
West Africans Boycott British Goods Abarrotes en general Treasure Hunters Abandon Efforts as an Página THC. ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY MARCH 26th. 1938 From GUACIMO LIMON MERCANTILE Co. Sacred concert took place MADURO LUMBER YARD in the Guncimo Baptist Church on Tuesday evening the 14th.
Dealers in native lumber and produce instant, whea a twofold proDear Mr. Editor: 215 South of Post Office gramme was rendered by the LUIS WA CHONG children of the vicinity. They Culled from a rescu were all at their best though ee, the following all, feel GUACIMO y GUAPILES COMPANIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
special mention must be made Kunstine, create or than pas Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO at the songs rendered by Mits sing interest among the large Al sur del correo Apartado 215 Hibbert and Miss Grey. It was majority of your readers. parVenta de maderas Cantina, Licaros ExCompra de productos.
the first occasion on which the ticularly in view of the State tior appese before a puments contained in the artiele tranjeros y del pais.
Tienda bien bi: budience, and her inclo.
regarding Coloured Pe ples dous voice was worth listenund Unification in your site it to the recitation by Miss of the 26th February Precios sin competencia Cyrus, a tiay babe, surprised Toward the closeOL year the native farmers of Brit The Story Daily Meadow ish West Africa became evrou history of West Africa, we ore comprised the second part of ly dissatisfied with the prie told that the entire native ps Another failure has we are back in San Jose. They the programme, the reading ofered for their Cacao croppulation united as one man in role, been registered in the have abandoned the enterori being most effectively done by the European Merchonte, order to assert their econo scores and scores of efforts se, on account, we understand, by Mrs. Moodie. The tale was as they claimed this was larmie rets, and wh. de pitemide to uncover the fabulous of the head of the perty dis interesting and the songs, renbolow the present day value the attempts on the part of pirates horde still believed by covering that the information dered so pleasingly by the chilof the produet. Strenuous of the authorities to intimidate many to be in existence so which caused him to formula dren enhanced its interest.
forts were made to a secure them and force them to sul mewhere on or in the vicini te the venture is entirely use Save for some boys who rereasonable adjustment, but as their crops or buy goods, co asity of the Coco Island.
less in so far as it is said to mained outside the building all failed, the growers decisto ave:t the bankrupty of many After spending some cight refer to the Coco Island. It and conducted ed they would hold their crop of the white merchants, decid days or so on the island, the is rumoured that the matter St. Paul would have said afte until they got better offers. In ed to stand firm. Becoming a speditionists, who recently may be threshed out in the er the manner of wild beats, order, however, to force mallarmed at the seriousness orgot permission to try their Courts.
the evening was a well spent ters, apparently, they also de the situation, it is stated, the hand at locating the treasure, one, and it is hoped the promot cided to abstain from buying governor of the colony personal er of this function will endea anything of British origin. ly intervened and advised the TIENDA DE MIL COLORES vour to have another at monster mass mteting, farmers to accept for one year, ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ, Propietario early date. It rather encoupresided over by Nana Sir the prices offered them, after Tenemos mucho gusto en anunciar a nuestros favorece raging to see and hear the Zori Atta and attended by most which period they could make dores, que hemos abierto en esta ciudad una Sucur childre rendor their songs of the principal Chiefs and other terms. This suggestion sal del bien afamado establecimiento que leand recitations so admirably.
Farmers, was held in the city was rejected and the Governor va el mismo nombre en San José, LA Correspondent.
of Accra, Gold Goast, on the informed that the farmes would TIENDA DE MIL COLORES. que 23rd. December, and after the rather cut dowa their plantahace más de 15 años cuenta entire situation had been re tions and cultivate food crops con la mejor clientela.
BOOTH viewed and the matter fully disthar continue growing Cacao Se invita al público o que vengo a encargar lo que necesite BEST cused it was definitely decid for the mere benefit of the sus órdenes TIENDA DE MIL COLORES BAKED ed to continue the nation. British manufacturers who Frente al establecimiento del señor Scholz BERLIN Wide Boycott against British were maling fortunes by payBREAD good as well as the holding ing little or nothing for their BUNS up of the cocoa until the crops.
BISCUITS CAKES SAN CARLOS Planters Arrange Merchants agreed to buy With thanks in anticipation more reasonable price.
Better Transport Service THE PEOPLE BAKERY This is the first time in the Africa au We understand that the Ba Nicaragua, to transport their Box 179 Limon COCOS: ES0S. DEDUS 1980 364e3993033482ator nada Planters of the San Car fruito to this port. She is said los region have at last been to be capable of carrying a able to overcome the difficul load of 10. 000 stems, avith the Cash Relief for Canal ty which they have been en greatest safety.
countering in the matter of Should this further effort Ex Workers LIMON, COSTA RICA proper and safe transporta on the part of these industria tion for their fruit.
lists prove all they anticipate, MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS They have now, according it will undoubtedly give an Washington cable advises to the information which has impetus to the industry in that President Roosevelt las Compro cacao Material de Tranvía reached us, secured the ser those parts and assist in bet issued an Executive order auvices of the launch Stella tering our economic condi thorizing the Governor of the Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo Maris which was recently tions.
Panama Canal to provide cash Importación de mercadería en general.
reconditioned in Bluefields, relief for former employees of the Canal and Panama Rail. ODBRDOSQsODCBSDonood road who are in needy circumstances The order stipulated, it is According to a Southamp amination and testing of 220 understood that the relief to release 500 workmen, 000 tubes in the boilers and should not exceed a monthly from plumbers to piano tuners condensers, 257. 000 furbine allowance of twenty five dolMuch interest has been The naval defence Ilia and from caulkers to chim blades and 350 miles of elec lars.
roused, it is stated, in London, which amounts to around ney sweeps, were engaged for tric wiring. not forgetting by the announcement that un 100. 000 pounds annually. six weeks recently in over 30. 000 electric lights sive less the Indian government The local fleet, know. as hauling the Cunard White some idea of the immensity of arranges to maintain a the Royal Indian N:Ivy, con Star Liner Queen Mary prepa the task. The lengths of cargoing fleet of not less than sists, at present, of five sloop, ratory to commencing her pets removed and cleaned asix escort vessels free to CO. a surveying ship, another for third North Atlantic season. mouted to something like twen operate with the Royal Navy, training purposes and some Thirty different trades and ty miles. On the domestic side apart from fulfilling its res minor craft. The Indus is the crafts were represented. some 1000. 000 pieces of linen, LIMON ponsability with respect to most modern of the vesels, she The repainting of the hull 200. 000 pieds lys, chithe navel deſence of local was completed in 1935 and and superstructure of this na, etc. and 20. 000 piece: of ports, the government in the took part in the Jubiles and great vessel is said to have table ware were inspected and Fábrica de Hielo United Kingdom will forego Coronation Reviews.
covered an area equal to 20 renewed where necessary.
its direct contribution toward acres; while the cleaning, exy Refrescos a Guillermo Niehaus Co.
The Overhauling of the Queen Mary India Must Maintain Fleet Een COSTA RICA SODA WATCH FACTORY Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso de su recibo que dice: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 dias de cada mes.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitornos la pons de tener que cortor su servicio.
We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would much regret to take.
LA FLORIDA Fábrica de Hielo Venta de Leche y Maderas COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE


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