
238 Huge Sums Claimed for Damages ors; he the game of Chances Dr. Jiménez Guier SATURDAY MARCH 26th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 Intransit Panamanian Athletes 10 COMPANIA BANANERA DE COSTA RICA Honoured La Compañía Bananera de Costa Rica, recuerda a sus abonados que Messrs. Arturo Baker, Charles record established by de conformidad con el aviso publicado en La Gaceta 224 de de Oc.
Jessie tubre de 1937, el seis de abril entrante a las veinticuatro horas dejará de Belezere, Cybert Campbell Owens suministrarles energia eléctrico, servicio que de alli en adelante estará a Theophilus Thomas and Jenning Through the kindness of Mr.
cargo de la Compañia Eléctrica de Limón, con lo que fueron hechos oporBlackett, the Panamanian Athle Nelson, who willingly gran tuncmente los crreglos necesarios.
tes who excelled in field and ted the Manager of the Cubs track events during the recent of this City, the use of his Limón, 22 de Marzo de 1938.
Olympic Games in our Sister residence, a function in honour Republic, stopped here last Mon of the athletes was held and was day while on their way to New attended by Messrs. Johnson, Orleans. On the recommenda Hall, Babb, GoulbourLion of Mr. A, Hogarty, the Ame ne, Taylor, Coleman, rican Coach who prepared the, Maitland, Harris, Harold Nel Panamanian Athletes for the son and Allan Hylton, os also Olympies, the Directors of the the Misses Hazel and Muriel Xavier University in New Or Wright, Myriam and Mildred IN learis very generously accorded Green and Mrs. Johnson. Mr.
these young men a four year Maitland acted as Host of the Acording to a Washington, having been confiscated to the Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON course gratis, with the expecta function which was after the announcement, the government State by virtue of an Executiiton they will continue to excel nature of a banquet, and in a of the United States of Aine ve Decree, and all their privaand in time become the leading very pleasing manner extended rica has made a claim against te rights nationalized, Citims ABOGADO athletes of the University. a hearty welcome to the visit Japan for the mild sum of aggregating the very apprecia was followed by Mr. 214. 008 dollars as compen ble sum of four hundred mil y NOTARIO PI BLICO Arturo Baker specialized in Nelson and Mr. Johnson, Messrs.
seation for the sinking of the lion dollars have been lodged High Jump during the Olympics Campbell and Blacket suitably gunboat Panay in the Yang against the government of the Oficina: Altos Pas and secured second place. He responded on behalf on the Ath tze River and the personal and Republic. starred in the 400 meter Race, letes, while Mr. Baker gave a cual Ingianna mafcrif! lctes sustained in President Cardenas statcs he his time being 49, seconds; he short but interesting synopsis of consequence was compelled to decree the also participated in the 4x400 the Olympics.
It is understood that the Ja expropriation measures against Relay Race. The others who ex. The functoin closed with all panese government has express the Oil Companies operating in The Fate of Our zere, Campbell and Thomas the very best successes would celled in this Race were Bele present expressing the hope that sed its willingness to pay the the country by reason of their amount and thereby, it is hop persistent disrespect for Blacket ran the 100 meter race attend the future of their ed close the atrocious affair. laws inaugurated for the ecoin 10, seconds; equalling the friends.
of the sum claimed, 208. nomic betterment of Mexico 336. 00 dollars will be appro which misconduct would even. 000.
The obstinacy displayed by priated for distribution among tually have produced serious the Game of Chances in this the familes of those who were dificulties between the inna Province might well be compakilled and injured.
bitants and his government hered with the Christian Relifurther alleges.
gión; for the more it is perseCIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENTAL In connection with the los Negotiations toward a settle cuted the more it spreads. It SURGERY ses the foreign Oil Companies ment of the difficulty will, it seem to have come to stay. In (Medical College of Virginia (Medical College of Virginia who operated in Mexico claimis expected. be conducted spite of the Authorities hunting and Atlanta Southern College and Atlanta Southern College they have sustained as the re through international channels out the sellers in every possible E, sult of their petroleum min and will afford much interest section of the Province, it is un Oirece sus servicios en fecha Offers his services to the puing concessions and properties as time goes by.
derstood it has reached the In próxima al estimable público blic of Fort Limon in rear terior, even to the Capital, whede Limón.
re the much sought after Tickets can be obtained. 09 No matter how stringently the laws are enforced, the peothe International.
ple will buy. It is learnt there MATINA y 24 MILLAS are two Chinese merchants in this city being held for deportation as also two coloured venFrom Page ish Ambassador in Rome is sup Los más surtidos Establecimientos de dors. It is interesting to know that LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES what will be the procedure ad scem as if the Premier expec posed to have intimated materializo, all the negotiation fundamen opted when Costa Rican born tations will not Háganos una visita.
citizens are discovered specula unless of course, he is prepar tal points had been agreed on, ting in this illicit game. It is evi ed to materially change his o the arrangement only needing to dent they will be fined and im pinion and be subjugated by certain finishing touches prisoned, but so soon as their the will of the Italian, who draft the Pact.
sentences are served and they we cannot help feeling is but However, in the face of all regain their liberty, they will remarking time in the hope that this, France is making gigansort to the same means of earn both he and Franco will have tic preparations for war, and ing a livelihood and run the risk obtained their objective the declines to say whether she has of further punishment as they meantime these negotiations sent ammunition and men to (Viene de la Pagina UNO) do no regard the matter in the are being drogged out. It is the aid of the Spanish governnable, que de a cada dificultad light of a Crime. No matter how noted that no reference el corazón de cada costarricen una solución, que garantic al was ment. The most comprellensisevere the punishment, the ga made to the question of theve arrangements for a rapid se, de todo centroamericano, de Continente el imperio de la los ciudadanos del Continente, paz.
me seem to have become second conquest of Ethiopia, although and intensive mobilization have en esta hora en que nature to a large number of per it is supposed to be the princi also been approved by the Sena parecen Así, vemos con simpatia es: naufragar los ideales de paz y te empeño de Fernández Mire that the only satisfaction to be mands. It is understood howev sons therefore it would appearpal point in the Italian de te.
de cordialidad internacional de divulgar ideas alrededor de given the Junta de Asistencia er, it will be placed before the que la tea refulgente de San nuestro Héroe máximo, de pre Publica is to place a heavy Li League of Nations for final de that the insurgent forces are Reports from Spain indicate tamaria como la luz que ha sentarlo como un símbolo con cense on the Traffic, say two ciston, when and will be continuing their offensive de incitar a los Americanos a Itinental. Los costarricenses. le hundred colones per month pay expected to support the Italian long three fronts and have remantener siempre vivos a con son deudores de agradecimien able by the vendors. This would viewpoint and thereafter vertirlos en tradición efecti to; en esa forma, él está traba ad gistered several gains though va, sus ideales de solidaridad jando por el futuro de nuestro annum fro méach vendor and the development of the Afriment give the Junta 2, 400 colones per vance the funds required for the resistence of the governsu fé en la convivencia hermal Continente.
would be quite an item to astroops have improved sist in the maintenance of our can Empire under such terms notably in all sectors as al concharitable Institutions. To spend us may be arranged by the Com sequence of heavy reinforcetwenty five cents with the posmittee of the League. The Britments.
sibility of winning twenty colones weekly is a great induce.
ment to those who are disposed LIMON, COSTA RICA to gamble. There are laws for Importación the prevention of murder, theft, Imports and Exports and the like, yet these are conti nually committed. Why then Exportacion Con el orgullo del que hace el bien should the State make criminals Depósito de Madera Lamber Deposit of otherwise honestminded peo ple, whose only sin is what may, Ayude al Hospital, donde hay sufrimiento y dolor Compra de Cacao en que aliviar. y a donde todos podemos llegar. Protegiendo to them, seem an innocent way a los que padecen nos protegemos a nosotros mismos.
Cocoa Purchased of earning twenty grano colones by the small investment of a niCompre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL ckel HOP LEE LUNG Rogarding Juan Santamaría. ALLAN SIME Compre Lotería Nacional Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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