory, it would tant and interesting discourses that the Italian volunteers be (TO PAGE 11)
delivered by a Prime Minister since the World War, it did 10 not it is alleged, in any mann er disclose a line of conduct whit would materially infer fere with what was already GENEVA In a note ad have been considered recogs known.
dressed to Berlin on the 22nd. tion of the annexation.
He reiterated the determinainstant, Joseph Avenol, Secre. MEXICO CITY. Operettion of Britain to continue al tary General of the League of ors of Mexico policy which would maintain expropriated Nations, acknowledged Ger Petroleum industry have been world peace, though this did many communication to the rushing evacuation of Ameri not indicate she would not effect that annexation of Aus can and other foreign workers fight if the necessity arose and tria terminated its League men from isolated areas where Me for which he was prepared. bership. The League notexico for Mexions sentiment He also declared that Grect made no mention, officials said mounted. The evacuations Do.
Britain would not be obliged of the customary two year no ceeded as thousands of students to automatically declare for tice required from a meni ber parcded the city and the Con war if Checoslovakia were at wishing to retire, as it was federation of Mexican tacked by Germany. though Workfeared such a reference mighters ordered a nationwide she would certainly do so if either France or Belgium were (TO PAGE 9)
ES With respect to the negotiations now in progress with Italy, the Premier was regarded as being rather optimistie to the outcome, particulalry as Mussolini had, he said, promis ed to faithfully co operate in the carrying out of the arrangement for the evacuation of Coreign volunteers from Spain and had more especially given SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Ilabana solamente Estos vapores no llevarán café.
VAPORES SALIDAS QUIRIGUA Marzo 28 ANTIGUA Abril The Malaria Plague in Cieneguita LIMON TRADING COMPANY According to the latest report Malaria, we find that the dis This district is constantly floo Salidas semanales de Limón para Cristóbal from the Rockefeller Institute trict of Cieneguita gives the hi ded by rain waters which leave Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Ameriwhich wages a constant warfare chest percentage of this ailment, stagnant pools on lands which canos con frasbordo en Cristóbal a los magniticos vapoon Tropical Diseases, principally and well it must.
could readily be converted into res de la Colombian Line que prestan servicio semanal healthy lots for building purhacia Nueva York, con conexión rapidisima.
EL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PUERTOS EUROIf the mouths of the Black PEOS INCLUYENDO LONDRES Hole and the Limoncito River were properly dredged and kept LIMON Marzo 31 open these cesspools and mosMETAPAN ABRIL quito haunts would be a thing of LUMBER YARD the past and Cieneguita made a ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
healthy locality.
Who can fail to remember We have opened a Lumber Yard what the United Fruit Company Llevando café solamente para Lortune accomplished at Almirante, at CORRALES ABRIL where we carry in stock a complete their own cost, in order to convert that immense swamp into a ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
assortment of all kinds of Native healthy town for the habitation Agentes para Limón of the white man. Some thirty Lumber. Special sizes to order. years or so ago they sent Mr.
Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la We also have Portland Ceinent, RoofH. Field there and had the sand from the sea pumped into UNITED FRUIT COMPANY ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenthe swamps completely filling en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en Sap José them to a height of three feet TELEFONO 1 6 tine and all other building materials.
above sea level. Almirante was thus transformed into a healthy SEND IN YOUR ORDERS district with a fine harbour and good building lots on which not any operation since the Rocke Governor, not place such a aikmosquito was to be found. There feller Institute is so enthusiastic gestion before Doctors Washon:n is no season why the same pro in co operating with the govern and Boyd, and cause bis name cedure could not be entrusted ment to rid our tropical town to be ever associated with the Limon Division to the Engeneering Department ships of diseases. Will don Ri improvements his hose vaan of this Division of the Compa eardo Alvarado, our present town?
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanyItalyLeón CortésMussoliniPresidentes de Costa RicaSpainWorld War

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